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View Poll Results: Do You Believe In A God?

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  • Yes

    95 46.34%
  • No

    110 53.66%
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Thread: Do You Believe in a God?

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Of course there is no such thing as a god!

    And I don't hate people who do believe in god. But I think they are being somewhat naive and idiotic.

    If you want something to think about with relation to god then buy George Carlin's "Bad For ya" dvd.

    Yes he's a comedian but he questions a lot of relevant subjects and makes you think something serious.

    One points he makes is that you have to take your hat off when you go into church because you're in the presence of god..... Then when you ask religious people "Where is god?" they say "Everywhere." He responds with "why would you buy a hat?"

    I think "god" was an excuse for the unexplainable back in the day when science wasnt around....

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Pretty Much Sorts This Discussion Out.....

  3. #103
    Join Date
    May 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Olin View Post
    One points he makes is that you have to take your hat off when you go into church because you're in the presence of god..... ....
    Strange I cannot remember any time I ever went to church wearing a hat, so thats one theory shot down, I have seen lots of wifies wearing hats in the kirk, do they get special dispensation
    Last edited by golach; 09-Nov-09 at 17:33.
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Olin View Post
    Of course there is no such thing as a god!

    And I don't hate people who do believe in god. But I think they are being somewhat naive and idiotic.

    I think "god" was an excuse for the unexplainable back in the day when science wasnt around....
    Doesn't everyone need something to believe in. It's the people who believe that World peace will happen are naive, in my opinion. Children aren't taught about Jesus and God in school for no reason. The nativity play isn't acted out every year with parents and child putting so much effort it. No God = No Christmas.
    However, you might be onto something about using god as an excuse. Personally made the earth in 7 days is a little far-fetched even for Chuck Norris.
    I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible View Post
    Doesn't everyone need something to believe in. It's the people who believe that World peace will happen are naive, in my opinion. Children aren't taught about Jesus and God in school for no reason. The nativity play isn't acted out every year with parents and child putting so much effort it. No God = No Christmas.
    However, you might be onto something about using god as an excuse. Personally made the earth in 7 days is a little far-fetched even for Chuck Norris.
    What absolute rubbish you talk, Chuck Norris would have had the job done in 4

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    This poll is turning out a lot more evenly than I expected it would, pretty much half and half. I was expecting a strong religious victory, dont ask why.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    You mean "throw" out, but the quotation is not mine, it is from Prof. Sir Fred Hoyle and Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe, both atheists when they investigated this problem. Their conclusion? "There MUST be a God."
    Although the ideas they express are interesting, I do not agree with them, or their conclusion. Also, for the number of scientists that you can find who reach that conclusion, I can find hundreds more which disagree with it. Their opinion, is not proof of a god of any sort.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    The analogy with the 747 has nothing to do with missing links or evolution of design on an engineer's drawing board, it was actually about the possibility of simple molecules forming from inorganic material anywhere in the universe in 15,000,000,000 years.

    You see, you cannot have the chicken without the egg, for when the chicken dies there will be no more chickens. It must have been complete from the outset.

    So you cannot have the tornado first assembling a tail fin or a light housing and then waiting for the next tornado to come along. The point was that it has to be assembled at once - all bits working - as they were designed to do.
    Although that is a nice analogy, it is meaningless. A human being is not a plane. For example, we share 97% (I think, check before quoting that, but it is fairly high anyway) of our genes with mice. So it's not as if a human being was made in one go like a plane. It took lots of small evolutionary steps, and this took time, something there was a lot of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    Does that question have any intelligent design to it?
    That makes little sense, but if you really want an answer, then yes. The question was written by somebody, whether they are geniuses or not, they are more intelligent than the inanimate sentence, so it was designed intelligently (relative to the sentence) by somebody.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    As I said earlier, we must not confuse God with religion.
    Because that would be ludicrous...

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    A smart tornado?
    You can believe in an omniscient, omnipresent, (and a few other omnis) being, yet the idea of wind having intelligence so perplexes you? Perhaps it's because there is no book about this smart tornado that you don't believe in it... I see a best seller!

    Quote Originally Posted by Olin View Post
    And I don't hate people who do believe in god.
    Probably aimed at me, so I'll answer. I do not hate religious people, I hate religious people who either pity me or shove it down my throat.
    I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Doesn't god say to treat others as you would yourself. In that case we should go to all JW's houses and come in and drink their tea n biscuits and no take no for an answer.
    I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore

  9. #109
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  10. #110
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Alan16 View Post
    Although the ideas they express are interesting, I do not agree with them, or their conclusion.
    That's fine, I have no problem with that.

    Nor do I have a problem with redeyedtreefrog's diagram, because the Bible is not the word of God, it is mainly man-made lies and deception. Hence, I do not believe in God because the Bible tells me to.

  11. #111
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    Well, instead of "thinking as much," it would have been nice for you to comprehend the quote, which, by the way, was not from me, but from two world-class, atheistic scientists.

    The analogy with the 747 has nothing to do with missing links or evolution of design on an engineer's drawing board, it was actually about the possibility of simple molecules forming from inorganic material anywhere in the universe in 15,000,000,000 years.

    You see, you cannot have the chicken without the egg, for when the chicken dies there will be no more chickens. It must have been complete from the outset.

    So you cannot have the tornado first assembling a tail fin or a light housing and then waiting for the next tornado to come along. The point was that it has to be assembled at once - all bits working - as they were designed to do.
    I agree with the tornado striking through a scrapyard and creating a Boeing 747 analogy, the odds are immensely against it happening, but that is what the creationists are proposing what happened and anything that can create such a odd-defying feat has to be even more odd-defying, there is no way out of that one if you want to explain it.

    We always have something before the egg, the chicken is only an exercise in taxonomy for our benefit rather than to describe something fully in reality.

    Take for instance crystal growth, when you get down to it, crystals aren't alive in the sense that we classically describe something as alive. But they do grow using the same inter-molecular interactions that exist in the higher mammals. Similarly, there are other biological agents such as prions and viruses which give scientists a certain difficulty as to whether to describe them as alive or not. Higher up the biological chain we have similar dilemmas of classification. So what I am getting at is that the odds aren't against it of happening in the past as we can already see examples of intermediary-like organisms in the world today. We just need to open our eyes and hearts to the idea that every living creature on theis planet has been proven to be originated from a common ancestor. That is fact from analysis of our DNA.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  12. #112
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    I agree with the tornado striking through a scrapyard and creating a Boeing 747 analogy, the odds are immensely against it happening, but that is what the creationists are proposing what happened and anything that can create such a odd-defying feat has to be even more odd-defying, there is no way out of that one if you want to explain it.
    I do not know of any creationist who would say that such a thing happened. Creationists point out that such a thing is impossible ... by chance.

    A believer in God can go so far back and then has to say, "God did it." A believer in the idea of organic evolution can never stop with, "God did it," but has to keep going backwards. However, there is no way to get even "simple" molecules by chance.

    Take, for instance, the necessity to get oxygen to our cells. There is one protein molecule which is used to place oxygen in the blood stream and another protein molecule for taking it out. Neither is of any use without the other, which means that cells needing oxygen can not survive unless they themselves, together with these two protein molecules, came into existence at the same time.

    Crystal growth has nothing really to do with it. As for whether a virus is "alive" or not, I don't know, but I do know that something as complex as a reproductive system, even in a bacterium, did not just spring into existence.

  13. #113
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    Take, for instance, the necessity to get oxygen to our cells. There is one protein molecule which is used to place oxygen in the blood stream and another protein molecule for taking it out. Neither is of any use without the other, which means that cells needing oxygen can not survive unless they themselves, together with these two protein molecules, came into existence at the same time.
    I don't think that is the case.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  14. #114
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I never thought I'd be a victim of my words being used as soundbites!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan16 View Post
    That makes little sense, but if you really want an answer, then yes. The question was written by somebody, whether they are geniuses or not, they are more intelligent than the inanimate sentence, so it was designed intelligently (relative to the sentence) by somebody.
    I'm not sure if how to take this, is this a compliment. Somewhat confused as to if I am/are geniuses, but then are we focusing on my mentality or grammar, and I understand little of both.
    Anyway, the sentence wasn't supposed to make sense and was written by an ijeet.

    yet the idea of wind having intelligence so perplexes you? Perhaps it's because there is no book about this smart tornado that you don't believe in it... I see a best seller!
    The smart tornado is my idea, go figure your own best seller.

    Anyhow, Gizmo. I'll raise you.....the A team, 3 days!

  15. #115


    o yes big God. little men
    if u worry u die, u die any way so why worry?

  16. #116
    Join Date
    May 2002


    everyone keeps on saying that God isnt scientific, yet would God not be the greatest scienteist ever? God created everything, everything can be explained.. (well one day maybe?) it all links up together. just because we dont have the answers now does not mean we ever wont.
    why does people think that to Love God you have to think inside the box?
    why can people be free thinkers, intelegent people who think out side the pre-consived notions of peoples long gone?
    lets see.. i believe in God, i believe in aliens, I belive in ghosts and a spirit world.. is it relevant? i say yes. individually, we are a people that use onloy about 10-15 percent of our brain, in a universe so huge its beyound comprehension. who are we to say what is fact or fiction in a thing that we know nothing about.
    its a big world people, keep your minds open.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phill View Post
    Anyhow, Gizmo. I'll raise you.....the A team, 3 days!

    How about, Chuck Norris joins The A Team, 2 days!

  18. #118
    Join Date
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    Thrumster - next to the best pub in the world "The Old Smiddy Inn"


    Quote Originally Posted by Alan16 View Post
    ...I do not agree with them, or their conclusion....I can find hundreds more which disagree with it...that makes little sense...the question was written by somebody (singular), whether they are geniuses (plural) or not, they are more intelligent than the inanimate sentence, so it was designed intelligently by somebody (or should that be somebodies?).......Because that would be ludicrous...You can believe in an omniscient, omnipresent, (and a few other omnis) being, yet the idea of wind having intelligence so perplexes you? Perhaps it's because there is no book about this smart tornado that you don't believe in it...Probably aimed at me, so I'll answer. I do not hate religious people, I hate religious people who either pity me or shove it down my throat.
    What an ignorant, annoying, immature and unbelievably condescending manner in your postings and not just on this thread. I have no pretence in the fact that I am no professor of grammar - but you were the one that started it and yet you couldn't take it when it was pointed out to you. You strike me as being the spoiled little boy that has always got his own way, that has always thought that he can do no wrong and that whatever he says or does is always right. I hate to tell you, but from what I can make out, you try to prove to yourself that you are someone you are not - that you know what you talk about but yet you still have a lot to learn. I bet you're quite annoyed with yourself that you couldn't get "there" and "their" right, since it's so simple it makes a mockery of your ability to talk like Einstein in such a way as you are trying to on such a subject matter as this.

    You contribute so much yet the actual substance of your contributions mean so little that they make me laugh. You have no ability to self examine and no ability to consider that you maybe, just ever so slightly, wrong - because you can't stand the thought of that word applying in a descriptive sense to you.

    Some time in life, you are going to find that you are quite insignificant and that your contributions given your attitude in your delivery, are even less so. That's such a shame because you're probably a nice person really, if your ego just didn't get so much in the way.

    God bless you. Whether you believe in God or not.


  19. #119
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    weik - by e' river


    i believe in god, but in the mother nature sense....the great goddess.

    i da believe there was ever a man called jesus christ, i da believe he was crucified and i da believe he was resurrected....i da believe mary wis a virgin an i da believe in 'e 3 kings...

    i believe in many things but 'iss image o' man, our holy father, which art in heaven....i do not.
    Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again
    Blessed Be...

  20. #120
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    What an ignorant, annoying, immature and unbelievably condescending manner in your postings and not just on this thread.
    I think you missed some...

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    I have no pretence in the fact that I am no professor of grammar - but you were the one that started it and yet you couldn't take it when it was pointed out to you.
    As I've explained before, when I pointed out the grammatical error in using the capital "g" where it shouldn't be it was of some relevance to the debate. Whoever it was who was using it the whole time, was doing it wrong, probably deliberately. I make mistakes in grammar the whole time, including many mistakes in this response probably. If people want to pick me up on tiny mistakes (ones not relevant to the debate) that's fine, but please at least proof read your own damn post criticising my grammar.

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    You strike me as being the spoiled little boy that has always got his own way, that has always thought that he can do no wrong and that whatever he says or does is always right.
    You may feel that way, but it is not the case. I know I'm not always right - and in fact I'm probably wrong more often than not.

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    I hate to tell you, but from what I can make out, you try to prove to yourself that you are someone you are not - that you know what you talk about but yet you still have a lot to learn.
    I know the limits to my knowledge. But on this topic I can only say that I do know what I'm talking about. I've studied the theory of evolution, I've read Origin of the Species, I've read The Bible. Sometimes, on those rare occasions, I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes, on rarer occasions, I'm right.

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    I bet you're quite annoyed with yourself that you couldn't get "there" and "their" right, since it's so simple it makes a mockery of your ability to talk like Einstein in such a way as you are trying to on such a subject matter as this.
    Yeah, I'm annoyed. Damn annoyed. Today I attended lectures on special relativity, yet I got primary school grammar wrong. Of course I'm annoyed.

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    You contribute so much yet the actual substance of your contributions mean so little
    I contribute on average one post a day. Let's be honest, this significantly lowers the chances of me saying anything remotely interesting. And sorry if I'm bursting a bubble, but the same probably holds for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    that they make me laugh.
    If my posts do nothing more, I'll be happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    You have no ability to self examine and no ability to consider that you maybe, just ever so slightly, wrong - because you can't stand the thought of that word applying in a descriptive sense to you.
    I can and quite often am wrong. It's to be expected is it not?

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    Some time in life, you are going to find that you are quite insignificant and that your contributions given your attitude in your delivery, are even less so.
    I think that happened quite a while ago sadly...

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    That's such a shame because you're probably a nice person really,
    Me in a nut shell.

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    if your ego just didn't get so much in the way.
    Sometimes I struggle to get out of bed, it's just so big!

    Quote Originally Posted by weeboyagee View Post
    God bless you. Whether you believe in God or not.

    Sentiment appreciated.
    I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost

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