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Thread: Liquid Blue - CD FIRST PLAY!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    meanwhile back at the ranch......

    i am sure many moons ago this thread started with a Liquid Blue ep release did it not?!

    so just to bring us back to the case in point, all the best for tonight in Fat Sam's folks, hope you play a blinder
    "you know and i know that we talk in circles most times"

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The last house


    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    so just to bring us back to the case in point, all the best for tonight in Fat Sam's folks, hope you play a blinder
    Here Here!!!!!!
    In the image of God? You must be joking!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Land of pennies


    Hear Hear even!!!

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    The last house


    Quote Originally Posted by Aaldtimer View Post
    Hear Hear even!!!
    Either way is fine for me. Here Hear!!!
    In the image of God? You must be joking!

  5. #25

    Default Studio facilities

    Hi guys just back from the Ultimate Chill semis in Dundee (see other posting) somewhat amazed at the controversy my posting regarding studio funding has caused. it was just a quick post before I headed South and it was in no way meant to put down any of the excellent local recording facilities which already exist. I was just delighted that we can offer a high quality inhouse studio at MLM. As Robin Murray correctly pointed out the funding is available to help deprived areas and give kids something else to do other than stand round street corners. Any incentive this gives the kids has to be encouraged plus access to MLM is free you don't have to be a member or pay a fee.
    If any of you want to see how MLM works and have a tour of the workshops get in touch with me and I will arrange it.

  6. #26


    How did they get on, then?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    In a great spot


    So with a £50K budget to play with, what musical gear is planned for the shopping list?

    I assume a large portion of this will go to converting the existing building/soundproofing etc. (or is that already in place?)

    I do also hope that you'll not be paying "consultant's" to advise on your purchase decisions. (who'll cream off as much as they can!!)

    I wish this scheme every sucess and its a great opportunity for all the local youth of the area to have such a facility.
    All the world's a stage and we are merely players . . . . .
    For more visit:

  8. #28

    Default Studio Equipment

    Thanks Deemac;
    David Shearer our media leader will be setting up and chosing the equipment using his extensive experience and knowledge of sound recording.

    A lot of the building work will be done my local companies who have agreed to help out by working at reduced rates as it's for a good cause.

    Another example of the community pulling together.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    The last house


    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Cowie View Post
    Thanks Deemac;
    David Shearer our media leader will be setting up and chosing the equipment using his extensive experience and knowledge of sound recording.

    A lot of the building work will be done my local companies who have agreed to help out by working at reduced rates as it's for a good cause.

    Another example of the community pulling together.
    Perhaps you would like to take us up to date with this project as, apart from hearing about all the cash available, nothing has been heard about it in the two years since this thread was started.

  10. #30


    The studio has been up and running quite some time now; fully equiped and being used by the bands who attend the MLM project although it is open to hire for anyone at competitve rates.
    The system is Pro Tools based and is kitted out to a very high standard, a drum kit and instruments including keyboards are supplied to use.
    Neither David Shearer or myself are involved with MLM as we have both stood down to various other committments but we both keep in touch and help out in advisory roles.
    Gleber if yourself or anyone else with an interest wants to see the studio and have a look around MLM either contact Wick Youth Club and speak to the manager Geoff Oswald or pop along on a Thursday night, you will be more than welcome.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Is it only geared for "Rock" outfits? Or Can it be used for Hip Hop/RnB style tracks as well?
    I only ask as I make all my own tracks but could do with a better quality vocal recording for my tracks.
    Can it just be a raw recording? and would any release have to mention where a "Vocal" was recorded?
    And is it a 32 bit set up?

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    32bit? Aren't most studios offering 24 bit bit-rates?

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeid View Post
    32bit? Aren't most studios offering 24 bit bit-rates?
    Well I have a 32 bit card but only normally use 24 bit.
    Reaper and Sonar use 64 bit for their underlying engine.
    I only asked as a higher bit rate gives you bigger headroom and gives better compression and doesnt clip soft peaks so much, and as I use alot of sub in my recordings would need this to happen.

    I am by no means a studio genius but just wondered about the quality.

  14. #34
    Join Date
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    My House


    32bit is only gonna be much use if you're doing hardcore post processing, and if you're needing to do so much post processing, then you're doing it wrong. 24bit should be enough for pretty much anyone(unless you're recording an orchestra maybe, and want to edit every single instrument).

    All the recordings I've ever been involved in or now do myself, are 24bit. The ear can only hear so much and the difference in quality between 16 and 24 bit is so minimal to the untrained ear, the difference between 24 and 32bit is gonna be even less.

    I think the 64bit thing with Reaper is to do with what OS's it can run on, rather than a specific bit rate.

    Are you using Reaper for recording? It's a good program, I liked it. Never actually did any band recording in it though. I discovered it around the same time I got Pro Tools 8.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeid View Post

    Are you using Reaper for recording? It's a good program, I liked it. Never actually did any band recording in it though. I discovered it around the same time I got Pro Tools 8.
    Yeah I use reaper for doing "live" recordings as it isnt resource hungry and monitors great.
    I use Acdi pro for alot of stuff but find with the monitoring it can run "out of sync" while recording live no matter now much I adjust ASIO!!!
    Reaper is a great bit of kit.
    I have about a 1000 VST's but Reaper is the only prog that I have that will use more than 90% of them wheras Acid pro uses about 60-70, which is a pain when using soft synths! Switching from Reaper to Acid pro!

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeid View Post
    Are you using Reaper for recording? It's a good program, I liked it. Never actually did any band recording in it though. I discovered it around the same time I got Pro Tools 8.
    You are a pro tool Jeid!


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