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Thread: Astronot E.P. Launch Party - 24th March 2007

  1. #1
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    Jan 2004

    Default Astronot E.P. Launch Party - 24th March 2007

    Last edited by theboss; 06-Mar-07 at 17:31. Reason: Missed a capital letter in the heading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Next door to Alice


    Lol, love the new Astronot banner

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Here bey! I reckon Reeeeeeev should turn up in e darth vader costume!! well, i dinna ken anyone wi an astronaut outfit but Darth lives in space! so thats good enough i'd say!

  4. #4
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    Jan 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Kev_Plastic_Food View Post
    Lol, love the new Astronot banner
    Thanks very much Kev. Gleber2 came up with it. Quite catchy I think!
    Last edited by theboss; 06-Mar-07 at 17:25.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by moncur View Post
    Here bey! I reckon Reeeeeeev should turn up in e darth vader costume!! well, i dinna ken anyone wi an astronaut outfit but Darth lives in space! so thats good enough i'd say!
    I reckon that sounds like a great plan.

    You could make an astronaut outfit though... all you need is a silver/white/orange boiler suit and a fish bowl!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss View Post
    I reckon that sounds like a great plan.

    You could make an astronaut outfit though... all you need is a silver/white/orange boiler suit and a fish bowl!
    man thats gonna have to be some size o bowl to fit ma coupon!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by moncur View Post
    man thats gonna have to be some size o bowl to fit ma coupon!
    How about a blue swimming cap then, you know, like those things the astronauts wear before they blast off!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss View Post
    Thanks very much Kev. Gleber2 came up with it. Quite catchy I think!
    Scratches his head and wonders and can see no relationship between me and that poster. Whatever may have been said or not said I hope your new CD does better than your "Take over Bid" when it is put on my CD player. Good luck with it.
    Ah, on second look, I see the connection. You know what they say about caps that fit!!!
    In the image of God? You must be joking!

  9. #9
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    It'll be better than when I put the Crimson Tide EP on(no offence to the band there).

    I'm sure it won't distort like that effort

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleber2 View Post
    Scratches his head and wonders and can see no relationship between me and that poster. Whatever may have been said or not said I hope your new CD does better than your "Take over Bid" when it is put on my CD player. Good luck with it.
    Ah, on second look, I see the connection. You know what they say about caps that fit!!!
    Banner was the word he used. BANNER! The poster as you correctly stated has nothing to do with you at all, but the BANNER says 'ASTROCRAP' which is the new name you came up with for my band in another post, remember? I know you're old but I was confident you knew the difference between a poster and a banner.

    Glad you're going to BUY a copy of the Astronot EP. Mark will be delighted that you're listening to his production work i'm sure. He really is a great man!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss View Post
    Banner was the word he used. BANNER! The poster as you correctly stated has nothing to do with you at all, but the BANNER says 'ASTROCRAP' which is the new name you came up with for my band in another post, remember? I know you're old but I was confident you knew the difference between a poster and a banner.

    Glad you're going to BUY a copy of the Astronot EP. Mark will be delighted that you're listening to his production work i'm sure. He really is a great man!
    I think, MR Bigpig(The tiltle of a song by Country Joe Macdonald), that it is rather obvious from my last post that I saw the mistake I made and stated so which renders most of the above as somewhat superfluous and petty.
    I never bought a copy of your CD. It was brought to me by one you consider a friend and he panned it as much as I did when I heard it and gave it back to him. As Mr Wright spent all of five or six years sitting at my shoulder during most of my recording work I would say that he picked up a fair bit of ancient wisdom and I would like to think he is applying it. One of these days I will probably hear one of his mixes and praise it but, until now, that has not happened.
    One's opinions are formed by one's education, experience, intelligence and ability and the longer one follows a particular path the more knowledge one acrues to back up one's opinions. Twice as long as you have been alive I have been following this path without diversion and taken that path through a large part of Planet Earth. It has been said that you cannot put an old head on young shoulders. How true. Put my head on your shoulders or your mate Jeids, and you would fall over from the weight.
    In the image of God? You must be joking!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleber2 View Post
    One's opinions are formed by one's education, experience, intelligence and ability and the longer one follows a particular path the more knowledge one acrues to back up one's opinions. Twice as long as you have been alive I have been following this path without diversion and taken that path through a large part of Planet Earth. It has been said that you cannot put an old head on young shoulders. How true. Put my head on your shoulders or your mate Jeids, and you would fall over from the weight.
    Have you opened your mind to new ideas at last then gleber2, or are those chauvinist thoughts getting too heavy for you to shoulder?

    Our paths have not crossed on here for some time but I fear that you have not yet learned some vital life skills that the young men with whom you joust have long since learned. I speak of humility and willingness to learn from others. You talk like a Jedi but your incessant stalking of Jeid is tiresome.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by crayola View Post
    Have you opened your mind to new ideas at last then gleber2, or are those chauvinist thoughts getting too heavy for you to shoulder?

    Our paths have not crossed on here for some time but I fear that you have not yet learned some vital life skills that the young men with whom you joust have long since learned. I speak of humility and willingness to learn from others. You talk like a Jedi but your incessant stalking of Jeid is tiresome.
    Humility and willingness to learn in these young fellows? That statement alone is enought to make me dismiss your thoughts out of hand. In a word or two, you don't seem to know your subjects very well and you certainly don't know me. Incessant stalking? I have hardly posted in months and only posted this time because I considered Jeid's name-calling of a local group to be offensive and uncalled for. Am I supposed to take the resulting insulting, childish tirade without coming back? I don't think so!!!!!
    Been to any witchcraft week ends recently?
    In the image of God? You must be joking!

  14. #14
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    Yawn yawn yawn...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleber2 View Post
    I think, MR Bigpig(The tiltle of a song by Country Joe Macdonald), that it is rather obvious from my last post that I saw the mistake I made and stated so which renders most of the above as somewhat superfluous and petty.
    I never bought a copy of your CD. It was brought to me by one you consider a friend and he panned it as much as I did when I heard it and gave it back to him. As Mr Wright spent all of five or six years sitting at my shoulder during most of my recording work I would say that he picked up a fair bit of ancient wisdom and I would like to think he is applying it. One of these days I will probably hear one of his mixes and praise it but, until now, that has not happened.
    One's opinions are formed by one's education, experience, intelligence and ability and the longer one follows a particular path the more knowledge one acrues to back up one's opinions. Twice as long as you have been alive I have been following this path without diversion and taken that path through a large part of Planet Earth. It has been said that you cannot put an old head on young shoulders. How true. Put my head on your shoulders or your mate Jeids, and you would fall over from the weight.
    My good god this is getting tiring. If we've gained nothing else from this at least we have some extra interest in our E.P launch.

    "MR Bigpig" that really is a cracker Johnny old boy. Congratulations on that one. That must've taken you ALL evening!

    I am well aware of the man who brought you our CD and I am also VERY aware on his opinion of it. With that i'm fine as I consider him very much a friend and our bands continue to work together despite differences of opinion on people and matters. We're all very much friends!

    You see, that's the difference between me and you. I can disagree with someone without throwing all my toys out of the pram over petty issues and dismissing people who you considered as long time friends. My experiences of you are pathetic. I still can't think of a reason why we originally entered your domain. Had it not been for Chobbers' exceptional talent, i'm pretty confident I wouldn't have. Despite all the past issues i'm glad that while Chobbers may mock me and my friends behind my back, at least he's still civil to me on the odd occasions our paths do cross and I am civil to him, as is Jeid.

    Our musical community is so small and yet you still find ways to break relationships due to miniscule disagreements. Well done. You are indeed, as Jeid stated, "the king". I have alot of respect for the majority of musicians in Caithness and you are the only one I have ever completely fallen out with. As I said above, even Chobbers still speaks to me on occassion and if it boils down to it, the original fall out was with him, not you!

    I think i've had my say now and intend to leave this 'discussion' alone. Nothing will ever be resolved over a message board and unless you would be willing to sit down and actually talk about the issues we've covered then I see no point in continuing this. Hiding behind a computer doesn't get anyone, anywhere!

  16. #16


    Congratulations and well done guys, its great to see a young local band writing and releasing their own material. Do you intend to promote the release outwith the county ie through touring / on / off line distribution, press / PR activities ? I am connected with a production company who could be interested in offering you some help, if you so desire

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleber2 View Post
    Humility and willingness to learn in these young fellows? That statement alone is enought to make me dismiss your thoughts out of hand. In a word or two, you don't seem to know your subjects very well and you certainly don't know me. Incessant stalking? I have hardly posted in months and only posted this time because I considered Jeid's name-calling of a local group to be offensive and uncalled for. Am I supposed to take the resulting insulting, childish tirade without coming back? I don't think so!!!!!
    Been to any witchcraft week ends recently?
    Yes, humility and willingness to learn in these young fellows. They listen and are not arrogant and dismissive. They want to move forward rather than dwelling on past 60s ideas of karma and dreams that have not and will not ever come true and thank goodness for that.

    You have been picking on Jeid for a long time even if you don't do it very often. Will you start picking on me because I don't bow to your old age stuck-in-the-60s dogma? I thought you were a teenager when I started posting here because you think you know it all but you come over as knowing nothing.

    You say that I certainly don't know you. I know you from your posts and that's enough for me. I don't think very much of them and I'm so far ahead of you in witchcraft terms that you'd never believe it. I know you've done it too so don't play that innocent card. How do I know? I'm a better witch than you are goddamnit.

  18. #18
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    in a house wi lights, but it is a light house


    Quote Originally Posted by crayola View Post
    I'm so far ahead of you in witchcraft terms that you'd never believe it. I'm a better witch than you are goddamnit.
    LMAO mwahahahahaha complete with black cat & broom stick

    LMAO big time

    exceedingly hilarious

    made my week

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Is there any chance this monumental event could be streamed live on the innernet so caithness rejects can watch it across the pond, make it a first for a Caithness band and get someone to set up a webcam!

    Yes it seems the Music section is becoming a shooting gallery, it seems people who don't even normally post in here are now coming in to stir the pot in their own childish way because they have nothing better to do than pretend to be smert and a witch, don't see that its really necessary when if you really want to annoy someone and get attention for yourself you could do it through PM to the person you want to wind up, no? Then everyone else won't have to listen to your ego inflated "I am urntellygent" rubbish!

    People with beefs or old feuds should sort out their differences privately and leave the forum as enjoyable for thos who want to come in and enjoy it!


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by crayola View Post
    I'm a better witch than you are goddamnit.
    That quote , in itself, says it all. Away and play wi' your familiar.
    In the image of God? You must be joking!

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