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Thread: Dairy products are causing cancer.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Dairy products are causing cancer.

    I've just been reading an article in the Telegraph that a leading scientist has warned that eating dairy products like milk, cream and cheese is linked to cancers. It could explain why chinese women in China have much lower incidences of breast cancer 1:100,000 compared to 1:12 in the West because chinese diets are virtually dairy-free.

    The article goes on to explain how cutting out dairy and other animal products like meat and eggs can also have a greater beneficial health impact on our health and yet CancerUK has not supported this despite the evidence.

    It makes me think that if dairy is causing cancer then will dairy products stand side by side with tobacco as dangeroous substances?
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  2. #2
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    W.H.O. figures claim otherwise but who am i to contest them. As for dangerous foods, i highly doubt there are any dangerous foods, it's more likely to be all the crap and antibiotics that the animals are pumped full of and the plants sprayed with that are dangerous and cause cancer. People don't realise that not everything that gets into the food chain is safe nor do they realise the harm caused by pollution but im not one to preach so i'll get back to my cigar, bacon sandwich and half bottle of whisky laced with vicodin......

  3. #3
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    This subject comes up very often and gets ridiculed by other experts, very often these experts are only experts when their expertise is proven right but then often are proven wrong by other experts who insist they are right. Now the question is who are we to believe, I wait with abated breath (not holding it) for experts to explain.
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  4. #4
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    What worries me is that dairy products do cause cancer. Why are chinese women seemingly unaffected by breast cancer? Are they super human in China but when they come to the west then they seem to suffer similiar rates to western women? It sounds preposterous. Why are the food labellers not telling us the risks involved with drinking milk and eating cheese? Could eating a slice of brie on a cracker have the same risks to our health as smoking a cigarette? We'd all be happy to give our child an ice cream but we would never give them a cigarette surely?

    Shaggy, you may be right about the injections and hormones may be the reason why dairy is carcinogenic but as the product and the injections are inextricably linked(organic farming notwithstanding) then we need to say dairy is causing cancer. Our dairy is produced on factory farms now where it is common practice to inject animals to promote growth unnaturally. We should really avoid the cosy 'farmer Giles' image for farming, that doesn't really exist.

    It reminds me of the tobacco industry back in 1950s to the 70s and society was in denial about the risks and health experts denied there was no link to lung cancer but epidemiology studies clearly showed a link.

    What if I could share some similiar epidemiological studies with eating dairy and see if there was a health risk, should people take things a bit more seriously?
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  5. #5
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    This was blatant quackery from the second I read the article. Found a couple good links by quickly googling the scientist's name.

    I think it would be better to believe specialist cancer scientists than a geochemist who basically has gone overboard with a correlation = causation fallacy.

    But what are your studies?
    Last edited by Serenity; 13-Sep-16 at 17:44. Reason: put correct link in

  6. #6
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity View Post
    This was blatant quackery from the second I read the article. Found a couple good links by quickly googling the scientist's name.

    I think it would be better to believe specialist cancer scientists than a geochemist who basically has gone overboard with a correlation = causation fallacy.

    But what are your studies?
    Well Serenity, you gave one link and the other is my original link. It seems quackery goes both ways with Katherine Albrecht who advocates that implanted chips leads to the Mark of the Beast and has written a book on religious quackery.

    Everyone has a grudge and bias I suppose.

    Regardless though, I want to get to the truth about dairy based upon real evidence, I haven't had time to do any research yet, it is teatime still. I just saw the article in the Telegraph and thought it was disturbing. I am prepared to come up with a lot of resistance to the thought that dairy products cause cancer given that Caithness is a farming and rural area. But I just want to get to the truth and if it is all quackery then it is quackery, the science doesn't support it. period. But if there is truth in any studies done then will you accept the studies and any conclusions?
    Last edited by Rheghead; 13-Sep-16 at 17:39.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
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  7. #7
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    The results of my research will probably end in three courses of action.

    1. The links between dairy and cancer are not supported by science so there is nothing to worry about.
    2. There is a link between dairy and cancer and the person chooses to consume dairy whilst knowing the risks.
    3. There is a link between dairy and cancer and the person cuts down or eliminates the consumption of dairy products.
    Last edited by Rheghead; 13-Sep-16 at 17:47.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    Well Serenity, you gave one link and the other is my original link. It seems quackery goes both ways with Katherine Albrecht who advocates that implanted chips leads to the Mark of the Beast and has written a book on religious quackery.

    Everyone has a grudge and bias I suppose.

    Regardless though, I want to get to the truth about dairy based upon real evidence, I haven't had time to do any research yet, it is teatime still. I just saw the article in the Telegraph and thought it was disturbing. I am prepared to come up with a lot of resistance to the thought that dairy products cause cancer given that Caithness is a farming and rural area. But I just want to get to the truth and if it is all quackery then it is quackery, the science doesn't support it. period. But if there is truth in any studies done then will you accept the studies and any conclusions?
    I corrected the link. I don't get the point of the ad hominen attack though? I was not calling Professor Jane Plant a quack, but that particular theory she was selling was pure quackery. The link from the above has well sourced references, even if some of her other stuff is a bit out there.

    I look forward to you seeing the epidemiological studies you can find.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity View Post
    I corrected the link. I don't get the point of the ad hominen attack though? I was not calling Professor Jane Plant a quack, but that particular theory she was selling was pure quackery. The link from the above has well sourced references, even if some of her other stuff is a bit out there.

    I look forward to you seeing the epidemiological studies you can find.
    What ad hominem attack??
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    What ad hominem attack??
    The one implying her article was of no use because of her other views. Now you are just blatantly avoiding addressing any of the points raised though.

  11. #11
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    Living causes cancer... I've never heard of a dead person contracting cancer, have you?
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity View Post
    The one implying her article was of no use because of her other views. Now you are just blatantly avoiding addressing any of the points raised though.
    Not avoiding anything, don't confuse lack of time to type with avoidance of addressing any issues. I am of the opinion that if an astro-physicist needs to have his research in his day job taken seriously then he shouldn't be seen to be giving talks on Ley lines in the evening. That said, if someone has an opinion based on science then the science should speak for itself.
    Last edited by Rheghead; 13-Sep-16 at 19:04.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    Living causes cancer... I've never heard of a dead person contracting cancer, have you?
    I've heard of and known many dead people who have contracted cancer before their time though.
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  14. #14
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    Here is a study that seems to convey the conclusion that vegetarian and especially vegan diets give greater protection from various cancers.

    A total of 2,939 incident cancer cases were identified. The multivariate HR of overall cancer risk among vegetarians compared with non-vegetarians was statistically significant [HR, 0.92; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.85-0.99] for both genders combined. Also, a statistically significant association was found between vegetarian diet and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract (HR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.63-0.90). When analyzing the association of specific vegetarian dietary patterns, vegan diets showed statistically significant protection for overall cancer incidence (HR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.72-0.99) in both genders combined and for female-specific cancers (HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.47-0.92). Lacto-ovo-vegetarians appeared to be associated with decreased risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal system (HR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.60-0.92).

    Vegetarian diets seem to confer protection against cancer.

    Vegan diet seems to confer lower risk for overall and female-specific cancer than other dietary patterns. The lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets seem to confer protection from cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Last edited by Rheghead; 13-Sep-16 at 19:10.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  15. #15


    I'll just throw a couple of things into the mix.

    Firstly, my mother had breast cancer which resulted in a double masechtomy. Throughout her life she used talcum powder liberally around her arm pit area. In recent times it has become known that aluminium (known carcinogenic) is in talc, and many stick deodorants. Now while I think we should all be open minded with these health scares because our farmers are putting a lot of real nasties into their animals, and crops for that matter, I would say that my mum is more likely to have contracted breast cancer through smothering aluminium on her upper body than drinking a pinta. So folks look for the aluminium free deodorants I say. Why take the risk? I wonder if Chinese women use talc?

    My second thought surrounds organic dairy produce. For over 10 years I have only bought organic milk. The reasons for this are that I think it's worth the extra few pence per pint to have milk that may have a few less nasties in it than bog-standard milk. I'm also told that organic pasture has a lot of clover in it and that this helps the cows to produce a lot of extra heart strengthening omega somethings in the milk. I know we can't live in a bubble and avoid all that might affect our health but a few extra pence here and there on certain key things might just help a little. Oh. and by the way I know an arable farmer who wont eat his own vegetables because he knows how nasty the chemicals are that he puts on his crops! He keeps his own organic veg patch at his farmhouse. What does that tell us all?
    Last edited by janeyj; 13-Sep-16 at 19:31.

  16. #16
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    Oestrogen content in dairy milk seems to be a factor that is worth noting. It is well established that oestrogen can sensitize tumours. According to it seems that increased dairy consumption over the last decades in western diets has had a correlation with advanced pre-onset of puberty and breast development in girls. Early breast development is linked with increased incidences of breast cancer later in life. However, girls who drink soya milk or other non-dairy milks seem to display a later onset of breast development with the implication that there were fewer incidences of breast cancer in that group.
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  17. #17
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  18. #18
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    I suppose it is not good news for men who consume dairy and meat either. Research shows that Vegan men who do not eat either meat or dairy have higher testosterone levels and significantly lower levels of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) which is a risk factor in prostate cancer. This came as a shock because in popular culture it is considered to be more masculine to be a meat eater when the opposite may be true.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    This came as a shock because in popular culture it is considered to be more masculine to be a meat eater when the opposite may be true.
    Yes Garth.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by janeyj View Post
    I'll just throw a couple of things into the mix.

    Firstly, my mother had breast cancer which resulted in a double masechtomy. Throughout her life she used talcum powder liberally around her arm pit area. In recent times it has become known that aluminium (known carcinogenic) is in talc, and many stick deodorants. Now while I think we should all be open minded with these health scares because our farmers are putting a lot of real nasties into their animals, and crops for that matter, I would say that my mum is more likely to have contracted breast cancer through smothering aluminium on her upper body than drinking a pinta. So folks look for the aluminium free deodorants I say. Why take the risk? I wonder if Chinese women use talc?
    Sorry to hear about your mother, but aluminium is the fifth most abundant element on Earth.

    Nobody is avoiding aluminium, whatever they're putting up their oxters.

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