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Thread: Maxine Carr - Stupid or Evil

  1. #21
    Caledonia Guest



    We have to assume they coerced him into putting forth his daft explanation of his part in events, rather than making a full confession.


    IMHO, Carr has only one real case to answer, and that is to herself. My feeling is she has already suffered greatly for her part in protecting Huntly, and will continue to suffer for the rest of her life.

    Though completely innocent of any direct involvement in the actual murders, she will live with the knowledge that her relationship with those children was the lever Huntly used to gain access to them in the way he did; that if she were wiser in her choice of mate or had not gone away that weekend...

    He has destroyed two lives already, and those of the families involved. I see no reason to let him totally destroy Carr's as well.


    Uncharacteristically thin-skinned.

    If the worst accusation you ever have to face is that of naivety, you will have a charmed life!

  2. #22
    akademos Guest

    Default huntley

    The questions are:

    * why were the Man Utd shirts not found despite a huge search that covered the area where they were eventually 'found'
    * why was there so little attempt made to keep the area 'clean' for forensics
    * why were there no traces of the girls' DNA on the 'found' shirts
    * why was Huntley kept in a 24-hour lit cell in solitary confinement for months (which partly answers the question about the psychology of his defence; after that few of us would have any psyche left)
    * why is the BBC particularly running a he-did-it campaign

    Would USAF servicemen do this? Ask the Japanese, they have suffered a regular series of military rapes of women of all ages in and around Okinawa and other bases since 1945.

    And ... as the judge said, Huntley has no motive for the murders.

    Did he do it? Why would he do it? Who else could have done it?

    I'm not a conspiracy theoritist, just a bloke who is very sceptical about what is going on.


  3. #23
    Caledonia Guest



    * why were the Man Utd shirts not found despite a huge search that covered the area where they were eventually 'found'

    > They could have been placed there at any time.

    * why was there so little attempt made to keep the area 'clean' for forensics

    > This often happens, and is more to do with poor practice than anything intentional.

    * why were there no traces of the girls' DNA on the 'found' shirts

    > If I removed my shirt right now you would be highly unlikely to find DNA evidence on it, perhaps even if you struggled with me and removed it, as long as the struggle was reasonably one-sided.

    * why was Huntley kept in a 24-hour lit cell in solitary confinement for months (which partly answers the question about the psychology of his defence; after that few of us would have any psyche left)

    >He was under observation as a suicide risk. Given the danger from other inmates, solitary kept him alive this long..

    * why is the BBC particularly running a he-did-it campaign

    >Observing the case carefully it would be most people's assumption. There is no public vote on the verdict so it is of little concern. Perhaps we should have a phone vote? You might laugh but if they 'reform' the Law to the point where jury trials become the exception to the rule it may be a fairer system.

    Would USAF servicemen do this? Ask the Japanese, they have suffered a regular series of military rapes of women of all ages in and around Okinawa and other bases since 1945.
    >There are a lot of bad people out there. The investigation of evidence has directed the course of events here. It would not be the first time subsequent investigations or revelations out of the blue overturned a case, but that is my standard argument against capital punishment.

    And ... as the judge said, Huntley has no motive for the murders.
    >No motive has been established, that is. However, motive is only one part of the jigsaw.

    Did he do it? Why would he do it? Who else could have done it?

    >I think so. I can only assume he knows why, and he is too much of a coward to admit it and end the charade. I suppose many other people could have done it, but I feel a level of certainty has been achieved, through evidence and testimony, and I am sure the jury will agree.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Maxine Carr Stupid or evil

    Its sad to see that the people of caithness choose to discuss such a topic.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Maxine Carr -

    Well, now we know.

    But I think we'll hear a lot more of this sad case in the weeks to come.
    Lots of questions to be answered.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002


    Now the whole story is out I would say Evil
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  7. #27
    Anonymous Guest

    Default Re: Maxine Carr Stupid or evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Technotrance
    Its sad to see that the people of caithness choose to discuss such a topic.
    Lets face it, they got nout better to do, its like the old about the woman (mad what ever she is called) they said she was living in Thruso and all the time she was in Nick, Nout better to do

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2001


    I dont think she was evil. She was blatantly stupid and trapped in love.
    She will have to live with it for the rest of her life.

  9. #29


    Trapped in love? I don't think that's possible. More probably she was blinded by what she mistook for love.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    i agree with you Gleeber.

    I think Maxine Carr was a stupid misguided girl who was too besotted, controlled and scared to see the terrible truth.

    She will live with the pain that her lies caused for her whole life. She has been tainted by her association with that man and i am sure that society will not allow her to forget it - maybe ever

  11. #31

    Default care to think again?

    akademos & Caledonia,

    Care to justify your comments, particularly in light of the revelations on Huntleys previous?

    Or are you blind and dumb conspiracy theorists?


  12. #32
    Anonymous Guest

    Default The TV has you...

    I hardly think that throwing a few ideas into the pot and mulling over the general situation as it developed was call for:

    Or are you blind and dumb conspiracy theorists?
    But now that you've all been saturated by this story, does this not prove what I was ranting on about before, with regards to tv/media coverage. How many people now feel like reigning in their kids a bit more? curfews a bit earlier now? Quite a few folk I've spoken to now feel a little more uncomfortable about letting their kids out of their sight. Has everyone started to eye the janny at the school in a different light?

  13. #33
    Tic Chick Guest


    Technotrance I agree with you. I actually find it quite sick how people seem to thrive in finding out all the nasty little details of a tragedy like this. Everyday it's been splashed all over the gutter media, everyone is talking about it and as I said I think it's rather sick really.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Default Um

    I don't think it is sad or sick to discuss this case. However I do feel this case has been over publicised. It seems the papers nowaday pick a story then can make money from and follow it through to the end. I noticed this morning on the front page of the sun - He raped or abused 60 school girls. This kinda stuff is just tripe and not something I will waste my money on.

  15. #35
    Caledonia Guest



    "akademos & Caledonia,

    Care to justify your comments, particularly in light of the revelations on Huntleys previous?

    Or are you blind and dumb conspiracy theorists?"

    Hey now!

    I may be short sighted and of limited vocal dexterity, but did you actually read my posts?

    I think my position on Carr has been vindicated by the result of the jury's deliberation.

    I made it clear I thought Huntly was guilty.

    Based on the limited information available to me.

    I posted a response to Akademos in reaction to what I thought was an absurd suggestion this was some kind of conspiracy, but I tried to remain polite by taking on board that miscarriages of justice do occur and you can never discount that possibility 100%.

    Given Huntly tried to explain away his deeds instead of pleading guilty it is bizarre to suggest he was being coerced into taking blame.

    However, speculation is just that. It need not be measured against any outcome for justification. (I was right though.)

    As far as it being sick to discuss the case… Possibly.

    I would not hesitate to discuss it in the pub though, so why here?

    This is human nature.

    Hopefully now Huntly will be kept away permanently, and Carr will be able to start afresh once she is released.

  16. #36
    Anonymous Guest


    In the end, Only God will be judge and jurry

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