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  1. Arrogant Tw*t (0 replies)
  2. What A Choice (1 replies)
  3. What, No loud demands from the SNP for a general election? (6 replies)
  4. For Whom The Bell Tolls (7 replies)
  5. Unnecessary Law (5 replies)
  6. Petitions related to honours and political donations (0 replies)
  7. A Warning From History (1 replies)
  8. An Unfair World (3 replies)
  9. Scottish politics in 2024 (4 replies)
  10. Heat pumps (1 replies)
  11. Petition about banks closing accounts (0 replies)
  12. Reports of the death of Indy have been greatly exaggerated. (13 replies)
  13. Deflection? (29 replies)
  14. Opinions Wanted (13 replies)
  15. Tories tactical voting plan to drive out SNP (18 replies)
  16. I see our new FM is off to a great start. (8 replies)
  17. Media Double Standards (1 replies)
  18. Another one gone (11 replies)
  19. The Horse Race begins… (1 replies)
  20. I'm genuinly gutted at this news (1 replies)
  21. Public finally seeing the SNP for the failure they are (in my opinion) (3 replies)
  22. Latest Indy poll result. (25 replies)
  23. SNP to Hold Special Conference 2023. (23 replies)
  24. Nicky MARR (0 replies)
  25. EU/Brexit…. (6 replies)
  26. No wonder they don't want us to have independence. (34 replies)
  27. 3rd PM this year (13 replies)
  28. What is the alternative to Scottish Independence? (5 replies)
  29. Are you on the fence over Scottish independence? (74 replies)
  30. Any reasons to be cheerful? (30 replies)
  31. Doom and Gloom in the UK (13 replies)
  32. Never thought I'd agree with Nicola Sturgeon! (8 replies)
  33. Liz Truss (7 replies)
  34. If The Supreme Court deems Indyref2 legal? (68 replies)
  35. The richest countries in Europe (16 replies)
  36. More Tory shenanigans (0 replies)
  37. We tried to tell you. (0 replies)
  38. Scottish Government's propsosal "A New Deal for Tenants". (0 replies)
  39. Energy supply and prices (2 replies)
  40. Off Again ? (10 replies)
  41. What Cost of Living Crisis ? (1 replies)
  42. Pension Dispute (9 replies)
  43. Holyrood 03/02/22 (0 replies)
  44. Porky Pies (27 replies)
  45. Politicians fighting. (31 replies)
  46. When's the leaving Party ? (2 replies)
  47. Tony Blair petition (3 replies)
  48. I Am Confused (4 replies)
  49. Deal between the SNP and the Greens (4 replies)
  50. Andy Wightman (1 replies)
  51. Ecks new Alba party (11 replies)
  52. An Economic Case for Scottish Independence (45 replies)
  53. Is the Film V for Vendetta closer to a Tory truth (3 replies)
  54. Petition to lobby for Government funding to apply to those living in low rise flats (3 replies)
  55. Economic study into trading costs of Scottish indepedence (2 replies)
  56. It's all going so well, isn't it? (53 replies)
  57. The Post-Brexit Power Grab (33 replies)
  58. Something to look forward to (1 replies)
  59. Deciding Scotland's Future (19 replies)
  60. Liz Truss's speech (3 replies)
  61. Who will you vote for in the 2021 Holyrood election? (34 replies)
  62. Different Battle but the same tactics (2 replies)
  63. The Tories Douglas Ross looks uncanny like the child catcher in Chittybang bang (6 replies)
  64. Colonists (10 replies)
  65. Failures of the SNP! (58 replies)
  66. Two firsts (16 replies)
  67. It's BORIS branding (13 replies)
  68. Alliance for Unity! (3 replies)
  69. Is it true (3 replies)
  70. Nothing to see here: move along. (23 replies)
  71. Russian fiddling in politics (22 replies)
  72. New Independence party (6 replies)
  73. One Law For....... (84 replies)
  74. A Very Dark Future (182 replies)
  75. Tories and unionist banging on about NHS (11 replies)
  76. Boris Johnson (154 replies)
  77. Tories using corona virus to side step questions (5 replies)
  78. Food For Thought II (10 replies)
  79. Food for thought (5 replies)
  80. Coronavirus, Politics, Fiscal Policy and Chicanery (0 replies)
  81. Poverty (5 replies)
  82. Right to vote (8 replies)
  83. Brexit and Losing Control. (2 replies)
  84. UKG's New Immigration Policy (20 replies)
  85. Visit to the Far North of SNP’s Jeane Freeman and Gail Ross MSP (7 replies)
  86. A Tale of Two Bridges (15 replies)
  87. Westminster running scared? (43 replies)
  88. Poll reveals majority of Scots back indyref2 legal battle with UK (21 replies)
  89. Your perverts are worse than our perverts (7 replies)
  90. Thank god for MSM (29 replies)
  91. Where the poetry thread go? (17 replies)
  92. We all take our own time to get there (14 replies)
  93. Scotland and the EU (27 replies)
  94. More POWERful than you thought? (10 replies)
  95. The Best Things Come In Small Packages (0 replies)
  96. Toxic Scotland (25 replies)
  97. BBC Bias (Vol 246) (32 replies)
  98. Westminster Cannot block Scottish Independence (18 replies)
  99. Happiness (6 replies)
  100. When 3 out of 4 isn't a majority (29 replies)
  101. Unionist Hypocrisy (1 replies)
  102. Where are all our MP's? (1 replies)
  103. Independance Day parties (52 replies)
  104. Have a Real Cool Yule (5 replies)
  105. Bottom about top (2 replies)
  106. Have Boris ,Tories ,media and Russia pulled off one of the biggest scams (12 replies)
  107. Have we got to the point we' happy to say " I voted for the Westminster idiot" (6 replies)
  108. Enacting the manifesto? Labour’s pledges and the reality of a hung parliament (1 replies)
  109. LibDems spamming (21 replies)
  110. How the Tories View Scotland (22 replies)
  111. Votes as a % of total electorate, vs votes as a % of all votes cast (12 replies)
  112. Electric cars driven by politics not economics (and worse for pollution) (3 replies)
  113. Ice sculptures (3 replies)
  114. A Crime Against Scotland (4 replies)
  115. This is Interesting (2 replies)
  116. Would Spain veto Scottish membership of the EU? (21 replies)
  117. Boris, The Country Forger (0 replies)
  118. Uniting the DisUnited Kingdom (4 replies)
  119. Lib Dems abandoning their principles yet again. (0 replies)
  120. Saving £400,000 with hybrid vehicle fleet? (1 replies)
  121. That's Scottish Labour for you! (1 replies)
  122. ITV Election Debate (2 replies)
  123. Lies, Damned Lies and Tory Lies. (14 replies)
  124. The Also Rans Interviews on ITV (3 replies)
  125. Jo Swinson - Miracle Worker? (6 replies)
  126. Mitch Benn - Moving to Scotland (1 replies)
  127. Ruth Davidson and her new political morality. (0 replies)
  128. Scottish Tax Receipts (4 replies)
  129. Unionists don't get irony (2 replies)
  130. Boris and the democratic deficit (11 replies)
  131. Is it possible for Scottish Labour to be any stupider? (16 replies)
  132. Lib Dem (and media) Hypocrisy (7 replies)
  133. What EVEL means for Jo Swinson and why you shouldn't waste your vote on the Lib Dems (31 replies)
  134. Decriminalising drugs (19 replies)
  135. Separatist hypocrisy (157 replies)
  136. "Ban super trawlers from fishing in UK waters. " petition (3 replies)
  137. SNP Lord Provost with her snout in the trough! (4 replies)
  138. Seperatist Arithmetic (27 replies)
  139. Global warming activists - trpped in pack ice - again! (3 replies)
  140. Where have all the loud mouthed Tories gone (35 replies)
  141. Climate change strikes (115 replies)
  142. Reset brexit (7 replies)
  143. a war by other means (2 replies)
  144. Has the SNP run out of money? (5 replies)
  145. Rotten Ruth Davidson has a pop at Sturgeon with look what I can do Baby (2 replies)
  146. The Goons got it right back in '58! (0 replies)
  147. Surrender monkey Tories give the big two fingers to the Unionist (19 replies)
  148. Has Theresa May acted in concert with the EU against the interests of the U.K. N (2 replies)
  149. May's Downing Street address proves the Lunitics are running the asylum . (4 replies)
  150. Is Tory Andrea Leadsom an anti Semite (3 replies)
  151. Who would have thought it (0 replies)
  152. Latest Poll results (2 replies)
  153. Scottish Budget (12 replies)
  154. What is the point of Labour anymore? (90 replies)
  155. A more balanced view to some OLD politics? (2 replies)
  156. Tory King rat show her colours (1 replies)
  157. Sturgeon refers herself to standards panel over Salmond case (6 replies)
  158. SNP, the DWP and PIP (0 replies)
  159. Brexit..The uncivil war (1 replies)
  160. Scottish Tories making a fool out of fishermen (0 replies)
  161. Scottish Tories making a fool out of fishermen (16 replies)
  162. Theresa May more Puppet on a String than Dancing Queen (6 replies)
  163. Glasgow School of Art (3 replies)
  164. SNP tantrums (42 replies)
  165. Well done ireland (0 replies)
  166. Donald Trump and London (0 replies)
  167. News story (3 replies)
  168. Sociopath and sycophants (5 replies)
  169. Fear and debt (7 replies)
  170. Where have all the Westminater /unionist flag waves gone (43 replies)
  171. Looking the wrong way (1 replies)
  172. Fascist governments line up to show support of Spainsh GovernmentThe pesants (2 replies)
  173. Tory three card trick fools taxpayers (0 replies)
  174. Tory signage tells Theresa May to F off (0 replies)
  175. Two faced sturgeon (3 replies)
  176. Ruth Daivdson ,Ruthie where are you (4 replies)
  177. Ww3 (2 replies)
  178. Honest politician? (2 replies)
  179. Are Unionist now a terrorist group after the DUP Tory deal (3 replies)
  180. Tories DUPed voters (13 replies)
  181. David and Goliath politics (2 replies)
  182. Election... (2 replies)
  183. The Tories new slogan (9 replies)
  184. Ruth Daivdson , the new Lord Haw Haw. (4 replies)
  185. Jamie Stone (20 replies)
  186. Should the party in power publish the countries account 60 days before the election (2 replies)
  187. Caithness Candidate Claptrap Competition (2 replies)
  188. Mayism is the new Tory religion (6 replies)
  189. Tory Terrorism (32 replies)
  190. Despicable you two (3 replies)
  191. General Election (11 replies)
  192. Highland Council Local Elections? (12 replies)
  193. Real Scottish Conservatives? (4 replies)
  194. Is propaganda the new truthin the (3 replies)
  195. Armed forces National Insurance Contributions (0 replies)
  196. Westminster warmongering (17 replies)
  197. Starting this week (16 replies)
  198. Meanwhile in the EU (0 replies)
  199. Tory put Jackboot to SNP neck (6 replies)
  200. It's all the Labour parties FAULT (1 replies)
  201. Should Scotland Be An Independent Country? (35 replies)
  202. Political Memes Game (67 replies)
  203. The Scottish Government's discretionary budget has been reduced since 2010 (1 replies)
  204. The Future (3 replies)
  205. Police taking control over fire brigades. (1 replies)
  206. Celebrity Endorsement of Major Political Issues (1 replies)
  207. UK Government is deliberately neglecting investment in Scottish Business and Economy. (4 replies)
  208. Should voters have to pass an iq test ? (5 replies)
  209. Our MP (0 replies)
  210. tony blair trying to make a comeback (5 replies)
  211. Another great example of responsible snp governance... (5 replies)
  212. Why has Scottish Government not "managed" industry training levy ? (4 replies)
  213. Farage is new Foreign Secretary (6 replies)
  214. Police Station Closures (6 replies)
  215. UDi (0 replies)
  216. Scexit UK (118 replies)
  217. More SNP Centralization (16 replies)
  218. SNP MP Now charged with Fraud (9 replies)
  219. Beatrice field (2 replies)
  220. Re Brexit: "Labour joins with Tories to vote against Single Market Membership"!! (1 replies)
  221. Independance Referendum "everyone will respect" (41 replies)
  222. The Crown is SLipping (2 replies)
  223. Our NHS (37 replies)
  224. SNP's summer initiative (4 replies)
  225. Ditch the Flag (44 replies)
  226. Owen Smith and Brexit (8 replies)
  227. SNP Highland MPs fail to show up for vital meetings to save last emergency Coastguard (2 replies)
  228. SNP government go three monkeys on fraud (20 replies)
  229. Named Person Scheme (22 replies)
  230. What will Breakaway Labour's New Name be? (5 replies)
  231. Is Turkey now the EU menu (4 replies)
  232. Brexit Irony (13 replies)
  233. BREXIT : Legal Challenges ? (6 replies)
  234. Brexit Theory ? (1 replies)
  235. BREXIT / Germans get "tough" (17 replies)
  236. Labour (7 replies)
  237. Scottish brands that are now in danger of cheap replication. (0 replies)
  238. Should the Tories support Indy 2 to save the money markets (32 replies)
  239. Indy 2 (94 replies)
  240. Polls (18 replies)
  241. This EU Referendum is not about Sovereignty. (0 replies)
  242. EU law and constitution expert Professor Dougan says it as it is. (17 replies)
  243. EU Poll (1 replies)
  244. Caithness Leave/Remain debate. (14 replies)
  245. l e a v e let everyone agree valet exit (1 replies)
  246. BBC Glasgow EU debate (1 replies)
  247. Is the EU referendum just a giant sham (26 replies)
  248. Fear is a winning tactic (6 replies)
  249. left right left right (6 replies)
  250. Off to WAR we go (3 replies)