View Full Version : Tories and unionist banging on about NHS

08-Apr-20, 12:13
The Tories and unionists are banging on about how great the NHS is ,well it's NO THANKS to the Tories . They have been systematically destroying the NHS from the inside for ten years and treating the staff with total contempt ,stripping back their wages and pensions . Now the drum beaters are making out that's it's them and them alone that support the NHS . They've treated the NHS like a bus ,kicked out the windows ,stripped out the seats ,ripped out the engine ,installed some pedals and the the staff to PEDAL that and don't you dare complain . The Tories are a rotten to the core party with rotten to the core supporters and don't forget or forgive them ,whatever the spin they are spouting.

It was said some time back that if a Mr Salmond was found not guilty , we would find out quickly if it was a Tory Conspriracy if the media started chasing any or all SNP members ,friends and supporters . Funny how the person with the photos from a phone didn't even come from Dumfries ( she was still wrong). Yet again more media drum beaters trying to make a splash . Sick and dangerous brainwashing of the masses.

Corky Smeek
08-Apr-20, 13:04
The SG is just given pocket money to run Scotland and our NHS. Its ability to respond is severely limited as a consequence.

21-Apr-20, 15:10
According to https://www.audit-scotland.gov.uk/uploads/docs/report/2019/nr_191024_nhs_overview.pdf NHS Scotlands budget was 13.4 Billion

Same year NHS England's budget was £115 Billion https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-8798/


Population of Scotland 5.454 million
Population of England 55.98 million.

Very similar amounts per person, so not sure the statement "
The SG is just given pocket money to run Scotland and our NHS. Its ability to respond is severely limited as a consequence."
is entirely true. I agree the NHS in both countries deserve more, but don't try to make out we get less than the English NHS...there are some impressionable minds on here that might actually believe you!

The Horseman
22-May-20, 23:49
I heard that the SNP were putting money aside for another run at Separation!
Perhaps that is why the shortage!

23-May-20, 11:15
I heard that the SNP were putting money aside for another run at Separation!
Perhaps that is why the shortage!

You heard wrong, then. Do you only speak to Unionists? That's the kind of thing they would say! The SNP gets a budget, approved by the UK Government and has to account for any variances in their plans. Where are they going to get this "put-aside" money?

The Horseman
23-May-20, 12:13
I read it in your Newspapers!
Money for the ‘rainy day’ when they seek Independence again.
It’s your Bl.........y. Newspapers!

23-May-20, 13:15
I read it in your Newspapers!

You don't want to believe a word the newspapers say about the Scottish Government. They are not newspapers any more, they are government propaganda machines and pretty much say what the unionists want them to say (and never look into/investigate any of it). Good grief, you are on the internet...there are a lot more places to get accurate information than in UK newspapers...or UK TV come to that.

Corky Smeek
23-May-20, 14:36
I heard that the SNP were putting money aside for another run at Separation!
Perhaps that is why the shortage!

Oddquine has covered this matter quite nicely. However, it's also worth stating that the current Scottish Government and the large crop of SNP MPs in Westminster were voted in on manifestos which had Indyref2 at their hearts. The people made their electoral choices based on what those manifestos stated. On that basis the electorate chose to elect an SNP SG and 47 SNP MP's (out of 59).

In other words if the SNP do decide to have "..another run at Separation." they will merely be carrying out their manifesto pledges and would be carrying out the clear wishes of the Scottish electorate. Indyref 2 is just SG policy in the same way that privatisation and the Poll Tax were the Thatcher government's policy. As you and someone from Orkney keep saying that's democracy - live with it.

The Horseman
23-May-20, 15:26
Then Please listen when CNN Criticizes Prez Trump......
Trump is trying to be a ‘Commoner‘, looking for votes, from the many workers and poorer people.
Do you know.......When Prez Trump has a gathering/a Town Hall meeting, the crowds come hundreds of miles to see him, likely never do see him, only his cavalcade!
Nothing like this has been seen since the J.F. Kennedy days.

****** Google Rev Clarence Sexton, and his story of how Trump is the ‘appointee of God’! As in the Hebridean Revival!
Many Americans have never gone to College, or Uni., but they have their beliefs!

Anyway, before I am criticized for spreading the truth one more time on the wrong Board, humor me! Ty

23-May-20, 16:33
Then Please listen when CNN Criticizes Prez Trump......
Trump is trying to be a ‘Commoner‘, looking for votes, from the many workers and poorer people.
Do you know.......When Prez Trump has a gathering/a Town Hall meeting, the crowds come hundreds of miles to see him, likely never do see him, only his cavalcade!
Nothing like this has been seen since the J.F. Kennedy days.

****** Google Rev Clarence Sexton, and his story of how Trump is the ‘appointee of God’! As in the Hebridean Revival!
Many Americans have never gone to College, or Uni., but they have their beliefs!

Anyway, before I am criticized for spreading the truth one more time on the wrong Board, humor me! Ty

Pretty much the only ones in the UK who don't criticise Trump are Unionists...and pretty much the same people who think Trump is great are the same people who think the elusive Boris is doing a good job/walks on water/is God personified etc. Most of the people of the USA and UK appear to have lost their minds in this 21st century....and on current showing it can all only get worse.

24-May-20, 09:49
Most of the people of the USA and UK appear to have lost their minds in this 21st century....and on current showing it can all only get worse.

As a seperatist, don't forget your fellow deluded countrypeople who still think the SNP and their leadership are doing a good job.

Corky Smeek
24-May-20, 10:12
As a seperatist, don't forget your fellow deluded countrypeople who still think the SNP and their leadership are doing a good job.

As a Unionist, don't forget your fellow, deluded country people who still think being in the Union is a good idea.