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Thread: The Changing Face of the Org

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ancient Caithness

    Talking The Changing Face of the Org

    Lots of new members - "welcome"
    Lots of new mods - "congrats"
    Lots of people have left - "byeee"
    Lots of new posts by Newsbot - "modern technology eh?"
    Lots of allegations of cliques - "where do i sign up?"
    Jokes - "LOL!"
    Debates - "Hold on there mate! I disagree!"
    Arguments - "You're not very bright are you?"
    Complaints - "..and I never even got my money back..."
    Politics - "Bush and Blair?? Don't get me started!"
    Religion - "Da Big Bang is my thang.."
    Science - "Time travel is a thing of the past...."
    Friendships - "Can we meet?"
    Enemies - "Let's agree to disagree?"
    Creative writing - "I wandered lonely out at Farr..."

    ...and of course Classifieds - "Brand new. Unopened. Only used once."

    You get what you give

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    Ah .... Saveman .... and so things change & move on. I'm delighted to see so many new posters here. I will miss some of those who have left. I did think it had been concluded on another thread that we were all part of the same clique - but .. if you know different & want to start another one, can I join you as one of the founder members?

    BTW the Mod salary is rubbish, so I've decided to keep the day job too, until I get a better offer (and I never got a hat BTW - or even an badge)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Saveman View Post
    Lots of new members - "welcome"
    Lots of new mods - "congrats"
    Lots of people have left - "byeee"
    Lots of new posts by Newsbot - "modern technology eh?"
    Lots of allegations of cliques - "where do i sign up?"
    Jokes - "LOL!"
    Debates - "Hold on there mate! I disagree!"
    Arguments - "You're not very bright are you?"
    Complaints - "..and I never even got my money back..."
    Politics - "Bush and Blair?? Don't get me started!"
    Religion - "Da Big Bang is my thang.."
    Science - "Time travel is a thing of the past...."
    Friendships - "Can we meet?"
    Enemies - "Let's agree to disagree?"
    Creative writing - "I wandered lonely out at Farr..."

    ...and of course Classifieds - "Brand new. Unopened. Only used once."

    Try Da muzac forum its great, you missed that one Savey
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  4. #4

    Default The Changing Face of the Org

    Quote Originally Posted by Moira View Post
    Ah .... Saveman .... and so things change & move on. I'm delighted to see so many new posters here. I will miss some of those who have left. I did think it had been concluded on another thread that we were all part of the same clique - but .. if you know different & want to start another one, can I join you as one of the founder members?

    BTW the Mod salary is rubbish, so I've decided to keep the day job too, until I get a better offer (and I never got a hat BTW - or even an badge)
    Hi Saveman,and Hi Moira,being a newbie to posting here all good things in life change,be it for better or worse lol we move with the times so all i say is lets all get on together be it new posters or old posters,i think Caithness.Org is Brill especially for an x Dirty Wicker like me hahaha.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    East Pictopia


    Quote Originally Posted by Moira View Post
    (and I never got a hat BTW - or even an badge)
    Here is the hat - wind powered to keep in step with the drive to cover everything in Caithness with a propellor.

    It is also handy for those moments when you get hot under the collar - the down draft is quite cooling.

    The mouse? What mouse?.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Wick,Caithness,Scotland,The World


    The best Community Site in Scotland...........hands down.More posts in a day than some do have in a month.

    Long may the orgs rum reek

    Their coming to take me away.....haha-hee-hee-ho-ho

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    Quote Originally Posted by Cedric View Post
    The best Community Site in Scotland...........hands down.More posts in a day than some do have in a month.
    I wonder if this has anything to do with how much there is to do up here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Valid point Mr Jeid!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Isle of Skye


    It acts as my support system in times of total alienation.
    Its good to type rather than talk.Even just reading the amusing threads brings a little joy in a very stressful life.
    Who needs the professionals when you've the org.Maybe Niall should start charghing so called sevice providers for the service the org provides.
    Never judge someone until you have walked two moons in their moccasins.

    Native American Indian saying.

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