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Thread: A Very Dark Future

  1. #81


    And this from the woman who maintains she doesn't insult people.

  2. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Oddquine View Post
    It is a shorthand method of saying Independence Referendum. How thick are you that you couln't work that out for yourself?
    Thank you......
    I still think you should be putting the Referendum on the ‘back burner’, and assisting the World Fight Covid.
    Already there is a resurgence around the World. All People/Countries should be ‘centred’ around the eradication of said Pandemic.

    I did see an interesting comment on another page.....A Neverendum! How apropos!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 21-Jun-20 at 13:25.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    And this from the woman who maintains she doesn't insult people.

    Where have I said that? Genuine question....I can't believe I ever said anything to imply I never insult anybody.

  4. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    I still think you should be putting the Referendum on the ‘back burner’, and assisting the World Fight Covid.
    There seems to be something about Scotland's situation that you are not getting. Scotland would love to be assisting in the "World Fight Covid", as you call it, but it can't because it's not an independent country. Scotland would love to be playing its part on the world stage and helping to eradicate disease, poverty, inequality, and any other ill you can think of but it can't because it's not an independent country. Scotland would love to be a member of the United Nations and have the saltire flying proudly alongside the flags of every other nation state but it can't because it's not an independent country. Scotland would love to re-join the EU and play its part with all the other nations of Europe but it can't because it's not an independent country.

    In short, Scotland would like to do a lot of things both domestically and internationally but it can't because, guess what, it's not an independent country.

    So, if we have IndyRef2 and vote "Yes" then Scotland will be able to assist the "World Fight Covid" and everything else mentioned above. But, until then we are stuck in this bl**dy awful Union forced to watch, powerless, from the sidelines as HMG makes a bigger and bigger horlicks of just about everything they do. Independence will allow us to do the things you seem to want us to do.

    Just as an aside, the latest Panelbase polling released over the weekend shows support for Independence to be on 54%. Other people are recognising the reality of the situation. Perhaps you should too!

  5. #85


    But u had a vote and the answer was No! Democratically!!
    I am not 100% up to date with the Politics, but use the Independence money to assist the Scottish people.....lets get this over with and then try again if u wish!
    No I don’t get It. Likely never will.
    The No vote took the floor and that is it....for the moment, and the ‘moment’ is killing people.

  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    But u had a vote and the answer was No! Democratically!!
    I am not 100% up to date with the Politics, but use the Independence money to assist the Scottish people.....lets get this over with and then try again if u wish!
    No I don’t get It. Likely never will.
    The No vote took the floor and that is it....for the moment, and the ‘moment’ is killing people.
    So people can't change their minds then? The UK voted in a Tory government in 2019. Is that it until the end of time? No, of course not because democracy needs to be reinforced by periodic elections usually at fixed intervals - 5 years in the UK. It gives people the opportunity to change their minds. It is now nearly 6 years since IndyRef 1. Denying the people of Scotland a referendum is the antithesis of democracy. You cannot defend democracy and then deny it for the people of Scotland at the same time. Some might say that was hypocritical and they would be correct.

  7. #87
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    But u had a vote and the answer was No! Democratically!!
    I am not 100% up to date with the Politics, but use the Independence money to assist the Scottish people.....lets get this over with and then try again if u wish!
    No I don’t get It. Likely never will.
    The No vote took the floor and that is it....for the moment, and the ‘moment’ is killing people.
    Indeed. We were made several promises at the time of the last stage of the Neverendum. That was that this was a "once in a lifetime event" and a "once in a generation event". A lifetime is typically 70 years on average, more I guess if you look at average life expectancy. A generation is, by law, a minimum of 16 years and 9 months. All of that seems lost on the folk that actually made those statements, on record, who now subscribe to the Jimmy Saville definition of a generation.

  8. #88


    The BritNat-in-chief appears to think democracy only exists for the "winners". We won so you lost and you can't have another IndyRef for 70 years. Jeez!!

  9. #89


    Perhaps think to solve the First problem....First!
    The Virus and the Second coming!

  10. #90
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Indeed. We were made several promises at the time of the last stage of the Neverendum. That was that this was a "once in a lifetime event" and a "once in a generation event". A lifetime is typically 70 years on average, more I guess if you look at average life expectancy. A generation is, by law, a minimum of 16 years and 9 months. All of that seems lost on the folk that actually made those statements, on record, who now subscribe to the Jimmy Saville definition of a generation.
    The last Independence referendum was on September 2014. The people of Scotland were promised much if they voted ‘No’. Remember the red tories and Gordon Brown’s ‘Vow’? Those promises never materialised. We were told if Scotland wanted to remain in the European Union it had to vote ‘No’ because it could only do so as part of the UK.
    Of course Orkneycadian you will choose to forget these broken promises.
    I voted ‘No’.
    I have seen what has happened to Scotland since and have changed my mind. I have yet to come across anyone who can tell me anything positive about the advantages of being ruled by the greater English mission in Westminster.
    No doubt Orkneycadian will offer a long list of things that Westminster had done for the benefit of the people of Scotland.
    As for the ‘once in a generation’ myth. It was a rhetorical flourish to make a point in a conversation and was never a promise and has no standing in law – a bit like Boris Johnson wishing he’d rather lie dead in a ditch.
    Orkneycadian your reference to Jimmy Savile and the implication implied is disgusting. You really have shown how low you can stoop.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  11. #91


    What surprises me, is that no one considers Community Lives as much as the Yes vote!
    Is there some type of ‘disconnect’ here.
    Covid 19 is already making a ‘come back’ and we still go on about Ref 2.........
    And remember, All Govt’s take Liberties with the truth.
    ’Corky states......Unable to do anything as Scotland is not an ‘Independent‘ Country.....I would say ‘won’t‘ do anything until it is ‘Independent‘......which likely it never will....but that is in the future....Not in this Moment!
    This ‘Moment’ is to all join together for a ‘Higher Cause‘. Self Centred comes to mind here!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 23-Jun-20 at 15:41.

  12. #92
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Self Centred comes to mind here!
    Horseman, you have an uncanny knack of hitting the nail on the head.

    To understand why, in relation to the above quote from you, we need to go back to a statement made by the seperatists in the run up to the EU Referendum. The Scottish separatists absolutely insisted that it was not permissible for a part of the UK to be dragged out of the EU against its will. They said that every part of the UK would have to vote to leave for the UK result to be valid.

    So they have set the bar.

    Now, for a Scotland wide SCEXIT vote to be valid, then every part of Scotland must vote Yes. That includes Orkney and Shetland. With a 67% No vote at the last referendum, there's an awful long way for them to go yet. And I am not aware of anyone in Orkney who has changed from No to Yes.

  13. #93
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    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Now, for a Scotland wide SCEXIT vote to be valid, then every part of Scotland must vote Yes. That includes Orkney and Shetland. With a 67% No vote at the last referendum, there's an awful long way for them to go yet. And I am not aware of anyone in Orkney who has changed from No to Yes.
    You could always have your own referendum to rejoin Norway.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  14. #94
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    Indeed, that's a possibility. Though after Orkney and Shetland voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the UK in 2014, then there is more likliehood that should we be dragged out of the UK against our will, that the appetite would be to leave Scotland and rejoin the UK.

  15. #95


    As well as all the other groups and individuals on his hit list Orkneycadian really seems to hate Scotland. It would nice, just for once, for him to say something positive about his country, wouldn't it?

  16. #96


    I see Orkney’s point.
    He, I and many many others, are looking at the pic from a different angle.
    New Zealand is of a comparable size, but they are unique. In addition, they get their Army to keep the Self Isolators at home!
    Can u imagine that in the UK!
    ********This is not a time for Division. Brexit, Covid and the Physical and Economical Health of the UK is at risk, and all a few of you can talk about is IndyRef!
    Analyze what I have just said.........think about it. Imagine this as a War! Where would we be without Allies!
    It’s really a ‘better together time’. Make love not war! Legalize DOPE like we did in Canada. Be happy U have food on the table!
    Just my thoughts.

  17. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    I see Orkney’s point.
    He, I and many many others, are looking at the pic from a different angle.
    New Zealand is of a comparable size, but they are unique. In addition, they get their Army to keep the Self Isolators at home!
    Can u imagine that in the UK!
    ********This is not a time for Division. Brexit, Covid and the Physical and Economical Health of the UK is at risk, and all a few of you can talk about is IndyRef!
    Analyze what I have just said.........think about it. Imagine this as a War! Where would we be without Allies!
    It’s really a ‘better together time’. Make love not war! Legalize DOPE like we did in Canada. Be happy U have food on the table!
    Just my thoughts.
    What utter twaddle. You and all the other Unionists have been deploying these types of argument since IndyRef1 was announced. You use any issue, however large or small, to say Scotland couldn't cope on its own and is better off in the Union. I mean, Phillip Hammond (former Sec of State for Defence) even questioned Scotland's ability to fend off alien invaders if we became independent. Pardon me if I don't take these ridiculous assertions too seriously. If the Union is so good how come, after 313 years, of the Union a majority of Scots (54%) want to leave it? Doesn't seem to be working too well does it? If it was a proper Union and Scotland wasn't treated like a colony to be pillaged when required then perhaps fewer people (not me, though) would be content to stay in the UK.

    Your comparison between the UK and NZ doesn't stand up to scrutiny. HMG have employed the army to carry out normally civilian duties on many occasions - mostly to break trades union strikes. They were also on stand-by to ensure public compliance with rules during the current Covid19 crisis.

    You say this is not the time for division. I imagine then you must be in favour of abandoning Brexit. If we are weaker divided then surely we should remain in the EU. I tell you what, let's have an independent Scotland in the EU. That would mean Scotland having a seat at the table of the largest economic trading group in the world. Seems like a much better deal than being shackled to the lame dog that is the UK.

  18. #98


    54%......What a a huge Majority.
    Follow your Dreams at a later time. Time for working together......but U and your like won’t! ‘Tis sad really!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 24-Jun-20 at 22:19.

  19. #99
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    54%......What a a huge Majority.
    Follow your Dreams at a later time. Time for working together......but U and your like won’t! ‘Tis sad really!
    Same majority that took the UK out of the EU, though...and the EU referendum wasn't even a binding one with a Section 30 order. I don't see why we should work together with Westminster when the Government in Westminster has completely lost its collective mind.

  20. #100


    My with The Devil if it helps this problem........

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