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Thread: A Very Dark Future

  1. #61


    Change generally does come eventually, I think. As long as any vote or decision is democratic and clear then I don't have a problem with it. I think an Indy ref 2 is inevitable and it remains to be seen how and when it will take place but I do believe that it is for the Scottish people to decide when it will be.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Perhaps you are correct.
    Politics is known to promise ‘The World‘, and fail at every one.
    Not politics...politicians....trying to ensure they hold onto their cushy number for another term...and another...and another. Politics would be OK if politicians (the professional variety) didn't exist.
    Last edited by Oddquine; 17-Jun-20 at 20:40.

  3. #63


    I hear that things aren't too good with Covid Support!
    Perhaps put Referendum on hold and support The People, rather than fight for Indy!
    Common sense thought eh!

  4. #64


    Ohhhhhhh...and Turn Off CNN. Ratcheting up the Negativity on Prez Trump as the American Election is near!
    He isn't perfect, but he is the best they have!

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Ohhhhhhh...and Turn Off CNN. Ratcheting up the Negativity on Prez Trump as the American Election is near!
    He isn't perfect, but he is the best they have!

    Good idea, why not sit down & read a good book instead.
    How about "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir"
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    I hear that things aren't too good with Covid Support!
    Perhaps put Referendum on hold and support The People, rather than fight for Indy!
    Common sense thought eh!
    You're correct, the English government are making a right dog's breakfast of it. The latest blunder over the "Track & Trace" app is merely another in a great long list of them. If they would just curtail their superiority complex a tad and not think that they can do everything better than everyone else then they might not have made so many mistakes. This fixation with not doing anything in concert with the EU (purely for reasons of political dogma) or adopting any methods or protocols devised by Mr Jonathan Foreigner has cost lives; thousands of them.

    Holding a referendum and getting Scotland out of this dysfunctional Union is the best way of supporting the Scottish people. Common sense thought eh?

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Ohhhhhhh...and Turn Off CNN. Ratcheting up the Negativity on Prez Trump as the American Election is near!
    He isn't perfect, but he is the best they have!
    If Trump is the best they have......then God Help America.......and the rest of the world!

  8. #68


    To People in ‘Glass Houses....Don't throw Stones‘!
    And......just visited The BBC......Headline taken verbatim from CNN!
    And how about spending the Referendum money on the Scots people?

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    And how about spending the Referendum money on the Scots people?
    That's exactly what IndyRef2 would be doing - spending money on the Scottish people to get them out of this iniquitous Union and thus safeguard their future.

    Sounds like a good deal to me!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    That's exactly what IndyRef2 would be doing - spending money on the Scottish people to get them out of this iniquitous Union and thus safeguard their future.

    Sounds like a good deal to me!
    Certainly a better deal than the UK got, or will get, with £900,000 to paint Boris's personal plane in red white and blue to brand it, when it only costs £80,000 to respray a 777...or the 7 times the cost of a referendum being piddled against a wall on a duff track and trace system!
    Last edited by Oddquine; 19-Jun-20 at 21:28.

  11. #71


    The two of U!........
    Methinks you would get a great deal more support for your endeavours, if you put the health of the Scots ahead Of A Ref., and ’personal agendas’!
    In times of great need, pool your resources!

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    In times of great need, pool your resources!
    Well the irony of that cheered me up no end. That has been the guiding principle of the UK since 1707 - with one minor alteration:-

    "In times of great need, pull your resources!"

    That has always been the way of things in the UK. Wealth, knowledge, skill all get funnelled down the pipe that leads to greater wealth for the SE of England.

    The government in Westminster doesn't give a toss about any aspect of the Scottish people's lives so I am not going to be scolded by you for having a personal agenda.

  13. #73


    Is the word PULL in Your context saying the Opposite of my POOL!
    Scolding it is not...Suggesting it is!

    And I just read the BBC news.......Fifteen news stories mostly Anti Trump, In their headlines this morning.
    Nothing negative in the UK.
    Theory... make the US and all Countries look bad, except Britain!

    What I am saying, is spend the referendum Money on The Poor People who are suffering thru the Worst Crises since the 30’s and 40’s.
    Then go to the Polls with your Ref.......and why Do u call it Indy ref?

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Is the word PULL in Your context saying the Opposite of my POOL!
    Scolding it is not...Suggesting it is!

    And I just read the BBC news.......Fifteen news stories mostly Anti Trump, In their headlines this morning.
    Nothing negative in the UK.
    Theory... make the US and all Countries look bad, except Britain!

    What I am saying, is spend the referendum Money on The Poor People who are suffering thru the Worst Crises since the 30’s and 40’s.
    Then go to the Polls with your Ref.......and why Do u call it Indy ref?
    Unionists say "Pooling and Sharing". The reality is Pulling and Sharing

    Nice to see that reality is dawning and you agree that the BBC is biased. OK, you are talking anti-Trump bias but ask any "Yes" supporter and they will be able to give you endless examples of anti-independence reporting by the BBC. Prof. John Robertson, late of UWS, published extensively on the matter. His work is easily found online if you wish to explore it further but you might find this interesting.

    Both Oddquine and I have attempted, on several occasions, to explain to you why the Scottish government is able to allocate public money to fund IndyRef2. If you are worried about "The Poor People", as you call them, I imagine you are delighted by the fact that the Scottish Government has spent millions upon millions of pounds mitigating the effects of Tory austerity over the last decade - see here. Any suggestion that the Scottish Government has not done its best to help vulnerable people through this period is, frankly, laughable.

    I'm not sure what your issue is with calling it IndyRef. Perhaps you could explain further.

  15. #75


    Quickly. ‘Indy’ reflects The Indianapolis 500. That is a car race/World famous/ to which I have been several times!

    I have no ‘Delight’ in what any Gov’t is doing, but taking money out of the Poor People’s pockets. Or if u prefer.....Their POCKADS....
    I am attempting to show u that the Millions being saved for IndyRef2/3/4., would be better spent getting the Virus samples to be tested.. Its not happening in time, and many more Faux paws being set upon Scotland!
    The SNP has the money/ save the people first!
    Just my opinion of course! Objectivity is more clearly seen from the outside! Some famous person said that......Oh, that was moi!

  16. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Quickly. ‘Indy’ reflects The Indianapolis 500. That is a car race/World famous/ to which I have been several times!

    I have no ‘Delight’ in what any Gov’t is doing, but taking money out of the Poor People’s pockets. Or if u prefer.....Their POCKADS....
    I am attempting to show u that the Millions being saved for IndyRef2/3/4., would be better spent getting the Virus samples to be tested.. Its not happening in time, and many more Faux paws being set upon Scotland!
    The SNP has the money/ save the people first!
    Just my opinion of course! Objectivity is more clearly seen from the outside! Some famous person said that......Oh, that was moi!
    Sorry, but I'm not even going to bother with the comment on the use of "Indy". It's just silly.

    You don't seem to be getting it, so for the last time; this is not money that has been saved by anyone. It is money, allocated for a purpose, for which the public have given their consent. Nor is it SNP money. The SNP are a political party, who for the time being, hold a majority in the Scottish parliament and therefore form the Scottish Government. Any funds required for IndyRef2 would not come from SNP funds but from public funds as has previously been explained numerous times.

    Objectivity may be "more clearly seen from the outside" but only if the beholder is aware of all the facts.

  17. #77


    IndyRef? So if it’s silly, why are you and the Scots using it!
    PUBLIC FUNDS it is then.......Use it to help the PUBLIC! These are the people who are suffering!
    In times of great need, people stick together/help each other with THE PUBLIC MONEY. Don’t u understand.
    I don't think you can even convince yursell!

    Can anyone on here advise why you are using a ‘silly name’? Too funny!

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Who is this Horseman? He/she seems to be way off on another planet. He/she doesn't appear to have any experience of living the same lives as the majority of the people of Scotland. 'Indy500' - what has that got to do with anything?
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  19. #79


    Likely a kinder more understanding Scot!........Ate the ‘Pease Brose’!
    Please explain what the ‘Indy’ in IndyRef Means!

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Likely a kinder more understanding Scot!........Ate the ‘Pease Brose’!
    Please explain what the ‘Indy’ in IndyRef Means!
    It is a shorthand method of saying Independence Referendum. How thick are you that you couln't work that out for yourself?

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