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Thread: Basra Calling Caithness.Orgers

  1. #61

    Default aliens calling kc mackay

    Hey Kev just a short message to you and the boys to wish you all a good safe new year when it comes . we will be thinking of you tonite and will have a few drinks on you ,and a few more than that when you get home! LOTS OF LOVE MR AND MRS GRIZZLY X X X MR GRIZZLY 2MORO


  2. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Best wishes for new year!!

    To all the TA lads from Caithness in Alamein company. Best wishes to you all at this time of year. Hope that you have as good a new year as I will be out on this bloody oil rig with nae booze!!!

    All the best Gary Sinclair (Sinky). See ya when ur home on leave mate


  3. #63

    Default Happy New Year - 2007

    To my husband, Kevin Mackay, and all his men in Alamein Company, 7th Scots.

    Hope you'll all have a good day, your in our thoughts back home.

    Happy 2007.

    Erinn xx
    Last edited by KCERINN; 01-Jan-07 at 09:30.

  4. #64


    Thinking of you all this morning speedy return and have a peacefull new year.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default A Toast by R MacKay

    A Toast
    by R MacKay
    c. 1949

    Wi a drop in the bottle an' a cronie or twa
    We'll no' gie a thocht tae the year that's awa'
    Wi' stories an' sangs a' brithers we'll be
    Wi' a smile on wir faces an a licht in wir e'e
    We'll think o' wir freens far awa' ower the sea
    An' we'll drink to their health tho' it's maybe wi' tea,
    But tae Kaitness fowk that's awa' an' are here,
    I wish a' the best an' a Happy New Year.

  6. #66

    Default Jill And Nicola Calling Robbie !..x

    Hiya Dad/Robbie,
    got as drunk as a skunk at new year,
    new boyfriend has peircings and tattoos all over,
    you should see his cool pink hair with a blue strip,
    mam bought me a new short skirt you would hate,
    getting ma belly button done next week,
    got a copy of your credit card hitting the designer shops tomorrow,
    love you lots missing you heaps,
    Jill and Nicola.xxxxxxxxxx

    nah we are more responsible than to take advantage of the fact that you are thousands of miles away,
    any wee jobs you want me to do before you come back(£10.00 a hour),
    this is all nicola's fault she is telling me what to write,
    must go and party now,
    will post again soon to let you and your mates know what i have been up to,

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Tucson, AZ


    This 81 year old WWII US Marine wishes the best for these Scot troops and prays for a safe return trip home for all of them.

  8. #68
    omox Guest


    Just to let my cousin ,David Mowat from Watten know I am thinking of him and wish him all the best from the German part of the

  9. #69

    Default Caithness Coy 1Hldrs ACF

    Kev, pass on best regards to the rest of the platoon from the ACF in Caithness. We are all very proud of the contribution you guys are making to the establishment of peacefull democracy in very difficult circumstances. We all know that morale will never be a problem with such good mates in the SF platoon.

    yours aye


    p.s. tell supermac ee young chiel wil probably hev 3 tapes by ee time he gets home.

  10. #70


    Robbie not long now until some rest and relaxation enjoy your while home with your family in February. Jill is looking forward to it and Nicola hopes to see you then whether you want to see her or not.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Wish you guys all the best from an ex 2RGJ soldier from Wick.
    I know and appreciate what you guys are going through but take strength in the knowledge we are all thinking of you and "Haste ye Back".
    Keep your heads down and your spirits up(they'll be plenty spirits when you get home!)

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Some of you are back home in Caithness just now, have a great holiday and lots of rest.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Here, Supermac, where did you leave the keys for the truck?

    Kidding. Hurry up and get home safe the lot of you.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  14. #74

    Wink Hi Guys

    Hope you are all in good spirits.

    This is a message to John Harrold from all your colleagues at Nicolson Engineering. Thanks for your message at christmas, we missed you at the lunch party, but raised a glass to you anyway!

    We would like to hear your news, and how things are with you in Basra. Its probably a bit different from NES!

    All the best and please get in touch, you can email us from our web site.

  15. #75


    Hi Robbie Nicola sends you a big (((((((hug))))))) hope you are not missing her cheeky face too much .

    No need to ask if you enjoyed your break at home and feel refreshed for the rest of your trip, may it pass quickly and you will soon be home again.

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    To David
    Absence diminishes small loves and increases great
    ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.
    Thinking of you always
    Missing you, Kissing you
    Loving you
    Were it not for hope the heart would break Scottish Proverb

  17. #77

    Default our boys in Basra

    Just a note to wish all the troops in Iraq all the best, we think about you all the time, especially the 'reme' in Basra.

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness

    Default Big Photo Gallery of the Caithness Men in Basra

    Just in a Big Photo Gallery of the Caithness men in Basra, Iraq.

  19. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Fernie View Post
    Just in a Big Photo Gallery of the Caithness men in Basra, Iraq.
    The guys are looking well.

  20. #80


    Just saw one of our caithness lads Angus Mackay on bbc lunchtime news...Good on yeez boys!

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