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Thread: Dead Presidents of The Highlands

  1. #1

    Default Dead Presidents of The Highlands

    Thought it might be of interest to some to hear a little about a venture myself and good friend are embarking on. We're designing apparel under the guise 'Dead Presidents' from our living room in Thurso and shifting what we can online through our webstore.

    Our first available design is a Tee however we hope to raise enough money through sales of these to produce further items for Winter wear which have already been designed. The look is aimed towards an Alternative style; ideal for Surfers, Skaters or anyone who wants to sport an Independent clothing start up.

    So many folk rant about not having much to do around these parts; we solved that by doing something as constructive as possible with the skill sets we had. Hope you are all able to get behind the project.

    With every sale we offer additional goodies including our 'Seal of the Dead Presidents of the Highlands' stickers!

    Last edited by robi; 22-Oct-12 at 13:11. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Thurso, Caithness


    Maybe it is just me, but what has Dead Presidents of the USA got to do with Caithness.

    Now if you produced a T-Shirt with a Picture of somewhere in Caithness, that would be good. But a Picture of Mount Rushmore, no thanks.

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allen Poe

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
    Maybe it is just me, but what has Dead Presidents of the USA got to do with Caithness.

    Now if you produced a T-Shirt with a Picture of somewhere in Caithness, that would be good. But a Picture of Mount Rushmore, no thanks.
    Now that sounds like a business plan. Tourists would certainly buy t-shirts with photos of various Caithness locations I'm sure. Maybe even a few locals...

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
    Maybe it is just me, but what has Dead Presidents of the USA got to do with Caithness.

    Now if you produced a T-Shirt with a Picture of somewhere in Caithness, that would be good. But a Picture of Mount Rushmore, no thanks.
    Hi Kodiak,

    A very good and valid point, thanks for the feedback! The name of our brand is 'Dead Presidents' and as far as I'm aware there aren't any notable Caithness Presidents. We aren't necessarily basing our designs on Scotland or Caithness in particular, it is perhaps just of interest to some on here as it is a start up based within Thurso.

    Here's some quick explanations towards our thoughts on design:

    The last census I saw for Caithness was for the year of 2009 and this showed a population of 25,199.

    We aimed towards a target demographic of between 18-35 although realistically I would imagine more towards the lower estimate.

    Around the same time it was shown that 26.8% of the population for Caithness and Sutherland was between the ages 20-44.

    This would give us a target audience of roughly 6,753 to base our sales on.

    This as a result would be a very viable business, but how many strategic plans would be laughed out the door based on achieving a 100% success rate towards the demographic you propose to sell to? I'd imagine 100%.

    We wanted to instead not restrict ourselves to the confines of our local area and pitch a design which represents an instantly recognisable landscape. In this respect it seems as relevant to our customers in Thurso as it does in Glasgow and Northampton.

    So although our product doesn't reflect Caithness and it doesn't represent it within the imagery of the artwork, it is however two young guys who are putting some time and money into producing something that gives them pleasure and hopefully also the same to the many others who have already purchased.

    To go back to your point, obviously all of the facts and figures above don't reflect your idea for getting a nice picture of a harbour or beach as this would be a different target audience. I am however just summing up our reasoning.

    Many thanks!


    P.S: I would be delighted to buy up one of your Caithness landscape T-shirts when available. Send me a PM with the details!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    he 15th president of the Continental Congress.
    D'oH! My brain hurts...

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by John Little View Post

    he 15th president of the Continental Congress.
    Wow, thanks John! Just had a read; will pitch something with relevance to this next design meet we have!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Thurso, Caithness


    Quote Originally Posted by robi View Post

    To go back to your point, obviously all of the facts and figures above don't reflect your idea for getting a nice picture of a harbour or beach as this would be a different target audience.
    If you think that all there is to Caithness is a Beach or a Harbour, you are Very much mistaken and you are also missing out on a opportunity.

    If you really wanted to make a sucess of your venture a good marketing survey would have helped you greatly, as well as slecting images that are truly original.

    The image of Mount Rushmore is hardly original and you can buy them all over the net and even on eBay.

    I do however wish you luck in your venture and I hope that you succeed.

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allen Poe

  8. #8


    Hi Kodiak,

    It's certainly a very valid point that featuring a Mount Rushmore image on a T-Shirt isn't exactly original. That is kind of the point I wanted to illustrate however. We wanted images that people understood and there are certainly plenty of people out there who know what that image represents. To me it represents past presidents who are now dead. The difference between ourselves and the examples you posted are that we aim to build a brand, not just have novelty Tees, which perhaps mistakenly on our part, these have appeared.

    The title for the Apparel entity was 'Dead Presidents' and this was a name we decided upon before coming up with any designs. In the first instance we decided to make artwork which had a connection with the brand name, however we have more items in the pipeline where this is not necessarily the case.

    I hope you haven't been put off by this initial design. It is only our debut and we have very ambitious plans to improve and build upon this. We'll certainly take your criticism on board, after all, that's one of the main reasons I wanted to share this on the forum as I know there can be some quite opinionated folk and it's hard to criticise your own work in a subjective manner.

    Thanks again, and cheers for the feedback!


  9. #9


    Oh, and in regard to my comment about the Beach and Harbour; I know of course there are many interesting and frankly incredible landscapes, heritage and notable landmarks within Caithness. I highlighted only two for examples sake otherwise I'd be here all day!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Yeah what teenager would have a caithness view on their top?

    Half of them never really have much good to say about the place anyway.

    Caithness Dot Orgers always have to jump to a negative straight away. Makes me embarrassed to apart of this ball of negative energy. Good bye!

    Dead PRES 4 LIFE YO
    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
    Maybe it is just me, but what has Dead Presidents of the USA got to do with Caithness.

    Now if you produced a T-Shirt with a Picture of somewhere in Caithness, that would be good. But a Picture of Mount Rushmore, no thanks.
    Big Imagination For Feeling Young Cause Life Yearns Real Optimism

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by zebedy View Post
    Dead PRES 4 LIFE YO
    Haha, Cheers Zebedy!


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