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Thread: generation Y

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    North Shields

    Default generation Y

    Generation Y

    - People born before 1946 were called
    The Silent generation....

    - People born between 1946 and 1959 are called
    The Baby Boomers.

    - People born between 1960 and 1979 are called
    Generation X,

    And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called
    Generation Y,

    Why do we call the last group Generation Y?

    Yshould I get a job?
    Y should I leave home and find my own place?
    Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours?
    Y should I clean my room?
    Y should I wash and iron my own clothes?
    Y should I buy any food?

    And now Y should I pay for your pension?

    But a cartoonist explained it very eloquently below....

    Hating people because of their colour is wrong. And it doesn't matter which colour does the hating. It's just plain wrong.
    Muhammad Ali

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    bettyhill ish


    o so true good post
    sometimes the devil needs an advocate

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Because Y comes after X, we prefer to call ourselves Millenials actually or 'the generation - along with X - that has to fix the mistakes of others'

    Obviously this is a generalisation but:

    The baby boomers squandered every advantage that their parents provided for them, and yet they have the nerve to complain that we're not in the same position they were. They sat by and did nothing while the economy got screwed for what they perceived as their own personal gain. Yes, let's continue slashing taxes even though our education and infrastructure is lagging behind other industrialized countries. Let's allow home values to become artificially inflated so we can take out equity we have no means of repaying. Let's outsource all our jobs so that we can pay 10% less on goods that are half the quality. Let's completely violate core our principles because we don't like gays and communists (although a lot of the blame for that lies with the so-called 'greatest generation').

    To put it another way all our elders complain about how bad Gen-Y is. But Gen-Y isn't the problem. These baby-boomers are the most spoilt, self centred people I've ever seen. They all grew up in the post-war economic boom. They had luxuries and technology, free education, cheap housing - the world was their oyster. They are the ones running our governments, our business, the entire world. They've known fossil fuels were a liability for 40 odd years or more. We could all be driving electric cars, but they're greedy, complacent and lazy and now we're stuck with exorbitant oil prices and the looming disaster of climate change. They had their cheap housing, they've bought up all the good properties, inflated the housing market. They had their free (or at least extremely cheap) education too. They told their children they can't have jobs without a degree, then they force them in to 5-figure debts to get jobs that don't even exist. They control our banks and governments and together they have royally messed up the European and US economies because of it. People wonder why Gen-Y are so disenchanted, well, this is why. They've screwed up the environment, our education system, our government, our economy and they've simply shrugged and said "Oh well, we got ours and remember you lot, you've still have to pay for our retirement" and heaved the burden on to us. I'll be glad once they start to die off, because then we can work at making a better and sustainable future.

    Last edited by RecQuery; 10-Jan-12 at 10:53.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    Because Y comes after X, we prefer to call ourselves Millenials actually or 'the generation - along with X - that has to fix the mistakes of others'

    Obviously this is a generalisation but:
    The baby boomers squandered every advantage that their parents provided for them,
    An excellent post and I have little defence my lord.
    It wasnt squandered though. It was new to us and we didnt know how to handle it although theres plenty did and remained honourable and are still hanging in there. It was an evolutionary process and a big one if you want to view it from that angle. Every civilisation makes its mistakes but sometimes we dont learn from it. I recognise a new mindset in the millenials and although it frightens a baby boomer like me I know they are only trying to be the best they can be. Best of luck. Youll need it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by gleeber View Post
    An excellent post and I have little defence my lord.
    It wasnt squandered though. It was new to us and we didnt know how to handle it although theres plenty did and remained honourable and are still hanging in there. It was an evolutionary process and a big one if you want to view it from that angle. Every civilisation makes its mistakes but sometimes we dont learn from it. I recognise a new mindset in the millenials and although it frightens a baby boomer like me I know they are only trying to be the best they can be. Best of luck. Youll need it.
    Massive generalisation like I said, and obviously upbringing and culture have to be factored into it.

    Edit: On a side note Gen-Y/Millenial/Generation Next/Net Generation/Echo Boomers - whatever you want to call it, consists of those born between the 1st of January, 1982 and the 31st December 1993. Though some people use 1980 to 2000 as a catch-all. It's not the 30 year range indicated by the OP.
    Last edited by RecQuery; 10-Jan-12 at 15:00.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    Because Y comes after X, we prefer to call ourselves Millenials actually or 'the generation - along with X - that has to fix the mistakes of others'

    Obviously this is a generalisation but:

    The baby boomers squandered every advantage that their parents provided for them, and yet they have the nerve to complain that we're not in the same position they were. They sat by and did nothing while the economy got screwed for what they perceived as their own personal gain. Yes, let's continue slashing taxes even though our education and infrastructure is lagging behind other industrialized countries. Let's allow home values to become artificially inflated so we can take out equity we have no means of repaying. Let's outsource all our jobs so that we can pay 10% less on goods that are half the quality. Let's completely violate core our principles because we don't like gays and communists (although a lot of the blame for that lies with the so-called 'greatest generation').

    To put it another way all our elders complain about how bad Gen-Y is. But Gen-Y isn't the problem. These baby-boomers are the most spoilt, self centred people I've ever seen. They all grew up in the post-war economic boom. They had luxuries and technology, free education, cheap housing - the world was their oyster. They are the ones running our governments, our business, the entire world. They've known fossil fuels were a liability for 40 odd years or more. We could all be driving electric cars, but they're greedy, complacent and lazy and now we're stuck with exorbitant oil prices and the looming disaster of climate change. They had their cheap housing, they've bought up all the good properties, inflated the housing market. They had their free (or at least extremely cheap) education too. They told their children they can't have jobs without a degree, then they force them in to 5-figure debts to get jobs that don't even exist. They control our banks and governments and together they have royally messed up the European and US economies because of it. People wonder why Gen-Y are so disenchanted, well, this is why. They've screwed up the environment, our education system, our government, our economy and they've simply shrugged and said "Oh well, we got ours and remember you lot, you've still have to pay for our retirement" and heaved the burden on to us. I'll be glad once they start to die off, because then we can work at making a better and sustainable future.

    That is the best post I ever read on this forum.

    So very, very true.
    Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; Nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

    - Charles de Gaulle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by theone View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    Because Y comes after X, we prefer to call ourselves Millenials actually or 'the generation - along with X - that has to fix the mistakes of others'

    Obviously this is a generalisation but:

    The baby boomers squandered every advantage that their parents provided for them, and yet they have the nerve to complain that we're not in the same position they were. They sat by and did nothing while the economy got screwed for what they perceived as their own personal gain. Yes, let's continue slashing taxes even though our education and infrastructure is lagging behind other industrialized countries. Let's allow home values to become artificially inflated so we can take out equity we have no means of repaying. Let's outsource all our jobs so that we can pay 10% less on goods that are half the quality. Let's completely violate core our principles because we don't like gays and communists (although a lot of the blame for that lies with the so-called 'greatest generation').

    To put it another way all our elders complain about how bad Gen-Y is. But Gen-Y isn't the problem. These baby-boomers are the most spoilt, self centred people I've ever seen. They all grew up in the post-war economic boom. They had luxuries and technology, free education, cheap housing - the world was their oyster. They are the ones running our governments, our business, the entire world. They've known fossil fuels were a liability for 40 odd years or more. We could all be driving electric cars, but they're greedy, complacent and lazy and now we're stuck with exorbitant oil prices and the looming disaster of climate change. They had their cheap housing, they've bought up all the good properties, inflated the housing market. They had their free (or at least extremely cheap) education too. They told their children they can't have jobs without a degree, then they force them in to 5-figure debts to get jobs that don't even exist. They control our banks and governments and together they have royally messed up the European and US economies because of it. People wonder why Gen-Y are so disenchanted, well, this is why. They've screwed up the environment, our education system, our government, our economy and they've simply shrugged and said "Oh well, we got ours and remember you lot, you've still have to pay for our retirement" and heaved the burden on to us. I'll be glad once they start to die off, because then we can work at making a better and sustainable future.

    That is the best post I ever read on this forum.

    So very, very true.
    I'll second that

    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    I'll second that

    Really? I think he's talking bottox as usual.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    I'll second that
    Calm down chaps. it's a good post but it's not very very true. It's partly true. Generalisations are snapshots of bigger pictures. Lifes not about blaiming someone else although it seems to be an engrained quality in human behaviour. I'm encouraged when I listen to younger people discussing their world although it's tempered with youthful idealism. Another 30 years and the whippersnappers will be running things. It'll be interesting times and the proof of the pudding will still be in the eating.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by gleeber View Post
    Calm down chaps. it's a good post but it's not very very true. It's partly true. Generalisations are snapshots of bigger pictures. Lifes not about blaiming someone else although it seems to be an engrained quality in human behaviour. I'm encouraged when I listen to younger people discussing their world although it's tempered with youthful idealism. Another 30 years and the whippersnappers will be running things. It'll be interesting times and the proof of the pudding will still be in the eating.
    Yeah, everyone will be off their heads on Crack and the Olympics will be played on a DS.
    Last edited by ducati; 10-Jan-12 at 18:35.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Generation Y

    But Y doesn't the World owe us a living ? I think you will find it does and don't argue with me.

    But Y do I have to get out of bed before 2.00pm?

    Y of course I expect a car to be delivered to my door as soon as I have passed my test, taxed and insured of course and capable of 150mph with a loud exhaust!!

    Y cant you just hurry up and snuff it so that the house will be mine all mine?

    Y of course my Generation hasn't been brought up on greed and consumerism!!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Corrie 3 View Post
    But Y doesn't the World owe us a living ? I think you will find it does and don't argue with me.
    Correct... It does.... & this is why.....

    Nobody asked to be born....
    Once born you have just as much right to a life as anybody else....
    The life you have is governed by rules you have little choice over....
    Because of these rules it is neigh on impossible to totally opt out.... Why?
    You can't just live where you want to, all land is owned by somebody so that would be trespass....
    Even if you did find a piece of land to live on you can't just build yourself a house what with planning permission & a raft of building legislation to get round....
    Even if you managed to get yourself a piece of land & a house you can't feed yourself of the land, that would be poaching & as for water to drink that would almost certainly be polluted so clean drinking water needs to be provided....

    So... Since there is no way to totally opt out meaning that you have no choice but to live under societies rules then by default society has an obligation to take care of you to a standard that society deems to be normal.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    I'll second that

    And third. Hes bang on!
    There are basically 3 type of people in this world, those who can count and those who cant

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Generation Y.

    Y ....of course I am entitled to a degree at other people expense !!!!!!!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Corrie 3 View Post
    Y ....of course I am entitled to a degree at other people expense !!!!!!!C3............
    Absolutely you should be!!! Its hardly handed on a plate is it? Doing an OU degree whilst working must be so hard. Many of us generation xers got degrees at public expense. Do we want to return to the days where bright intelligent articulate young people like my mother cant go to university because they or their parents cant afford it? I hope not.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    Absolutely you should be!!! Its hardly handed on a plate is it? Doing an OU degree whilst working must be so hard. Many of us generation xers got degrees at public expense. Do we want to return to the days where bright intelligent articulate young people like my mother cant go to university because they or their parents cant afford it? I hope not.
    Your Mum must have been a baby boomer then Squidge............"These baby-boomers are the most spoilt, self centred people I've ever seen. They all grew up in the post-war economic boom. They had luxuries and technology, free education, cheap housing - the world was their oyster" was Recquery's views on our generation!!!
    Luxuries? No, unless you call a sugar mouse and an orange at Xmas a luxury!! Technology? No, unless you call a game of snakes and ladders technology. Free education? Yes, up to the age of 15 then it was off to work we go!!! Cheap housing? ...not sure were that one came from as only Bank Managers could get mortgages in those days! World was our Oyster????.....I didnt step on a plane until I was 40 yrs old, my Oyster up until then was a week at Dornoch !!!

    Last edited by Corrie 3; 10-Jan-12 at 20:50. Reason: spelling

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Corrie 3 View Post
    Cheap housing? ...not sure were that one came from as only Bank Managers could get mortgages in those days!
    Different social values then, no obsession with owning your own home, renting was easy & affordable....
    For those who did buy, in 1952 (adjusting for inflation) average price was £40000, now average price is £164785, over 4 times the amount.
    For those who waited until the 80's then prices where still half of what they are now.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by gleeber View Post
    Calm down chaps. it's a good post but it's not very very true. It's partly true. Generalisations are snapshots of bigger pictures. Lifes not about blaiming someone else although it seems to be an engrained quality in human behaviour. I'm encouraged when I listen to younger people discussing their world although it's tempered with youthful idealism. Another 30 years and the whippersnappers will be running things. It'll be interesting times and the proof of the pudding will still be in the eating.
    Lol! I see what you mean about you using humour to diffuse situations between those that disagree - and you're rather good at it. Diffusing RecQuery when he goes "off on one" is not easy - because he's nae bad at it too.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Corrie 3 View Post
    Your Mum must have been a baby boomer then SquidgeC3................
    Nope, the silent generation Corrie. Mum was born in 1935.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    As a schoolboy, I decided the way the world was going and resolved to never have children. After a few flings (er not many at all really, therealducati ) I met a girl who felt the same way and the rest is history.

    If it was up to us, there would not have been a Generation Y.

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