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Thread: More Birds Of Prey Poisoned

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default More Birds Of Prey Poisoned

    Two more Buzzards have been found on Strathspey Estate, killed in an agonising way by being poisoned by the banned pesticide cabofuran. Story

    The estate said it was shocked by the poisoning. A spokesman added: "Considering the efforts made to enhance the wildlife conservation and biodiversity on the estate, it is inconceivable that any of our staff had any part whatsoever in the laying of poisoned bait responsible for the deaths of two buzzards near Boat of Garten.."

    I wonder if his nose grew a couple of inches when he said this

    The constant links to bird deaths, by poisoning and Estates is an embarrassment to the whole of Scotland
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  2. #2
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    This is very close the Osprey nesting site. Not that I value one species above another, but you can be certain if any Osprey was poisoned the Police and press would persue an investigation.

    I know they are not there now but if there are bird murders in the area.....

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Two more Buzzards have been found on Strathspey Estate, killed in an agonising way by being poisoned by the banned pesticide cabofuran. Story

    The estate said it was shocked by the poisoning. A spokesman added: "Considering the efforts made to enhance the wildlife conservation and biodiversity on the estate, it is inconceivable that any of our staff had any part whatsoever in the laying of poisoned bait responsible for the deaths of two buzzards near Boat of Garten.."

    I wonder if his nose grew a couple of inches when he said this

    The constant links to bird deaths, by poisoning and Estates is an embarrassment to the whole of Scotland

    Why should his 'nose grow a couple of inches'?

  4. #4


    Many of these poisonings are people lacing rabbits to get foxes, how can you be sure it was intended for birds of prey, Buzzards are mainly scavangers, why would estates want them gone?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by spurtle View Post
    Many of these poisonings are people lacing rabbits to get foxes,
    (1) The use of cabofuran is banned throughout the EU.
    (2) To kill any animal by poisoning is a most despicable practice.
    Some humans have come along way in the evolution chain but apparently not all

    Quote Originally Posted by spurtle View Post
    how can you be sure it was intended for birds of prey, Buzzards are mainly scavangers, why would estates want them gone?
    Employees, often with owners blessing, of so called "sporting estates" kill any animal/birds which threaten their target species. If you look at the bottom of the page which I linked you will see some examples.
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  6. #6


    I don't remember condoning the use of poison just pointing out the possible reasons. I think you would hate to be wrong in your pigeon holing , I don't think it would make a blind bit of difference to you who did it as long as you can blame the people you hate.

  7. #7
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    What ticks me off about this is the term "target species". They are planning to kill something, then take out anything else that might (only might*) kill it first. What arrogance.
    *I know a woman who had her son shoot a sparrowhawk because it was near her hen house. The thing was tiny, totally incapable of harming anything as big as a hen, but there it was lying on the ground dead. Ignorance.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by spurtle View Post
    Many of these poisonings are people lacing rabbits to get foxes, how can you be sure it was intended for birds of prey, Buzzards are mainly scavangers, why would estates want them gone?
    Why would they use banned and illegal substances if they were legit keepers etc, going about their business, carbofuran has been banned since 2001 and it's illegal to even have it in your posession. Gamekeepers are supposed to be trained and skilled at doing what they do, they certainly know that these poisons are banned.

    So, if keepers are using illegal carbofuran they already know that the poison is indescriminate and will kill anything that eats the laced meat etc, they also know it will kill the bird or animal that then comes along and eats the bird or animal that was killed first. This is exactly what they want and it's obvious they don't give a damn as long as they kill something with a hooked beak or a claw.

    Here's a photo of a Golden Eagle poisoned with illegal Strychnine, an agonising death from a deadly poison that passes on and on down the food chain, extremely small amounts can cause death.

    Golden Eagle poisoned with Strychnine.


  9. #9


    I was more suggesting farmers were doing it to get rid of foxes, and can I reiterate that at no point did I say poisoning is right.

  10. #10


    How sad that those majestic creatures should meet such an undignified end

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Ego View Post
    Why should his 'nose grow a couple of inches'
    Have you not heard about Pinocchio? If not I believe it is on in Caithness at the moment.

    By the way I am still awaiting your answer to the following:
    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Can I ask you for your "balanced argument" on why, and when, it is necesary to dig a badger out of its sett, and set several terriers onto it?
    I think the fact that a person (pro hunting) started a thread about Hunting under the "Hobbies" section gives the game away, does it not

    Quote Originally Posted by spurtle View Post
    I don't remember condoning the use of poison just pointing out the possible reasons. I think you would hate to be wrong in your pigeon holing , I don't think it would make a blind bit of difference to you who did it as long as you can blame the people you hate.
    Err.. I "hate" people that kill animals
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Have you not heard about Pinocchio? If not I believe it is on in Caithness at the moment.
    Ah, the Disney thing, a work of fantasy I believe. And nothing to do with fact. Rather like your assumption that the Estate wallah must automatically be lying.

    Blinkers on, shields up, fingers in ears...Avoid supplying evidence..

    By the way I am still awaiting your answer to the following:

    ...I ask you for your "balanced argument" on why, and when, it is necesary to dig a badger out of its sett, and set several terriers onto it?
    Is it for conservation, prevention of the "alleged" spread of TB or what?. Or is just an excuse for sick thugs to enjoy watching an animal ripped to bits.
    You'll not get an answer to a pathetically crude piece of thread manipulation. The thread was about legal 'hunting', not the illegal dragging out of badgers from their setts.

    I think the fact that a person (pro hunting) started a thread about Hunting under the "Hobbies" section gives the game away, does it not
    No it doesn't say anything. 'Hunting' can be described as a 'hobby' if the participant does it in their spare time for enjoyment.

    The fact that you do not like it doesn't change anything. It was put in the right section.

  13. #13
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    Walter, you and Anfield would argue black is white. I appreciate you have crossed swords in the past on other issues.

    But do you really think poisoning birds of prey is a good idea?

  14. #14
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    One thing I will say, what morals do the people have who use an illegal poison substance to indiscriminately kill anything that comes along and eats the poisoned bait, especially when that anything could be a legally protected bird of prey or even someones pet dog/cat. The old chestnut I only use it to kill vermin such as Foxes etc, just doesn't wash, especially when the poison substance is illegal in the first place. What else are these morally deficient people capable of.

    Regardless of who these people are, they are criminals who are working outside the law, I don't care if they are gamekeepers, estate workers, farmers, crofters, pigeon fanciers or whatever they like to call themselves, if they are killing protected Raptors and other protected wildlife with whichever method they choose, then they are criminals and should be brought to justice. What gives them the right to kill our protected birds of prey, if I or anyone went onto estate land and started shooting, trapping etc, the Pheasants, Partridge, Grouse, Deer and Salmon there, then we'd very soon be up in court for poaching and have the book thrown at us for crimes against the establishment, our guns and cars would be confiscated and we would be heavily fined or jailed or both. Should work both ways but it doesn't does it !!!

    SO WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE ??? BOTH ARE ILLEGAL, why is it OK for them to do what they want with our protected wildlife and be virtually immune from the law. What's the point in making these laws if they don't apply to everyone; the chief constables, the sheriffs and the judges turn a blind eye when it suits them, and it certainly suits them when it comes down to upholding the so-called protected wildlife laws.

    Is this normal behaviour, gloryfying the kill by a wanton display of the hunters blood lust.

    24 Foxes on a gibbet at Skelpick.

    56 Hooded Crows on a keepers gibbet at Syre.

    Moles on a gibbet at Skelpick.

    I have many more like these.

    Last edited by nirofo; 11-Dec-10 at 18:43.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by ducati View Post
    Walter, you and Anfield would argue black is white. I appreciate you have crossed swords in the past on other issues.

    But do you really think poisoning birds of prey is a good idea?
    Absolutely not.

    I don't even like the idea of poisioning rats and mice - I've always used humane traps to kill them rather than put down poison in the house and outbuildings - even though I'm sure it's less effective.

    It's a rotten, indiscriminate way to die. I may disagree with vehemently Anfields 'anti' stance - but like many people who shoot and fish I have the greatest respect for my quarry and the countryside.

  16. #16
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    I just don't understand the thinking of some people.
    I am a farmer's daughter and my father never trapped or shot appart from the odd occasion for the pot.
    We all see the damage that rabbits do,he took the view that as natural predators of them, foxes and buzzards were welcome pest controllers
    The chicken house was kept well secured and fenced and I cannot remember an instance of wild animals ever causing carnage.He was also adamant that the then legal hunt was under no circumstances to ride his land.
    Surely if you are breeding pheasants, grouse and the like you ensure that the rearing pens are fox proof and if they are not, then what are you paying a gamekeepers wages for?
    Some folk need to take a long hard look at their predjudices and realise that by trying to eliminate the so called pests, they are tinkering with the balance of nature and therefore have no right to complain about the consequences.

  17. #17
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    Nirofo, may I ask when those disgusting photos were taken?
    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, with 100% fatality." R.D.Laing

  18. #18
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    This is a very old practice that was abolished many years ago. Just goes to show that estates still employ the old, the thick and the law breakers to do their dirty work.
    "Step sideways, pause and study those around you. You will learn a great deal."

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaldtimer View Post
    Nirofo, may I ask when those disgusting photos were taken?
    They were taken in the 90's and you're right they are disgusting, it just goes to show that some people have not evolved much further than the Neanderthals and still need to show off their prowess as hunter gatherers.

    Here's another sickening photo, disgusting isn't it ?

    Keepers Gibbet.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter Ego View Post
    "..but like many people who shoot and fish I have the greatest respect for my quarry and the countryside.."
    So you "respect" a living thing, then blast it to kingdom come!
    I wonder what you do to animals you do not respect
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
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