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Thread: Thurso Camera Club Season 2009 -2010

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile Thurso Camera Club Season 2009 -2010

    Thurso Camera Club has started it's new season and again are meeting every First and Third Monday of the Month in the Art Rooms of Miller Academy, Thurso (Access via Princes Street Entrance).

    Meetings are held at 7pm for a 7.30pm start (Time to chat, set up etc.) and run to approximately 2hrs from start.

    All are welcome and previous experience is not a requirement (and you don't necessarily have to own a digital camera).

    October 5th 2009: The first meeting of October will be a talk and slideshow by Martina Cross on the subject of "Landscapes".

    This shall be followed by the first of the monthly photo competitions. The theme is "summer". Maximum of 4 entries each and they can be either a hard copy print or a digital copy (if digital bring on a stick or on Disc please).

    CU There and remember "Keep Focused"

    See Link Below for details of our Annual Photographic Exhibition:
    Last edited by futurelegends; 04-Oct-09 at 12:10.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile Monday 19th October - N0 Meeting

    Please note the normal 3rd Monday of the month meeting shall not take place tonight (Monday 19th October).

    Our next meeting shall actually take place on the 26th October the speaker / subject - Gordon Mackie - Astrophotography.

    With an opportunity for a Photo-shoot of real moon rocks!! - so bring your cameras.

    The School is shut so the venue should be the Free Church Hall (Across from the Thurso Swimming Pool) -Usual Start time: 7pm for a 7.30 start.

    CU There and Remember

    Keep Focused.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Astrophotography Talk

    Hope your club enjoyed the talk tonight. Here are the weblinks given at the end of the talk: - stargazing basics – night sky map – weekly guide to the visibility of the planets in the sky – beginners guide to sky photography – guide to astrophotgraphy – find out when the international space station (and other objects) will be visible crossing the night sky – stunning space images – NASA image portal – astrophotos by Pete Lawrence (UK) – Bradford Robotic Telescope – Free FITS Liberator plugin for Adobe Photoshop

    I'm looking forward to seeing a few more astrophotos on the forum - assuming the weather improves.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Cool Monday 2nd November Meeting

    The next meeting of the Camera Club is this coming Monday, 2nd November in Millar Academy Art Rooms (Accessed from the Princes Street entrance).

    The Main subject is 'Action Photography' and the presenter is Phil Downie of Dingwall who is a Professional Photographer. Phil specialises in Sports Photography.

    The second half of the meeting shall include our November Competition on the subject of 'Architecture', so dig out your best shots and let the judging begin.

    The meeting begins at 7pm for a 7.30 start.

    Hope to see you there and remember 'Keep Focused'.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile 16th November: Press & PR Photography

    The next Thurso camera Club meeting on Monday 16th November will be a talk by professional photographer Michael Brookes-Roper on Press & PR photography. Mike lives near Melvich and is the current BIPP photographer of the year, see his website:

    Mike was one of the judges for Thurso Camera Club's Highland Challenge selection in Caithness Horizons and will give his views on what he looks for when judging.

    The second half of the evening will be a critique of submitted photos.
    Members please send a maximum of 4 digital images to Colin Gregory (resized to a width of 1050 pixels) or bring them along on the night (as should new attendees).

    All are welcome, See first post on this string for venue/time of meeting.

    Keep Focused.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile Meeting December 7th

    Our Next Meeting is on Monday 7th December and features a practical presentation on Adobe Photoshop by the Clubs very own Duncan McLachlan.

    The first half concentrates on Photoshop Basics (a good introduction to the software package) and following the Tea/Coffee Break Duncan shall show you what can be achieved by the advanced user.

    All are welcome and the usual time and venue details can be found on the first posting on this string.

    CU there and remember, keep focused.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004


    must remember to put that on the calendar as desperately need to learn PS

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile Next Meeting 21st December

    It's CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! and we intend to Party.

    Members are invited along to socialise, have a little drinkie and some festive fare (Bring along a contribution to the table).

    Also we are inviting entries for our Competition 'Autumn' (OK I know it's Winter outside but in the club it's .....).

    Colin also has a presentation of the full entries to this Year's Highland Challenge (images from all seven clubs) 70 images in total. Well worth seeing.

    Usual Venue and start time.

    CU There
    Keep Focused

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile Next Meeting Monday 4th January 2010

    As the School is closed the next meeting is being held in Ormlie Lodge Meeting/Games Room.

    As usual the meeting is planned for 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

    Part one of the meeting promises to be a very interesting talk/pictorial examples by Local Professional Photographer, Chris Gregory on the subject of PR & Advertising photography.

    Part two is January's Club photo competition on the subject of "The Coast", bring your entries.

    Directions to Ormlie Lodge Meeting Room:

    From Thurso Railway station - Walk up Castlegreen Road until the first Left turn and take it (Brownhill Road), take the first left turn on Brownhill road into the Car Park. Ormlie Lodge Club should now be in view (Big Sign, You Can't Miss it) at the bottom of the Car Park.

    Walk down the steps at the club and walk to the rear of the building, the meeting/games room is the building beside the Club - Come on in!

    Hope to see you there
    and Remember
    Keep Focused
    Last edited by futurelegends; 29-Dec-09 at 21:33.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Wink Next Meeting 18th January 2010

    Our next meeting is both a theory and practical session with the club's award winning member, Martina Cross.

    The subject tonight is the streets at night and shall incorporate the theoretical side of Night Time Photography followed by a photo-shoot on the streets of Thurso.

    Please bring your Camera if you wish to participate, All welcome (members and potential new members) and dress accordingly.

    Usual venue (see the first entry on this string for details) - try not to be late as we shall be out and about after the theory session.

    CU there and remember
    Keep Focused.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Thumbs up 18th January Update

    Our next meeting is both a theory and practical session with the club's award winning member, Martina Cross.

    The subject tonight is taking photos at night and shall incorporate the theoretical side of Night Time Photography in the club followed by a photo-shoot at a location in Thurso or Scrabster.

    Please bring your Camera and tripod (if you have one) if you wish to participate, All welcome (members and potential new members) and dress accordingly.

    If it is raining heavily, the shoot may be abandoned and the remaining images from the Dingwall Camera Club competition will be shown.

    Usual venue (see the first entry on this string for details) - try not to be late as we shall be out and about after the theory session.

    CU there and remember
    Keep Focused.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Thumbs up 1st February Meeting

    The next meeting on Monday is a talk by professional photographer Fin Macrae of Tain. He will cover his threesixfive project in which club member Neil Buchan took part in.

    52 people in the Higlands and Islands were allocated a camera for one week each, so that they could record life in the north. A book has been published and a photographic exhibition is touring the Highlands. The tour has reached the Swanson Gallery at the Thurso library and it can be viewed until 13 Feb.

    Fin's website is

    The second half of the evening will be a slideshow of the remainder of the Dingwall Camera Club national competition entries. There will also be a reminder to send in your images for the 2011 Caithness calendar (to Colin Gregory). They have to be of a recogniseable location (such as Scrabster harbour! No abstracts etc) and in landscape orientation.

    (Thanks to James Gunn for the above words, I always thought he would come in useful at some stage).

    Usual Venue, Miller Academy Art Rooms (See First Posting on this Thread for details)
    All welcome, we're always looking for new members.

    CU There and remember
    Keep Focused

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile Meeting 15th February 2010

    The next club meeting shall be held in the Free Church on Millbank Road, across from Thurso Swimming Pool (as the school will be shut for the half term holidays).

    The first half of the meeting features "Jamie Buchanan - 365 pictures in 365 days".

    A Personal Challenge Jamie (North Light) took on and on and on and ......... with some fantastic results. Come along and see for yourself.

    This Evening's Club photo competition subject is "Action." Entries on Memory Stick or Disc.

    Doors open 7pm for a 7.30 start, we welcome members and potential new members.

    Hope to see you there.

    Remember 'Keep Focused'

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Wink Monday 1st March 2010

    Animal Portraiture:

    The next meeting on 1st March is a pet photo-shoot with Martina. Martina will give a slide show of her pet photos and then demonstrate how to take pet photos in a studio environment. Members will get a chance to take some photos as well.

    We already have a Jack Russell who has stepped forward to Model for us but we could do with another willing model to alternate with JR so any Club Members with an available photogenic Dog or Cat ( a non scrapper preferably) please get in touch with James Gunn by Wednesday 24th February (Email - [email protected]).

    Doors open 7pm for a 7.30 Start.
    Venue: Miller Academy Art Rooms (See First Post of this string for details).

    CU There
    and remember
    'Keep Focused'

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Cool Next Meeting: Monday 15th March

    The meeting on Monday 15th March is a presentation by former Club Chairman Neil Buchan. He will be passing on some tips on how to take better photos. Usual time and place (See first posting on this string).

    The second half of the evening will be the last monthly competition of the season and the theme is "open" so anything goes regarding subject matter.

    A maximum entry of 4 photos per person should be sent the chairman Colin Gregory (existing members should have the e-mail address already) or brought on a memory stick on the night (best to re-size the photos to 1,050 pixels wide).

    All welcome new members and existing ones.

    CU There and Remember

    'Keep Focused'.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Smile Next Meeting: 5th April

    As Miller Academy shall be closed for the Easter Holidays, the next meeting will be in the Orange Room of the Park Hotel at 7pm for a 7.30 start.

    The evening will consist of:

    A brief talk on the Royal Photographic Society

    A simple introduction to Photoshop Layers

    A preview of a project being undertaken by our Camera Club Chairman

    A critique session - Members, please let Colin have any images for this in good time.

    Open to all, Existing and Potential New Members.

    FINALLY -PLEASE REMEMBER that the next meeting is on the 5th April, not next week.

    CU there and remember, 'Keep Focused'

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Wink 19th April Meeting

    Monday 19th of April Club members are invited along to our AGM. This shall take up the First half of the evening.

    Part 2 shall consist of a screening of the Dingwall Camera Club Slide show of national competition entries.

    Venue: Miller Academy (see first Posting on this string for details).

    Remember, Keep Focused.
    Last edited by futurelegends; 17-Apr-10 at 01:53. Reason: typo

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thurso, Home of the Gods

    Cool End of the Autumn Winter Season 2009-2010

    Thanks for looking in over the last 6 Months folks, we are now moving into our Summer Season which shall involve a new string in the Org's Photography Sub Section.

    I hope you enjoyed looking in / attending our meetings.

    Remember 'Keep Focused'

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