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Thread: Awesome News!!

  1. #1

    Default Awesome News!!


    as some of you know the one and only Slash is recording a solo album with loads of different guests on it which is due out in May over here.

    Hes gona be touring Europe in the summer/winter...and guess whose fronting the band for the tour

    2010 will be a good year!!!

  2. #2



    the year music died

  3. #3


    says you whose musical tastes are vampire weekend and oasis?

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahah

    your musical taste died a long long time ago friend.

  4. #4


    Each to their own, but at least Vampire Weekend never wrote a song called "Metalingus"

    Cringe x 84 BILLION!!

  5. #5


    Metalingus, Awesome song!

    1. Least any bands i listen to have an original name...Vampire Weekend (the indie pish) that you listen to stole their name so that says it all really.

    2. as far as songs go, noodling guitar work that a 12 year old cood do. Pretentious songs and lyrics that make absolutely no sense.

    3. they aint even unique in their genre, is it vampire weekend? or the kooks? or bombay bicycle club? all i know is, all the above sound and act exactly the same.

    4. and since u mentioned Metalingus...A punk by vampier weekend, thats a laugh and a half, tell the guitarist to tune his guitar and "look outside the raincoats coming" hahahahahahaha jeez, u shud really think about wat ur talkin about before you slag off other bands and musicians.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by bigbenjokazooie View Post
    Metalingus, Awesome song!

    1. Least any bands i listen to have an original name...Vampire Weekend (the indie pish) that you listen to stole their name so that says it all really.

    2. as far as songs go, noodling guitar work that a 12 year old cood do. Pretentious songs and lyrics that make absolutely no sense.

    3. they aint even unique in their genre, is it vampire weekend? or the kooks? or bombay bicycle club? all i know is, all the above sound and act exactly the same.

    4. and since u mentioned Metalingus...A punk by vampier weekend, thats a laugh and a half, tell the guitarist to tune his guitar and "look outside the raincoats coming" hahahahahahaha jeez, u shud really think about wat ur talkin about before you slag off other bands and musicians.

    1) Petty TO THE MAX! Plus barely makes any sense, as I could easily say Nickleback is a terrible name for a band. Which it is.

    2) Who wants to listen to CRAZY FACEMELTING SOLOS and I think you'll find they are just as competent musicians as your favourite bands! Whilst they may not indulge in making hot love to their guitars, which quite frankly I find tiresome, they certainly make their music interesting, catchy, and, intelligent. Plus their song 'A Punk' features in Guitar Hero 5 alongside such rubbish as 3 Doors Down, which I'll warrant a guess is a band you like! So really, they are a musically sound band.

    3) Nickleback, 3 Doors Down, Creed, Alter Bridge, Who are they, what are they....why are they!? They all look and act the same - Like idiots! ZING! Im not a massive fan of the Kooks though, some catchy tunes but lyrically speaking, they are pretty dirt!

    PS I'll give you props for mentioning BBC though lad!

    3) Tell your lad in Alter Bridge to turn down his voice, his guitar, his band. They are too loud and boorish. Their song lyrics are close to idiotic, close to patronizing. I had a look at a few of their songs and chose this:

    Yeah, oh yeah
    I want to rise today
    And change this world

    Yeah, oh yeah
    Oh, won't you rise today
    And change this world?

    That's some deep stuff man!

    Part of these sort of bands' appeal to me, is that quite often, their lyrics, at first, dont make sense. Its interesting to listen to them again and again and think about what they are trying to say, its a bit like art. Combining this with a great little tunie, simplistic in nature, with one of the best false choruses about, and you have a great song.

    Like Creed, YOU WILL SEE THE LIGHT! Someday!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth View Post

    the year music died

    tru dat brutha

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth View Post
    3) Nickleback, 3 Doors Down, Creed, Alter Bridge, Who are they, what are they....why are they!?
    They are bands for rebellious teenage boys and lesbians.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    A+ thread, would read again.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth View Post
    1) Petty TO THE MAX! Plus barely makes any sense, as I could easily say Nickleback is a terrible name for a band. Which it is.

    2) Who wants to listen to CRAZY FACEMELTING SOLOS and I think you'll find they are just as competent musicians as your favourite bands! Whilst they may not indulge in making hot love to their guitars, which quite frankly I find tiresome, they certainly make their music interesting, catchy, and, intelligent. Plus their song 'A Punk' features in Guitar Hero 5 alongside such rubbish as 3 Doors Down, which I'll warrant a guess is a band you like! So really, they are a musically sound band.

    3) Nickleback, 3 Doors Down, Creed, Alter Bridge, Who are they, what are they....why are they!? They all look and act the same - Like idiots! ZING! Im not a massive fan of the Kooks though, some catchy tunes but lyrically speaking, they are pretty dirt!

    PS I'll give you props for mentioning BBC though lad!

    3) Tell your lad in Alter Bridge to turn down his voice, his guitar, his band. They are too loud and boorish. Their song lyrics are close to idiotic, close to patronizing. I had a look at a few of their songs and chose this:

    Yeah, oh yeah
    I want to rise today
    And change this world

    Yeah, oh yeah
    Oh, won't you rise today
    And change this world?

    That's some deep stuff man!

    Part of these sort of bands' appeal to me, is that quite often, their lyrics, at first, dont make sense. Its interesting to listen to them again and again and think about what they are trying to say, its a bit like art. Combining this with a great little tunie, simplistic in nature, with one of the best false choruses about, and you have a great song.

    Like Creed, YOU WILL SEE THE LIGHT! Someday!
    1. whose on about Nickelback? Alter Bridge got their name from something that means a lot to them, look it up. They didnt steal their name from vampire memorial day weekend if thats wat ur gettin at

    2. Musically sound? because they were in a Guitar Hero game hahahahaha haha u need to do some homework friend, theres nothing remotely complex about ANY of the bands you listen to, judging by wat ur saying. a 3 chord G,C,D chorus-bridge-chorus-end isnt "musically sound" as in comparison to the bands that have talent. Alter Bridge, Guns and Roses, Lynrd Synrd, Metallica, now thats musically sounds. Technically compared to the skinny jean wearing, spikey haired, sound alikes that you like, there is no competition.

    3. Alter Bridge and Creed look the same? Well yeah, 3 out of the 4 members of Creed are Alter Bridge...Can we get a round of applause for the genuis in the front row who noticed that!! I like the fact that u say Nickelback sounds like 3 doors down and Alter Bridge sound like Creed...its naive to say that when u havent given any of them a chance, to me when you say it shows you know nothing about the genre of music i like and you should most defintely stick to your own, if you dont like it then why comment on it? sometimes its best to just keep your mouth shut. Anyone with a braincell knows that the singer from Creed and the Singer from Alter Bridge sound NOTHING alike...its a credit to the drummer,bassist and guitarist that both bands sound nothing alike, id like to see an indie band do that...but wait, they all sound the same anyway, as i said before.

    4. Too loud? hahahahah haha sort your sound system out fella, you only need to turn ur volume down? Trust you to chose the cheesiest song of ABs you could find haha the indie stuff your a fan of tend to right a tune then put random lyrics over the top, than do it the lyrical way then with a tune, thats plain to see in the tripe they release. I'll chose Ghost by BBC and say this...sounds a lot like scouting for girls, painfully uninspired with alot of flat sections with instrumental monotony. This is duvet music offering vague comfort but impossible to feel any excitement for.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by bigbenjokazooie View Post
    Alter Bridge got their name from something that means a lot to them, look it up. They didnt steal their name from vampire memorial day weekend if thats wat ur gettin at
    From the Wiki: "Kennedy, Tremonti, Phillips and Marshall started a new band and soon after juggling a few names, settled on the moniker Alter Bridge, which was named after a bridge in Detroit near Tremonti's home on Alter Road. The bridge led to a bad side of town and the neighborhood children were not allowed to cross because of this. Thus, according to Tremonti, the name of the band symbolizes going over into the unknown and starting something new."

    Aye, that sounds very meaningful indeed. Maybe I'll start a band called Elland Park to symobolise the dangers of crossing the footbridge up into big, bad Springpark. Oooh, I've got chills just thinking about it.

    It seems the "bad side of town" they refer to is where all the black folk live. That sounds pretty racist to me. Can't say I'm surprised.

    Oh, and use a spell checker.


  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Blast! View Post
    From the Wiki: "Kennedy, Tremonti, Phillips and Marshall started a new band and soon after juggling a few names, settled on the moniker Alter Bridge, which was named after a bridge in Detroit near Tremonti's home on Alter Road. The bridge led to a bad side of town and the neighborhood children were not allowed to cross because of this. Thus, according to Tremonti, the name of the band symbolizes going over into the unknown and starting something new."

    Aye, that sounds very meaningful indeed. Maybe I'll start a band called Elland Park to symobolise the dangers of crossing the footbridge up into big, bad Springpark. Oooh, I've got chills just thinking about it.

    It seems the "bad side of town" they refer to is where all the black folk live. That sounds pretty racist to me. Can't say I'm surprised.

    Oh, and use a spell checker.

    well it means something to them and thats all i care about, i coodnt give a toss wat some weasel of the board thinks. if your spoken to then speak, otherwise, shut up because me, like many others in here dont care wat you've got to say. by the time you've taken to look up Alter Bridge on wiki, you could have easily gone and played with some traffic and done us all a favour.


  13. #13
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    Unfortunately for you Ben, the internet gives everyone a voice, like it or not. Perhaps not many people want to read your opinion, going by the people who respond to your threads, usually Blast and Kenneth, I'd say I'm right. But people still click on them. If they disagree, the reply button is there... opening a world of criticism and mockery.

    You disagree on tastes in music, well done.

    How can you possibly expect anyone to respect what you think is the greatest band in the world when you're just as bad at dishing out insults on other peoples musical tastes. As it turns out, I don't mind Alter Bridge too much, some of their stuff is particularly pleasing.

    Perhaps once you've got something useful to post on the board, other than being an Alter Bridge/Creed/Myles Kennedy newsfeed, people will give you less grief.

    Can't see it though.

    I'm looking forward to your next thread...

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeid View Post
    Unfortunately for you Ben, the internet gives everyone a voice, like it or not. Perhaps not many people want to read your opinion, going by the people who respond to your threads, usually Blast and Kenneth, I'd say I'm right. But people still click on them. If they disagree, the reply button is there... opening a world of criticism and mockery.

    You disagree on tastes in music, well done.

    How can you possibly expect anyone to respect what you think is the greatest band in the world when you're just as bad at dishing out insults on other peoples musical tastes. As it turns out, I don't mind Alter Bridge too much, some of their stuff is particularly pleasing.

    Perhaps once you've got something useful to post on the board, other than being an Alter Bridge/Creed/Myles Kennedy newsfeed, people will give you less grief.

    Can't see it though.

    I'm looking forward to your next thread...
    and im voicing wat i feel strongly about, because i make threads about bands or artists i like that i should get singled out? thats pish. the reply button is there ur right and freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. if i wana post something on here, i'll continue to do so. its not gona be the people on here that dont like the bands or music i like that stop me, thats for damn certain.

    as for your sarcazm, i dont care for that much either.

  15. #15
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    Kenny came in and posted a somewhat witty reply and you came back slagging him off. Well done you! Have a cookie.

    I never said to not post, but are you not seeing a pattern?

    "omgzorz... Myles Kennedy... *fap fap fap* "

    Followed by several posts in a slagging match.

    I don't care if you dislike my sarcasm. Just saying it as I see it. If you wanna argue with two people who can spell, knock yourself out.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by bigbenjokazooie View Post
    1. whose on about Nickelback? Alter Bridge got their name from something that means a lot to them, look it up. They didnt steal their name from vampire memorial day weekend if thats wat ur gettin at

    2. Musically sound? because they were in a Guitar Hero game hahahahaha haha u need to do some homework friend, theres nothing remotely complex about ANY of the bands you listen to, judging by wat ur saying. a 3 chord G,C,D chorus-bridge-chorus-end isnt "musically sound" as in comparison to the bands that have talent. Alter Bridge, Guns and Roses, Lynrd Synrd, Metallica, now thats musically sounds. Technically compared to the skinny jean wearing, spikey haired, sound alikes that you like, there is no competition.

    3. Alter Bridge and Creed look the same? Well yeah, 3 out of the 4 members of Creed are Alter Bridge...Can we get a round of applause for the genuis in the front row who noticed that!! I like the fact that u say Nickelback sounds like 3 doors down and Alter Bridge sound like Creed...its naive to say that when u havent given any of them a chance, to me when you say it shows you know nothing about the genre of music i like and you should most defintely stick to your own, if you dont like it then why comment on it? sometimes its best to just keep your mouth shut. Anyone with a braincell knows that the singer from Creed and the Singer from Alter Bridge sound NOTHING alike...its a credit to the drummer,bassist and guitarist that both bands sound nothing alike, id like to see an indie band do that...but wait, they all sound the same anyway, as i said before.

    4. Too loud? hahahahah haha sort your sound system out fella, you only need to turn ur volume down? Trust you to chose the cheesiest song of ABs you could find haha the indie stuff your a fan of tend to right a tune then put random lyrics over the top, than do it the lyrical way then with a tune, thats plain to see in the tripe they release. I'll chose Ghost by BBC and say this...sounds a lot like scouting for girls, painfully uninspired with alot of flat sections with instrumental monotony. This is duvet music offering vague comfort but impossible to feel any excitement for.

    1A. Why am I even responding!!
    1B. Clearly it means something to them as they picked it as their name. Its not a bad name, Alter Bridge isnt even a particularly bad name in my opinion - Now, The London Gentlemen is a bad name, but it I picked it because its from Anchorman. A band wouldnt pick a name if it mean flip all to them. But no more arguing on the band name because its actually ridiculous.

    2. Is complex necessarily better? Also, Spikey haired?? Eh?! Are you 95??

    3. Devendra Banhart sounds nothing like The Maccabees; The Asteroids Galaxy Tour sounds nothing like Black Rebel Motorcycle Club; Bloc Party sound nothing like The La's. Please stop harping on about indie bands sounding and looking the same, when, clearly, they don't. You will see similarities yes, but would you say there is a genre devoid of similar-sounding artists?

    4. Alterbridge are too loud, this balls-to-the-walls stuff isnt for me, where's the subtlety? Where's the risk? Why are all their lyrics written by a 14 year old angst-ridden goth?

    Also if you are going to review a BBC song, dont take it from a website.

    Quite simply, I like cheese, you like chalk, have fun eating the chalk!

  17. #17
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    Jun 2005


    I'll add my two pence and enjoy the backlash against it.

    I've never been a fan of Slash, so I ain't looking forward to his solo work. IMHO he brought Scott Weiland down. I love Stone Temple Pilots but hate Velvet Revolver.

    This is all of course in my opinion.
    I truly believe Slash's solo album/work will be more of the same boring, predictable tripe he has cashed in on for the past 20 years or so.

    Shoot me down ben.......I can't wait.

    P.S. it's still only an opinion.
    Pictures of you, litter my floorboards.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by loganbiffy View Post
    I'll add my two pence and enjoy the backlash against it.

    I've never been a fan of Slash, so I ain't looking forward to his solo work. IMHO he brought Scott Weiland down. I love Stone Temple Pilots but hate Velvet Revolver.

    This is all of course in my opinion.
    I truly believe Slash's solo album/work will be more of the same boring, predictable tripe he has cashed in on for the past 20 years or so.

    Shoot me down ben.......I can't wait.

    P.S. it's still only an opinion.
    yup lol more of the same boring predictable tripe that has made him one of the more influential and popular guitarists of the last 20 years. this is of course just my opinion

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tattoo_tearz View Post
    yup lol more of the same boring predictable tripe that has made him one of the more influential and popular guitarists of the last 20 years. this is of course just my opinion
    Yep, it is just your opinion and the opinion of millions of his fans.
    He just doesn't do anything for me, it's scales in Standard or Eb tuning. I just find it very commonplace.
    I ain't saying he can't play guitar, he just does nothing for me personally.
    Pictures of you, litter my floorboards.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth View Post

    3. Devendra Banhart sounds nothing like The Maccabees; The Asteroids Galaxy Tour sounds nothing like Black Rebel Motorcycle Club; Bloc Party sound nothing like The La's. Please stop harping on about indie bands sounding and looking the same, when, clearly, they don't. You will see similarities yes, but would you say there is a genre devoid of similar-sounding artists?
    He knows absolutely nothing about indie music so hasn't got a clue what he's blabbing about. You were doing so well until that bit about the La's

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