I think it's time the org had a parenting section.
Some people are like Slinkies. They're really good for nothing. But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
No. Never again. There won't ever be a Jox Mk 3. Before my son was born I always thought perfection couldn't be improved, I was wrong.
Anyway, the reason for the new section is that every so often someone starts a thread in the general section with woes/queries to do with parenting problems. A dedicated section would help those bewildered sorry, with a query.
I need a nappy change.
if people are letting kids run over the ice on the boating pond, i think we need more than just a parenting section
I think a parenting section would be a grand idea!
Somewhere for parents to put hints and tips about things, or for people to ask questions! Aceness!
Why not create a parenting social group? Anyone (Jox maybe - his idea lol) can create one without need for Admin to get involved. Then any parents to be or long-suffering parents can join to offer their advice if they want to.
No need for me to set up a group Bob, I don't have any problems with my son.
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I know I'm lucky but he's still young yet, plenty of time for him to give us teenage woes.
laughs well my 6 year old already thinks hes 16 at times..
Got the tee-shirt.
I think parents should be count themselves privaliged to have children who are healthy and happy.
Who keep out of trouble and away from substance mis-use of any kind.
It's a bonus if they get good grades at school. go to college or university.
Most parents try the best they can to instill good manners and values in their offspring and that is all any parent can do.
You don't have to be mad to know me but it helps.