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View Poll Results: Do You Believe In A God?

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  • Yes

    95 46.34%
  • No

    110 53.66%
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Thread: Do You Believe in a God?

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by brandy View Post
    everyone keeps on saying that God isnt scientific, yet would God not be the greatest scienteist ever? God created everything, everything can be explained.. (well one day maybe?) it all links up together. just because we dont have the answers now does not mean we ever wont.
    why does people think that to Love God you have to think inside the box?
    why can people be free thinkers, intelegent people who think out side the pre-consived notions of peoples long gone?
    lets see.. i believe in God, i believe in aliens, I belive in ghosts and a spirit world.. is it relevant? i say yes. individually, we are a people that use onloy about 10-15 percent of our brain, in a universe so huge its beyound comprehension. who are we to say what is fact or fiction in a thing that we know nothing about.
    its a big world people, keep your minds open.
    Good points. I am reminded of a famous Polish professor of genetics who said something along the lines that, "the evidence leads to the inescapable conclusion that there exists an intelligence so very, very far above our own."

    I have no problem with the fact that many people do not believe in God, only with those, like Prof. Richard Dawkins, who claim that organic evolution is a fact. If people want to believe in organic evolution and in what Prof. Dawkins preaches, that is their right, but it is a belief system, a faith, not a fact by any stretch of the imagination.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I don't believe in god, gods or anything supernatural. I have no problem with people believing in such things, if they harm no one. I do have a problem when people proslytise, preach and attempt to undermine science and reason.

    Just because one or two scientists, have invoked or implied god, gods or supernatural forces in the past that does not translate as a belief. Many are probably referring to a deist god or simply making a stylistic choice so that a statement has better prose.

    There are a few true believers out there. but they are rare. As for the Polish geneticist hes one man from a different time, theres a large body of evidence supporting evolution by natural selection.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Um, okay... wow. I've been reading previous posts since my initial reply, and though I have no desire to start a flame war. I feel there are a few things I should say, and so in no particular:

    • My definition of harm includes forcing it on children, ever your own.
    • I notice Christianity is discussed most; which is to be expected. Its entirely possible that a belief in almighty Thor is the correct one however.
    • Any children reading this, or even people who can remember back to then - remember what your parents told you about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? and then told you they were making in up... They told you about $Deity also didn't they?
    • Christmas really isn't Christian, it was co-opted by them. Also thats your argument, if you don't believe in a Christian god no presents or turkey for you.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    if you don't believe in a Christian god no presents or turkey for you.
    There must be a god, (turkey, yuck)
    A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    You've just gotta love the org, if there is a way to either stir the possum or get a debate going! Someone will post it here! ROFL

    And some of you know, that I definately do believe there is a God! And I think most do, in one way or another, so I will clarify my statement, I believe in God of the Bible!
    She was not quite what you would call refined, she was not quite what you would call unrefined. She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot. Mark Twain

  6. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    • Any children reading this, or even people who can remember back to then - remember what your parents told you about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy?
    I, as a Christian, don't tell my children lies - hence they have never been brought up to believe in imaginary people.

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    • Christmas really isn't Christian, it was co-opted by them. Also thats your argument, if you don't believe in a Christian god no presents or turkey for you.
    Agree with you there - Christmas is nothing to do with Christianity. Jesus never asked us to celebrate his birth - the true date isn't even known! Which is why I also don't celebrate Christmas or any other so-called Christian festival!

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Santa Claus isn't real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Phill View Post
    Santa Claus isn't real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Just wondering whether to introduce bairn to teachings of father xmas and Jesus or Darwin and Dawkins.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Phill View Post
    Santa Claus isn't real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ach stop 'ed min!!!
    Greed & Competition aren't the result of immutable human temperament, greed & fear of scarcity have being created & amplified. Consequently, we've got to fight with each other in order to survive!

  11. #131
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Although I may not agree with some of the vocabulary presented here by young Alan I would like to support his efforts in making himself understood. Reading between the lines I get the gist of his bumph and almost agree with most of it. Stick in there Alan. Your opposers are displaying more about their own natures than they are saying about yours, and for anyone with an interest in human behaviour, that's quite a lot. Some of it from grown men and directed towards a youngster is just awful.
    As for a God. Nope. Mind you I could be deluded and would do better to listen to the unconscious longings of my deepest personality although from experience I find that can be a minefield of conflicting emotions. All it needs is a holy book thats revered by people I respect and hey presto, before I iknow it I'll be coming onto the org with biblical quotes to back up those unconscious longings I refer to. God forbid!

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Loraine View Post
    [/LIST]I, as a Christian, don't tell my children lies - hence they have never been brought up to believe in imaginary people.
    I hope you understand the irony of that statement

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post

    • My definition of harm includes forcing it on children, ever your own.
    Do you mean in the way that the idea of organic evolution is forced upon children in schools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    • I notice Christianity is discussed most; which is to be expected. Its entirely possible that a belief in almighty Thor is the correct one however.
    I am interested in the basis for this opinion. It may be right or wrong, but why do you consider it when you have made clear that you do not believe in God anyway?

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    • Any children reading this, or even people who can remember back to then - remember what your parents told you about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? and then told you they were making in up... They told you about $Deity also didn't they?
    Not all Christians tell their children about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Jehovah's Witnesses, for instance, do not. Nor do Muslims, nor Sikhs, nor Jews, ...

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    • Christmas really isn't Christian, it was co-opted by them.
    Yes, this is perfectly true.
    Last edited by Stavro; 10-Nov-09 at 14:49.

  14. #134


    believing if their is a god
    me definitely no
    you only have to look at the loss of life by wars etc all based on religion
    you don't have far to look remember the conflict in Ireland
    just see what the Muslims are doing at the moment
    the number of people killed and wars through religion is unbelievable
    simple if you don't believe in the same god as I do I will kill you
    and to the ones who say religion preaches peace and harmony look at the real word and possibly have a we read of the bible
    there is more killing, incest, rapes and fairy stories in it than in a modern paper back

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by redeyedtreefrog View Post
    I agree with you, but i cant stand it when people dont get their facts right. i got a leaflet from the Jehovas Witnesses saying evolution was "chance" and "an accident". Shame I wasnt there at the time they delivered it.

    I am curious what part of evolution was not a chance and an accident, you not going to surely suggest it was a planned process?

    It is also a very one sided abusive of scientific knowledge to suggest that the research does anything to suggest the JW version has any validity either. I am very busy so it might be a day or two for a response.
    Even if we find the light it will be surround by shadow.

  16. #136
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    Sep 2009



    Quote Originally Posted by Gizmo View Post
    I hope you understand the irony of that statement
    Yeah I was going to make that point but just left it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    Do you mean in the way that the idea of organic evolution is forced upon children in schools?
    Creation myths can not be taught in a science classroom, none conform to sciences principles. That being said what makes one creation myth more valid that the others - In addition to religious views, should the Raelian opinion also be taught.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    I am interested in the basis for this opinion. It may be right or wrong, but why do you consider it when you have made clear that you do not believe in God anyway?
    I never said I believed in Thor, was just stating a point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    Not all Christians tell their children about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Jehovah's Witnesses, for instance, do not. Nor do Muslims, nor Sikhs, nor Jews,

    Yes, this is perfectly true.
    Yeah it isn't the best point but I was replying to an argument where the original was flawed, as it just annoyed me. Also FYI Muslims, Sikhs, nor Jews are Christian so I wouldn't expect them to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Welcomefamily View Post
    I am curious what part of evolution was not a chance and an accident, you not going to surely suggest it was a planned process?

    It is also a very one sided abusive of scientific knowledge to suggest that the research does anything to suggest the JW version has any validity either. I am very busy so it might be a day or two for a response.
    This is a fundamental Creationist/post-modern relativist misunderstanding, its not evolution via random chance but via natural selection.

  17. #137
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    Creation myths can not be taught in a science classroom, none conform to sciences principles.
    Who was talking about Creation myths? There is plenty of real science done by real scientists supporting the concept of supernatural creation - as there is in support of a worldwide Flood, by the way. The idea of organic evolution is taught to schoolchildren as being a fact, whereas it is nothing of the sort. In this circumstance it is evolution that is the myth, taught as being science. You have only to consider the fact that evolutionists will not engage in open debate with creationists, because their case is inferior scientifically to that of creation.

    So when I asked you if the idea of organic evolution should be taught in the schools, you have no answer. If evolution is taught as a myth, then creation can be taught as a myth. If evolution can be taught as science, then creation can be taught as science. What's good for one is good for the other - there is plenty of material.

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    Also FYI Muslims, Sikhs, nor Jews are Christian so I wouldn't expect them to.
    Thanks for that deep revelation, but they do profess a belief in a God (which is what this thread is about, isn't it?).

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    This is a fundamental Creationist/post-modern relativist misunderstanding, its not evolution via random chance but via natural selection.
    Ah, natural selection, the survival of the fittest. Let's see what that means again: The fittest survive, so the survival is of the fittest, and the survival of the fittest means that the fittest survive. All there is to it really. Stephen Hawking isn't overly fit though, is he?

    Quote Originally Posted by RecQuery View Post
    I never said I believed in Thor, was just stating a point.
    So there was no substance to your statement. Okay.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Welcomefamily View Post
    I am curious what part of evolution was not a chance and an accident, you not going to surely suggest it was a planned process?

    It is also a very one sided abusive of scientific knowledge to suggest that the research does anything to suggest the JW version has any validity either. I am very busy so it might be a day or two for a response.
    The Jehovah's Witnesses used to produce a book on evolution as opposed to creation. Next time they knock on your door, maybe you could request a copy, if they still do it? Had a considerable list of references if I remember rightly and was quite good on this topic.

    They did not used to charge for these books - you just made a small donation if you wanted to.

  19. #139
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default is good for anyone who cares Some people should do their research on REPUTABLE sites before being idiots.
    Last edited by redeyedtreefrog; 10-Nov-09 at 20:58.

  20. #140
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by redeyedtreefrog View Post is good for anyone who cares Some people should do their research on REPUTABLE sites before being idiots.
    Well, redeyedtreefrog, either Rene Descartes, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Gregor Mendel, Lord Kelvin, Max Planck, Albert Einstein and many more did not do their research before "being idiots," or ... you are an idiot.

    Hmm, difficult choice that one!

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