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Thread: BNP Leaflets

  1. #1

    Angry BNP Leaflets

    Been out the house for a few days, returned today to be greeted by fascist propaganda behind the door.

    Anyone else received these, also does anyone know the knuckle-dragging morons who have decided to distribute this racist filth?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Thurso, Caithness


    I think everyone will be getting them, I know I did today and it was torn up and placed in a very safe place, the bin.

    I think that Royal Mail might have been employed to deliver them to every household. Dont blame the Postie they are only doing what they have been told to do by their Employer.

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allen Poe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Unless they were to be banned as a party they have as much right as any other political party to shove crap through your door, personally I would ban them all from littering my door mat.
    Some people are like Slinkies. They're really good for nothing. But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    small fishing village outside wick called pulteney

    Talking bnp

    i got 1 aswell but i am already a member, before you jump on the band wagon i think you should read their policies,
    Last edited by riggerboy; 01-Jun-09 at 19:45.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Barrow in Furness


    Knuckle dragging. Morons. Fascist. Racist. Congratulations, you win the most cliches in a post award. What I dont understand though is if the BNP are as bad as the press say, why do they have to tell blatent lies about them.

  6. #6


    Riggerboy, what bandwagon are you referring to? Also what made you join such an extreme right-wing organisation?

    Bazeye, they are racist they are fascist they are morons. Maybe I went too far with the knuckle dragging comment. I really don't care what the press print as I don't read newspapers. However, no-one needs to lie about the BNP to make them out to be 'bad'. Listen to what their members have to say, visit their website.

    As for the posties who delivered this crap, shame on them, they should take a leaf out of the book of their colleagues in the West Country, link below.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Barrow in Furness


    Quote Originally Posted by Wickbhoy View Post
    Riggerboy, what bandwagon are you referring to? Also what made you join such an extreme right-wing organisation?

    Bazeye, they are racist they are fascist they are morons. Maybe I went too far with the knuckle dragging comment. I really don't care what the press print as I don't read newspapers. However, no-one needs to lie about the BNP to make them out to be 'bad'.
    You also forgot to mention they havent been ripping the tax payers off for years.

  8. #8


    What kind of point is that? The only people who can rip-off tax payers are elected MPs, thankfully no constituency has been stupid enough to return a member of the scum.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    small fishing village outside wick called pulteney


    the "they are racist band wagon" go and read on me boy, they want what we want, if the labour party had the bottle to take on the policies of the BNP the country would be in a better state today, british jobs for british folks, put a stop to the influx of so called asylum seekers, i`m not going to go on and on, each to their own and i`m with the BNP,

  10. #10


    ''they want what we want''... who are 'we'?

    I certainly do not want what the BNP want and yes they are racist, there is no bandwagon.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Barrow in Furness


    Postal ballots in Copeland council for the Euro election on June 4th, are this year being stored in cardboard boxes until counting day, whereas every other year they have been stored in steel padlocked boxes. I wonder if this is anything to do with the fact that the BNP polled 40% of the vote in the Kells by-election in December, or is that just me being cynical? We are either a democracy or we arent. You cant pick which parts of it you want and which parts you dont want.

  12. #12


    What are you going on about now? This thread has nothing to do with the question of Democracy in this country, it is about the BNP and their policies.

    Also that by-election was for ONE council ward and only a QUARTER of the electorate bothered voting.

    It does however highlight the danger of voter apathy as exteremists who support the BNP will always vote, so if others don't then they have a chance.

    By the way, you win the award for worst hastily-googled-BNP-fact post.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Barrow in Furness


    Quote Originally Posted by Wickbhoy View Post
    What are you going on about now? This thread has nothing to do with the question of Democracy in this country, it is about the BNP and their policies.
    Of course its about democracy. They have as much right to canvass for votes and distribute literature as any other party, whether you agree with their policy or not. Im not bothering to reply to any more posts on this thread now as its been done to death on other forums so just keep your head buried in the sand.

  14. #14


    You're replies are pointless and poorly thought out anyway. Keep apologising for fascism.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by riggerboy View Post
    british jobs for british folks
    Well if thats the case then maybe they should set about sorting out the benefits system first .

    Some of the British Folks dont seem to want the good old British jobs because they are better off sitting back claiming benefits whilst other folks come over here and do these jobs for them. Contributing into the tax system at the same time.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Cant see what all the fuss is about.They are a legal party.Would people still complain if it was an SNP leaflet? I am offended by the SNP's agenda as I dont agree with it,so is it OK for me to diss them and make wrong accusations that people think it ok to say about the BNP?
    They may not be everyones cup of tea but they have the same rights to promote themsleves as any other party.If you dont agree with them do what you do to all mail you think is junk, Bin it!!!! and move on.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotrod4 View Post
    Cant see what all the fuss is about.They are a legal party.Would people still complain if it was an SNP leaflet? I am offended by the SNP's agenda as I dont agree with it,so is it OK for me to diss them and make wrong accusations that people think it ok to say about the BNP?
    They may not be everyones cup of tea but they have the same rights to promote themsleves as any other party.If you dont agree with them do what you do to all mail you think is junk, Bin it!!!! and move on.
    Good post Hotrod, as you say. they have the same rights as any other party.

    I only have an outline understanding of the BNP, but here's my view anyway.
    On the surface, what they say on their leaflet appeals to me..."Yes to Putting British People First".."No to EU Rule & the Euro"..."No to Immigration & Unemployment".."No to High Taxes & Rip-Off Britain"...i like the sound of all that, but i would NEVER join the BNP, firstly...this is Not! a 'British National Party''s an 'English National Party', and secondly...a lot of the people involved are just racist.."Enter choice of expletive here", i've seen the 'Undecover Documentaries' where Nick Griffin and his cronies spout their racial hatred, we've seen what goes on behind closed doors with the BNP...and a lot of it ain't very nice, so until they have a complete overhall of the people running it, and actually become a 'National Party', i won't be listening to them.

  18. #18


    THe BNP leader is an anti-semite who has been a Holocaust denier (which in much of mainland Europe is a crime), their supporters and those who vote for them are tainted by association with such views.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinotnoir View Post
    THe BNP leader is an anti-semite who has been a Holocaust denier (which in much of mainland Europe is a crime), their supporters and those who vote for them are tainted by association with such views.
    You have a point but does that also mean that if you are Tory,Labour etc does that then mean that you are a thief who makes false expense clams?
    After all they've all been caught with their hands in the cookie jar!

  20. #20
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Gizmo View Post
    Good post Hotrod, as you say. they have the same rights as any other party.

    I only have an outline understanding of the BNP, but here's my view anyway.
    On the surface, what they say on their leaflet appeals to me..."Yes to Putting British People First".."No to EU Rule & the Euro"..."No to Immigration & Unemployment".."No to High Taxes & Rip-Off Britain"...i like the sound of all that, but i would NEVER join the BNP, firstly...this is Not! a 'British National Party''s an 'English National Party', and secondly...a lot of the people involved are just racist.."Enter choice of expletive here", i've seen the 'Undecover Documentaries' where Nick Griffin and his cronies spout their racial hatred, we've seen what goes on behind closed doors with the BNP...and a lot of it ain't very nice, so until they have a complete overhall of the people running it, and actually become a 'National Party', i won't be listening to them.
    That's largely what I think of them as well except that I think it is British rather than English.
    Last edited by Rheghead; 02-Jun-09 at 12:22.
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    Courage to change the things I can,
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