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Thread: Tescos policy

  1. #41


    Thats is totally idiotic. Whats it coming to now? I was once asked for ID when i bought a non-alcoholic drink. It was an energy drink and i was asked for ID?!?!

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Land of pennies


    Quote Originally Posted by lister View Post
    Cannae be bothered .
    You just want to attack Tescos as it seems you have a grudge against it.
    Everyone who works for a retail company that sells alcohol has been informed about the change to selling regulations but you still dont believe so no matter what i or the government say you wont believe as you will argue all the way .sophistry is a word you should look up too!
    How either of my posts can be interpreted as being anti-Tesco I cannot comprehend!
    I'm very much in favour of Tesco, (and Matalan, Asda etc. for that matter), and shop there quite regularly.
    Sophistry...sheesh, don't need to look it up, been in the vocabulary for many a long year...too many!
    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, with 100% fatality." R.D.Laing

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by butterfly View Post
    It's the Scottish Licensing rule and Tesco's and any other licensed outlet are required by law to adhere to it.You are right you can buy alcohol if you are 18 or over but without id licensed premises will adhere to the "think 25"rule.
    From this site

    "Drinks retailers in the UK are to start demanding ID from any customers who appear to be under 25.
    Leading trade associations believe that switching from the current Challenge 21 system to Challenge 25 will make further progress in the battle against under-age sales.
    The new policy has been agreed by the Retail of Alcohol Standards Group, which represents the off-trade in discussions with the government."
    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, with 100% fatality." R.D.Laing

  4. #44
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    So it's not just "Tesco's policy" then!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by butterfly View Post
    So it's not just "Tesco's policy" then!
    I never said it was their's alone!
    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, with 100% fatality." R.D.Laing

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaldtimer View Post
    Actually, you are quite wrong. It is not the law, it is Tesco's policy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aaldtimer View Post
    I never said it was their's alone!
    Sadly you did aaldtimer.......
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  7. #47
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    go try gettting a licence and say you refuse to abide by gov't guidelines.....................council nor police will not grant it.

    anyway full circle.

    this weeks total cans is 12, 3 tonight.
    its a real shame i cant post pixs of these darlings 'cause it is sadly, always the same bunch.
    and there is no way they are getting served at the tills, about 14-16yrs, so someone is going in and buying the stuff for them.


  8. #48

    Default can we end this now?!

    sorry to say like, but i think auldtimers right.

    im not here to play the opposite half to butterfly and lister like it may be thought, but when you read the proposition, like you've quoted, there are no laws passed here.

    Aultdtimers right in saying that the only law present is that only 18+ are allowed to purchase alcohol. The ages 21 and 25 are not included in the law. The "think 21" and "think 25" are a SUGGESTED scheme to stop underage drinking.

    I think i have, like many others, made there oppostion to the "think" rules clear. I would like butterfly and Lister to acknowledge that this is a public forum that encourages public opinions. Shooting down opinions because "they do no meet the "licensing laws"", which sorry to say i think you are both quite out of touch with, does not make for suitable public debate.

    We are not trying to badmouth Tesco's, nor any other establishment. We are only speaking from experience.

  9. #49
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    Tomacomen,you have stated your view the same as me,there is no-one "shooting" anyone down here!
    Aaldtimer,your link was dated 15th January 09.Things have moved on a bit since then as this paragraph from your link quotes "we will shortly consult on a new mandatory code of practice for alcohol retailers,setting out tough new licensing conditions to help tackle alcohol related crime and disorder".

    As i have passed my alcohol license again recently i can assure you Tomacomen what i have said on here i know to be fact.The goverment,police and licensing board are working together with retailers to crack down on all underage related sales.You say i am out of touch?! I think it is not me that is out of touch.END OF>

  10. #50
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    [quote=dx100uk;549080]go try gettting a licence and say you refuse to abide by gov't guidelines.....................council nor police will not grant it.


  11. #51


    I do understand that as you do have your license you probably do have a good knowlege of what the law says, however it does state that people over the age of 18 are allowed to buy alcohol. I would imagine that you would agree with me that if a law was passed that the legal age was 18, why then would you make sure that someone was 7 years over the legal age before making a sale? It seems stupid to me that after reaching the legal age we have to then nearly wait a decade before we are sold without prejudice.

    I would propose raising the purchasing age to 21, this would then make the selling of alcohol easier as im sure you'd agree that there is a great difference between the look of a 16-18 year old and a 21+ year old.

    Im not trying to be a nuisance here, but im trying to say that as a 21 year old, i do find it really annoying that I get ID'd buying a bottle of wine etc!

    I see that the problem of underage drinking is serious in the UK, however i do not believe that the "think 25" rule will make any difference. As it has been said before, if a sole person was to go in and buy 2 crates of beer, 3 bottles of vodka and 12 bottles of wkd and provided ID they would be sold. What happens though if they were buying for someone stood outside the shop. The "think 25" rule works fine in theory, but in reality what underage drinker is going to stand in the que with the purchaser?

    I think that a whole re-evaluation of the culture towards drinking in the UK is in need of a change. I live in the city, im 21 and im pretty pissed off most of the time with the completely stupid drinking that goes on. Sure i like a dram and a good nite like all the rest, but where does a good nite stop and a mess of a nite start?

    I believe that increasing the price of alcohol, along with the enforcing of the 18+ rule only will reduce the binge drinking culture. If you keep increasing the age, it only becomes cooler for the underagers to do.

    hope i dont seem twattish with this post, i just hope i can put my point of view across like!

  12. #52
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    [quote=tomacomen;549087] As it has been said before, if a sole person was to go in and buy 2 crates of beer, 3 bottles of vodka and 12 bottles of wkd and provided ID they would be sold. What happens though if they were buying for someone stood outside the shop.

    You do have a valid point there.How are we to know?Well if you were to buy the alcohol then later give it to underagers it's you and not us that would be prosecuted.The "think 25" rule is really there as a safety net for those selling the alcohol.You can still drink at 18,but buying it means that you will always need photo id.Unless you look a very old and haggered 18!Putting the price of alcohol up in my opinion is not a good idea.That will only penalise those that drink in moderation.The goverment should ban those cheap drinks aimed at the young folk like blue wkd and bacardi breezers.Sherry is cheap too but in all my time selling drink i have never seen the underagers go for that yet!

    This has been a good debate though!

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by butterfly View Post
    Tomacomen,you have stated your view the same as me,there is no-one "shooting" anyone down here!
    Aaldtimer,your link was dated 15th January 09.Things have moved on a bit since then as this paragraph from your link quotes "we will shortly consult on a new mandatory code of practice for alcohol retailers,setting out tough new licensing conditions to help tackle alcohol related crime and disorder".

    As i have passed my alcohol license again recently i can assure you Tomacomen what i have said on here i know to be fact.The goverment,police and licensing board are working together with retailers to crack down on all underage related sales.You say i am out of touch?! I think it is not me that is out of touch.END OF>
    "Things have moved on a bit since then as this paragraph from your link quotes "we will shortly consult on a new mandatory code of practice for alcohol retailers,setting out tough new licensing conditions to help tackle alcohol related crime and disorder"...

    And I'm quite in agreement with these efforts.
    But they are not enshrined in LAW, yet!
    That is the only point which I have been trying to get across.

    I'm am as concerned, as the average citizen, as to the feral behaviour of the youth of this country apropos under age drinking and all the rest of the unsocial behaviour that goes on caused by this, I think parents should really be asking themselves "Do I know what my kids are up to?".

    Until parents start to monitor their children's activities, I don't see anything changing.

    Tomacomen, thank you for your support.

    I might just add that my OH works in an off sales establishment and has to deal with these problems on a dailly basis.
    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, with 100% fatality." R.D.Laing

  14. #54


    Thats what i get annoyed about the "think 21" and "think 25" rules for! For the vast majority of people, they aren't buying booze for underagers, they aren't underage themselves yet they are still subjected to the ID'ing policy.

    Sure, i have no problem when getting ID'd at the door of a club but when im buying a bottle of wine or 4 cans of lager its a load more annoying. All i would like is a little more common sense used rather than the "ID EVERYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 30" system that seems to be rife in supermarkets nowadays.

    I think i have said before, the types of alcohol bought often reveal something about the buyers age, or the age group they are bought for. You have said yourself, drinks like WKD are more popular with youngsters than they are older folk (sherry drinkers!) whereas there are spirits at the same price that do not sell as well.

    I see your point about the not increasing the price of all alcohol as this would be horrible to the vast majority or people, but i do believe that you've said in a previous post that the law is there to also improve health.

    As alcohol is the number one killer in the UK and a major drain on NHS resources, would it not seem like more sense to make serious cut backs on booze or just out price it altogether? I like a drink as much as anyone else, but when you take a step back and have a look at the whole system (i.e money spent on operations, kidney problems, alcoholism, the crime associated with alcoholism, the carry on that happens every weekend etc and the money gained from taxes on alcohol) it does seem to make sense to stop the availabilty of booze until the current generations stop seeing it as a "right" and the attitudes towards drink change.

    pretty harsh stuff coming from a "youngster" wouldnt you agree!! haha!

  15. #55
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    Point taken aaldtimer!
    Can i say something on behalf of all those checkout operators?We are bloody terrified of putting a foot wrong with the regulations.The onus is on us now not the outlet we work for.Years ago it was the shop that got the heavy fine,now the retail establishment have passed the buck on to the checkout assistants.Each and everyone of them have to sit their alcohol licence now and adhere to the rules and woe betide if they slip up!We regularly get test purchases from the police,which means the police send in a fleet of underagers to see if we are breaking the rules.Each time a sale is refused because of no id there is paper work to be filled in.That book gets checked by the police everytime an underager is caught intoxicated with alcohol.
    We dont ask for id because of "power",we dont want a huge fine,instant dismissal and a criminal record!

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by butterfly View Post
    Point taken aaldtimer!
    Can i say something on behalf of all those checkout operators?We are bloody terrified of putting a foot wrong with the regulations.The onus is on us now not the outlet we work for.Years ago it was the shop that got the heavy fine,now the retail establishment have passed the buck on to the checkout assistants.Each and everyone of them have to sit their alcohol licence now and adhere to the rules and woe betide if they slip up!We regularly get test purchases from the police,which means the police send in a fleet of underagers to see if we are breaking the rules.Each time a sale is refused because of no id there is paper work to be filled in.That book gets checked by the police everytime an underager is caught intoxicated with alcohol.
    We dont ask for id because of "power",we dont want a huge fine,instant dismissal and a criminal record!
    I know exactly what you mean butterfly!
    It's the "blame" culture.
    As signified by the "Litigious" culture adopted from across the Atlantic!
    Let's find somebody to blame so that we can sue them for letting a perpetrator commit their offence!
    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, with 100% fatality." R.D.Laing

  17. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by butterfly View Post
    You just dont get it do you???!!!!
    It's the licensing law not Tesco policy.Get it now?!!Take your time!
    I am a scottish personal license holder and that clearly states if the purchaser has suitable photographic I.d being a drivers license, passport or citizens I.d card and are in a fit soaber state then there is no reason what so ever to refuse the sale!!!! So unless u r argueing that tescos is the law then I suggest u finish ur rediculous posts. I was just letting everyone know how ridiculous tescos were being. Do u work for tescos or something??? LOL

  18. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by newpark View Post
    You should have left the lager finished paying sent your OH out to the car with the shopping and gone back in on your own and bought the lager. There is nothing they can do if you are on your own and have id.
    I said that to the manager and he says he would still refuse me so to save the embarrasment, we just went to somerfield. But thinking back I should of done that cause they would have made themselves out to be even bigger idiots refusing someone with legal I.d

  19. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by maverick View Post
    Superceltic I'm with you on this, from your post it has become clear to me that you were the person doing the transaction with tesco, and when asked for proof of age you rightly obliged. The sales assistant should have been happy with that and no one else in the party should have been asked for ID as you were the person making the purchase. As your other half was there with you at the time is in fact irrelevant as far as the law is concerned and the sales assistant should not have asked him for ID as he was not making the purchase. tesco in my opinion have gone to far on this occasion. It should not matter who is in the party with you when you make your purchase as long as you have satisfied the legal requirement with regards to proof of age, sales assistants should also realise that common sense is not very common in tesco. After all if you have a pint of milk in your fridge I don't suppose it means that you would have a cow in your back garden.
    THANK YOU!! Someone with common sense at last! I was beginning to give up!! I was just letting people know of my experience in tescos. Thought this was the recommendations forum where everybody could express their opinions.....

  20. #60


    How about if you look under 21 or think you might get asked for ID, carry ID. Simples.
    What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger.....

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