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Thread: Meeting up with the dead

  1. #21


    For my first post on the Org I humbly offer the following thoughts and observations on dreams.

    It would seem to me that dreams often reflect our current concerns and anxieties. Dreaming is a kind of thinking, usually during sleep.
    Children under the age of ten seldom dream. Blind people do not dream in colour. They dream of sounds and tastes and smells. Many blind people commonly dream of bumping into things or losing their guide dog. Not surprisingly, creative people can have creative dreams, which can help them at work in their waking life. Some people do not dream at all and suffer no mental or physical disadvantages as a consequence.
    The evidence seems pretty convincing that only humans dream, which kicks into touch the idea that dreaming has any evolutionary adaptive function.

    What seems to be complete nonesense is that dreams: have a problem-solving function, can predict the future, clear out redundant memories from the previous day, are useful indicators for unrecognized physical illness or that they fit in a recognized code of mystical symbols.
    There are people making a living from peddling this rubbish, but they are modern day snake-oil salesmen.

    Dreams may well be a series of scenes and feelings commonly occurring in the mind during sleep, but, they mean nothing and as far as the scientific community is concerned, they are just involuntary things that happen to us when we are relaxed and external stimuli have been cut off.

    Thanks for listening.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Hello, and welcome.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Devilledcashew View Post
    Dreams may well be a series of scenes and feelings commonly occurring in the mind during sleep, but, they mean nothing and as far as the scientific community is concerned, they are just involuntary things that happen to us when we are relaxed and external stimuli have been cut off.
    Welcome to the org DC

    I'm not sure what scientific community you allude to but I doubt very much that the branch of science that deals with individual psychology would write off the importance of dreams so quickly.
    Dreams have been called the royal road to the unconscious and unless you disregard the evidence to an unconscious part of the human personality it would be nothing short of folly to ignore them as a source of information to better understand the human dilemma.

  4. #24
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Devilledcashew View Post
    The evidence seems pretty convincing that only humans dream,
    My cat dreams. She chatters and twitches in her sleep. One day she was lying fast asleep, as happy as Larry, on our bed, before becoming agitated and eventually waking up hissing and swiping at fresh air. I had to talk to her for a while to reassure her that whatever had upset her was only a dream. There is no other rational reason that would explain her becoming upset while lying in complete safety and comfort.

    On a personal note, my own dreams are very vivid and complex. They run to a very long sequence of events and many of them have been way more wonderful than anything I have experienced in life. For a start, I can fly and take off directly upwards, sometimes to incredible heights above the planet. Strangely enough, I can never run with any speed at all in my dreams. I have spoken to my Father on numerous occasions since his death 18 months ago, the recurring theme being him turning up at my Mother's house and me being the only person who realises he shouldn't be there. I have also met and had a dram with several other deceased persons. I even met Jesus on one occasion, despite not being at all religious. Jesus beckoned me to kneel at his feet and must have got me on a "going" day because I complied. He placed his hand on my head and it was a warm and reassuring feeling, although it had no effect whatever on my status as an atheist. I can almost always work out why certain people or events have appeared in my dreams and I believe that the brain does a bit of "file moving" and general house keeping when we are asleep. I noted that Jesus did not speak to me throughout the dream and believe that this is because I have never heard his voice. His image remains the same but many actors have played the part, bringing different voices to "The Man", had I heard his real voice I am sure my brain would have "made" Jesus speak to me during our meeting. I cannot say what purpose dreams serve, other than observing that there are times you are glad they are over but in most cases mine are a positive and enjoyable experience, often incredible in the realism of all five senses.

  5. #25
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    Oct 2006


    Welcome Devilledcashew! I too would disagree and say that dogs dream - you see them chasing things in their sleep!
    I usually enjoy my dreams and some can be extremely vivid! Like scorrie some are more enjoyable than life itself but some you wish to wake up from! I often feel I know I am asleep but cannot escape whatever it is that upsets me!

  6. #26
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    Mar 2007


    Welcome devilledcachew.

    Bobandag16...... nice to see you posting again. Thought we had been deserted for international scrabble again.

    Would be interested to know who the good and bad angels are, as I think I know one or two of them myself.
    Making tomorrow`s memories today

  7. #27


    Welcome Devilledcashew...................

  8. #28


    Dreams are a very powerful phenomena and I wouldn't say they were a load of twaddle. On a few occasions in my life, I have had dreams which have left me elated, or severely shaken. I have literally been haunted by dreams for days and I think we have all had that feeling of not knowing whether something has actually happened, or whether we've dreamt it (have had a few embarrassing conversations as a result of this! ).
    I don't think we can cast aside their function so readily. Scientists would agree that we need to dream to maintain our mental health, so they are more than just replaying the events of the day.
    I started out with nothing and I've still got most of it left

  9. #29
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    In my burrow


    Dreams can be very vivid and feel so real at times! I remember actually hitting my hubby after I dreamt he had been cheating on me mind you that dream did actually come true so I should probably have hit him harder when I dreamt it! I also dreamt that my Gran would die and she did the next day!I think most dreams are just our brains sorting out the wheat from the chaff so to speak but I do think that sometimes they do warn us of things to come! My son who is eight has very vivid dreams and always has done,he shouts out in his sleep almost every night and at least once a week has one so bad he wakes up crying and comes through to me x
    The nice thing about living in a small place is that if you dont know what you are doing....there's always somebody who does,or thinks they do! x

  10. #30
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    For anyone interested, there is a Horizon program about dreams on BBC2 tonight at 9 O' Clock.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Thanks for that scorrie, I thought I'd dreamt that.

  12. #32
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    Default angels

    Quote Originally Posted by poppett View Post
    Welcome devilledcachew.

    Bobandag16...... nice to see you posting again. Thought we had been deserted for international scrabble again.

    Would be interested to know who the good and bad angels are, as I think I know one or two of them myself.
    1 is called agnes. good other margerat will led u astray laugh call u english b can be related.visited often .now both happy .still must do as iam told.thank u 4 asking.

  13. #33

    Default Meeting up with the dead

    Some fifteen years ago we lost a close friend to illness. Before his health failed he served with Loganair as a captain flying inter-island routes. For a spell before that he had been a first officer based in Glasgow, where he came to know a number of other flight crew with other companies.
    A couple of days following his death, a pilot was walking through the terminal at Glasgow Airport when he met our mutual pal who seemed as 'large as life' (like he was both in personality and stature) and looking the picture of good health. Realising that he had been unwell the chap asked him as to how he was keeping. The response was positive and cheery and after the exchange of some banter both went on their way.
    Something, however, struck the man as being 'odd' and on turning around he could find no trace of our friend.
    Only when he returned to his office and mentioned the meeting with other staff was he informed that he must have been mistaken as our mutual friend had died only two days before.
    The incident was later retold during an STV documentary on the 'unexplained'.
    Knowing our pal as he was, a man with a tremendous sense of humour and enthusiasm for life and his flying career, such an encounter did not surprise me in the least. In some ways the whole thing was particularly ironic as the dear departed friend would have been the first to laugh such an incident off as being down to 'not taking enough water in the dram..!'
    We will never quite know the full truth behind such matters (at least not in this world) and I'm therefore quite content to simply live with them - enriching our lives as they can often do.

  14. #34
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    Under the stair


    Quote Originally Posted by scorrie View Post
    For anyone interested, there is a Horizon program about dreams on BBC2 tonight at 9 O' Clock.

    Just watched the recording of this - fascinating - well worth a look

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by scorrie View Post
    For anyone interested, there is a Horizon program about dreams on BBC2 tonight at 9 O' Clock.
    Thanks for that and thank you all for the welcomes.

    An interesting programme and one that has made me think again about some of the points I made in my first post.
    What I did note was that nowhere in the programme did any of the experts suggest that interpreting dreams could predict future events (I did nip out to put the kettle on at one point) but these same experts seemed convinced that dreaming has a beneficial impact on our lives. And if it is true that animals dream then the evolutionary advantage in dreaming could be back on the cards too.

  16. #36
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    It was an interesting programme and it shows that dreams work away in the background, a bit like windows works on a computer, waiting to be fulfilled.
    I'm surprised they never mentioned Freud because his first book was called Interpretaion of dreams and although it wasnt as scientifically researched as the modern day neuroscientists have done, some of it confirms a lot of freuds ideas.
    Crayolas dream could be interesting interpretaed from a Freudian viepoint.

  17. #37
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    Aug 2008


    I once dreamt that my dad who had died about a year ago then, had spoke to me in my dream and told me that he was all right and that i shuld go to edinburgh and this was after i had found this enormous black car under a tree in my dream.

    I jus thought this was a weird dream and forgot bout it. When i met my current partner some 6 months later we were supposed to go to edinburgh to help a friend move down there and i almost didn't go. i went and had a fabulous time.
    And then jus a couple of weeks ago i saw the ame huge black car in ness that i had found in my dream.

  18. #38
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    Nov 2004


    Well I've been watching too much telly recently and now I'm scared of dreaming of dead people I know in case they're trotting about as vampires. Also, my dog's dreams frighten him, but in his case it's werewolves now instead of rabbits.

  19. #39
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by crayola View Post
    Yesterday, I was walking down one of the main roads with my father in the centre of a city I used to live in when I saw someone I once knew very well but whom I hadn't seen for over twenty years. I greeted her with a smile and a hug and asked how she was. She looked well and she smiled and said she was fine but she looked a little puzzled. I realised later this was because she thought she was invisible to me. I asked what she was doing these days and she replied that she was a 'liaison mage'. For a second, I wondered what this meant but then I realised the enormity of the experience. It suddenly dawned on me that my friend had died more than 20 years ago and she was now working as a liaison officer between our world and 'the other side'. It was clearly an important job. I think she could read my mind because she seemed happy with my reaction. I asked where she lived, she said her base was hidden below the surface of Mars but she spent a lot of time on Earth liaising with people here. I said it was good to see her and that we should catch up with each other properly soon but I had to dash off and catch up with my father before he got lost in the ruined buildings we were about to visit. At this point she stood up to her full eight feet in height and bade me farewell. I ran down the street and found my father waiting by the gate. I didn't tell him about my experience.

    I awoke this morning feeling rather puzzled but feeling happy that I still remembered my former friend after all these years.

    What do you think? Have you had a similar experience?
    Yes, I've had a similiar experience.

    What we've experienced is a very vivid dream about someone who has died who claims is caught between the here and thereafter. Enough to touch and smell, the whole works, very spooky.

    The human brain is a very powerful thing.
    Last edited by Rheghead; 12-Feb-09 at 23:53.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  20. #40
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Metalattakk View Post
    I think cheese at supper time = bad idea.
    I did have a lot of cheese the previous night lol, but I really enjoyed the dream. Do you not have dreams that set you up for the day? I know it's crazy but I often have a good day after a good dream.

    Quote Originally Posted by helenwyler View Post
    Interesting dream Crayola.

    I think the role of your father is interesting too.

    The city you 'used to live in', the 'ruined buildings you are about to visit', and the fact that your father was 'waiting by a gate' in the dream. Past life, future visits, and waiting. Gotta mean something .
    I thought the role of my father was coincidental. What makes you think otherwise?

    We weren't intending to visit ruined buildings, it was a total surprise to me that they were ruined. I didn't say in my original post that I had entered via a side gate and my father was waiting inside the main gate. Does that make any difference to you?

    I haven't lived in that city for a long time, is that significant in your interpretation?
    Last edited by crayola; 14-Feb-09 at 02:10.

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