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Thread: Cyanide and the New Year Street Party

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The last house

    Default Venues

    Yes there is a great shortage of places to play it would appear. Having said that,in the sixties there were dances every week all over the county and all of these halls still exist. The music scene began to change for the worse when all the gigs were moved to licensed premises and out of the public halls.
    Music and drink can exist separately,you know. In the early sixties we used to hire a hall like the Scout hut etc, and run our own dances. We got people and we made a few bucks. I see no reason why some of these venues like Dunnet and Mey could not be opened again by aspiring young dudes like yourselves.

  2. #62
    Join Date
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    We actually discussed the possibility of this happening. It appears however, that music is not enough to bring in the crowds. Its a shame, as me and Ben have just been discussing online, that Skinandi's is pulling people in. Its a sad state of affairs when someone playing cd's gets more attention than the passion of a real band playing.

    People are also not willing to travel like they used to. I'm sure there's a way around this though. The two now need to go hand in hand. Alcohol and music. Its a shame. Especially for the younger generation who are missing out.

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    Default Drink and music

    Halls can obtain licences and we used to hire double decker buses.

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    I'm sure we can actually get some sort of funding for the buses. Its definately a viable option. One i think we are more than capable of achieveing. There's gotta be a way to get the people out of skinandi's and back listening to live music.

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    Default Jeid

    Good luck check!!Anything we can do to help,say the word.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    just sat and read the entire convo. all four pages. inspiring words from ben gleber jied and anyone else i have missed out. hope all goes well with getting the passion for live music back up here again. hopefully my band might get at least ONE gig lol.

    good luck.

    i mean that sincerely

    peace out.

  7. #67
    Uppiebalad Guest


    Hey, K Dragon, where have you been. Whats been happening with your band. You got a drummer yet? Hey "you people" give this guy a drummer- he's been looking for months.
    The threads here have become epic and motivation is moving in where apathy reigned before. Blue Monday is getting together with a wider ranging list of 'to dos'. There's even renewed support for a bandstand in Sir John's Square as well as thoughts to a much desired and needed PA system. Just a thought, has anyone considered getting some lighting specifically for gig use. Please add it to the list. Looks like some real posative action coming on in Caithness. I've had NOTHING to do with any of it. Nope, not one of my 'pep' talks has created any kind of thought to get active (re-active perhaps though). Who needs Dounreay, there's a renewable energy resource right here.

    Flatulence is the most versatile form of body language.

    God, that Uppie, he/she, she/he TV or CD is so annoying. Go on laugh you know you need to!

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Ummm, What?

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The last house


    Wlell....It beats me. It seems he's taking credit.Ego ego ego.I wonder if he knows as much about modern Mansons as he does about dead ones?
    Last edited by Gleber2; 07-Jan-06 at 22:19.

  10. #70


    ye uppie i think ur cover is blown i know who u are and i think everyone has guessd pretty well who they think u are. so u mite as well come clean. its not like ur gonna be hanged eh (i think thats rite its hanged not hung)

  11. #71


    ye i agree thers nuthin wrong with playin halls and non lisenced premesis' sorry i know im a bit behind the times on the conversations not been online in a few days my apologies he he. ye britania hall in dunnet really is a nice little venue wud be ideal for playing in. thers a hall here in halkrik that dusnt get used loads. rite gotta go for tea lol.

  12. #72
    Join Date
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    Default Halls

    Saw Alex Harvey in Castletown Hall, the Yardbirds and Hollies in Wick Assembly Hall, some great visiting bands in Halkirk and some very well known musicians in Thurso Town Hall. Brittania Hall and then Cannisby Hall were the main dance gigs in Caithness.

  13. #73
    Uppiebalad Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Gleber2
    Wlell....It beats me. It seems he's taking credit.Ego ego ego.I wonder if he knows as much about modern Mansons as he does about dead ones?
    Alive or dead I know nothing of them. There's someone misleading you somewhere but it's not me, oh but isn't that something particular to Caithness? Rumour, suspicion, scandle, oh dear me!

  14. #74
    Join Date
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    Default Dead Mansons

    It must have been a different Uppie who posted recently in the Genealogy Forum about Manson graves in Caithness. Some-one is telling porkies,I wonder why.

  15. #75


    Uppie, you posted these exact words in "musicians doing what?" discussion, (the thread you started off):-

    "Good point- the lead singer should be an entertainer but the rest of the band should be equally so. We go to live music events to hear and enjoy good music but what really makes it for the audience is human contact. Lots of people intermingling, chatting, listening, discussing and dancing to what they are listening to. An audience want to be entertained or they'll walk away somewhat disappointed (laser show was okay but sold over what it amounted to- the strormtrooper and Darth Vadar were more successful on Thurso's fun day). Playing music like all performing arts requires showmanship to really get the crowd on your side."

    So you weren't in Thurso on fun day??? Hmmmm.......

    Also, if you really were working in the arts, surely to God your spelling would have to be a hell of a lot better than what you have shown on the forums.

    We all know who you are, may the force be with you!!

  16. #76
    Join Date
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  17. #77


    lol were all desparate to know who he is but he dusnt have to reveal himself because really what difference will it make if we know who he is really. i personally think its an immature thing not to reveal yourself over such petty things as this his choice.

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    Everyone seems to think its Darren Manson. Is it?
    Last edited by Jeid; 09-Jan-06 at 17:45.

  19. #79
    Uppiebalad Guest


    the strormtrooper and Darth Vadar were more successful on Thurso's fun day).

    So you weren't in Thurso on fun day??? Hmmmm.......

    Have you heard of the INTERNET? My family were at the fun day, took some photos and sent them to me by EMAIL!

    Also, if you really were working in the arts, surely to God your spelling would have to be a hell of a lot better than what you have shown on the forums.

    Oh dear, a sign that you are desparate. I have noticed spelling errors in many other submissions but don't waste time piking up on thum as they are of NO concernsequence. Do you think that every great or rubish author submittts a manuscript to their publisherer witout spelling errors. That's why we have EDITORS. There job is to pick up the errors and correkt them. I've never had to worry about my spelling godo or otherwise when I droop of my work to the various magazines and I have only evr been called twice in the last 15 years because of some kind of grammaticcalogical; gaff. Perhaps I should get on Bill's case next time there's a spelling error in a headline. dear god in heaven!

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The last house

    Default Who is that man????

    I see Uppie makes no mention of Dead Mansons. Does he think that ignoring a post will make it go away.His rebuttal of Topcats is,to say the least,pathetic.He has also ignored Jeid.Maybe you got the wrong brother Jeid.
    Last edited by Gleber2; 09-Jan-06 at 23:20.
    In the image of God? You must be joking!

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