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Thread: Old Thirsa Piccys

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    corby (little scotland)


    This fella is a real credit to caithness.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default piccy

    Quote Originally Posted by Sporran View Post
    Was the photo of Thurso from the castle tower also taken around 1864, thirsaloon?

    Nope, that one was around 1910 or so!

    Cheers for your compliment horseman

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Over the pond, but not quite over the hill yet


    Quote Originally Posted by Saveman View Post

    For more Caithness gems:
    Thanks for that link, Saveman. Between the Am Baile site and this wonderful thread of thirsaloon's, I have plenty to keep myself entertained!
    I am living for today, always remembering yesterday, and looking forward to tomorrow!

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    Hi tenabowla.

    I have no mention of the hotel in 1911. So I would imagine that it closed for business before this. I know that the hotel was demolished around the 1930’s.

    From 1903 - 1909 I came across a references to Robert Richardson, sergeant-instructor 3rd and 4th companies Caithness Volunteers, Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) Drill Hall, Sinclair Street.

    However also in 1911, I came across another reference to a Robert Richardson as a spirit dealer, Bank Place. He is not listed though in 1932 so he must have stopped trading or had passed away by then. These details came from Trades Directories that I have. I don’t have a complete set so I’m afraid the dates are as close as I can get with what information I have. It gives you a rough idea though.

    I’m afraid I have nothing to connect him with the hotel, that’s not to say he wasn’t involved with it, it’s just from what information I have. I will have another rummage with what I have and see if I find anything else.

    The hotel is pictured below though.


    The details do tie up with the drill hall items and are consistent with what he did.

    The old hotel would have been listed as Bank street wouldn,t it. Maybe there was a tenuous connection withe the hotel somewhere.

    Enjoy it now there is no second lap.

  5. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    This is Bank Street, behind MacKays the Ironmongers in High Street. On the corner of the right hand building is the sign painted for Jock MacKay's fish shop. There was also the drapers shop which he owned next to it so you could get knickers and kippers in the same street!!!!!

    Below is a staff photograph of Dan Murray's Lemonade Factory which was just of Shore Street (turnpike in the background). The piccy has Willie Doull, Barbara Doull, Lena MacKay, Dodie McPhee, Dan is at the front with the glasses and cap.

    the Mrs is delighted to see the pic of her great grandad here

  6. #126


    This was an ode to Dan Murray, I am not sure was it before or after he died.
    The wife's grandad did tell her the story but like many things you can never be sure when there is nobody left to ask.

    Let this be a warning to all those who may be contemplating
    Taking up fishing as a hobby:

    Oor Dan had a dream that he had quitted this life,
    Said guid-bye tae the fishin’ and guid-bye tae the wife:
    Before passing away he packed rod, line and reel,
    Spinners, flees, and his baits, he took them as weel.

    But when Peter espied all this fishin’ gear,
    He said tae oor Dan “You’re a fisher, I fear,
    And as fishers are leers, of course, you must go,
    And join your fishin’ mates, “way doon below.”

    But when they were standin’ by Jordan’s fair river,
    Dan saw a troot rise, it fair made him quiver;
    He got mounted fu’ haste, Peter gazed on in wonder,
    As Dan hooked and landed a bonny fower punder.

    Then Peter tae Dan said “ I wish you’d show me
    How tae catch troots wi’ what ye ca’ a dry flee.”
    But Dan said tae Peter, “Man, wi’ this hae a go,”
    And he handed tae him a wee pot of roe.

    Peter thought it was jam, but his very first cast,
    Saw him intae a whopper, aye firm and fast,
    And when it was landed, Peter danced round in glee,
    And shouted tae Dan, “Man, this bates your dry flee.”

    Then Dan shouted to Peter, “ye’ve naething at a’.
    I’ve something tae bate roe, dry flees an’ a,”
    So oot in the boat went the saint and the sinner,
    Peter managed the oars, while Dan spun the spinner,

    Then all of a sudden, Dan saw a tail swish,
    He struck and cried—“ Hell, I’m intae a fish!”
    It towed the boat here, it towed the boat there,
    Sometimes it jumped nigh ten feet in the air:

    The boat kept gan round, Peter felt kind o’ seek,
    But Dan kept on fechtin’ and got oot his cleek,
    Twa oors now had passed, and the fish it was game,
    But came yince ower near, and Dan sent the gaff hame.

    And when at land last, on the bank it lay still,
    Dan felt in his pocket and took oot a gill,
    He gave Peter a dram (a wee ane, nae doot),
    But a sixty pund salmon deserves mair than a troot.

    Then Peter said, Dan the law ye ken states,
    Nae fisher can enter the Pearly Gates.”

    “Nae fishin’ in Heaven,” quoth Dan, “ Then by heck,
    Gie’s my ticket tae Hell, and a pass-oot check,
    I never could sing and I never could flee,
    So a harp and wings wid be nae guid tae me.”

    Said Peter, “Right o’, for spinners, roe and flees,
    I,ll gie ye a pass tae come oot when ye please:
    Ye’ll act as my boatman, and teach me tae fish,
    What mair can a man that’s damned ever wish?”

    “ Right ye are, then,” said Dan, “That’ll suit me just fine,
    I’m begginin’ tae wish that I’d died lang, lang syne!”
    Last edited by corgiman; 04-Jul-07 at 13:56.

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Isle of Skye


    What a wonderful thread ,thanks to everyone who posted a thread or told a story.
    Its made an interesting history lesson to an "outsider"
    Never judge someone until you have walked two moons in their moccasins.

    Native American Indian saying.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    I'll add a couple more piccys soon folks!
    Last edited by thirsaloon; 04-Jul-07 at 15:20.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Cheers!

    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlepop View Post
    What a wonderful thread ,thanks to everyone who posted a thread or told a story.
    Its made an interesting history lesson to an "outsider"

    Thanks for the compliment cuddlepop! I'm glad you and the rest of the folks out there have enjoyed some of the photographs from my collection and the information I put up with them. Makes the years of collecting and photographing various sites worth while!

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by tenabowla View Post

    The details do tie up with the drill hall items and are consistent with what he did.

    The old hotel would have been listed as Bank street wouldn,t it. Maybe there was a tenuous connection withe the hotel somewhere.


    Hi tenabowla

    Yip, it was listed as Bank Street, the free masons used this as a meeting place at one time.

  11. #131


    The Castlegreen Manse is today known as Goldenacre.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Two more photo's

    Below is Sir John's Square taken around 1906. You'll notice that the war memorial was not in situ at the time, instead the fountain in memory of Sir George Sinclair. It was moved to the back of the square to make way for the memorial which was erected in 1922.

    Below is the Clett Rock which was taken in 1864.

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Dan Murray

    Quote Originally Posted by corgiman View Post
    the Mrs is delighted to see the pic of her great grandad here

    Excellent, thanks for letting me know corgiman!

  14. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    Below is Sir John's Square taken around 1906. You'll notice that the war memorial was not in situ at the time, instead the fountain in memory of Sir George Sinclair. It was moved to the back of the square to make way for the memorial which was erected in 1922.

    Below is the Clett Rock which was taken in 1864.

    Notice the Edwardian Bandstand in the background: my favourite photograph of it was taken from the top of the Town's Clock. The Bandstand was removed by Thurso Council in 1976 as a "town improvement." They were great visionaries back then, too. A petition was set up in 1999/2000 to restore the Bandstand but was met, predictably, by the council's refusal despite a large amount of signatures by the local public - and the support of Lord Thurso.

  15. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by The Pepsi Challenge View Post
    The Castlegreen Manse is today known as Goldenacre.
    Has it changed? It used to be Greenacre (coz it was an acre of ground) when Bill Arif had it, he moved to a place called greenacres (coz it has acres of ground) unless he was winding me up!!

  16. #136
    Join Date
    May 2002


    Well done Thirsaloon, you are famous now, you have made the headlines in the CCWS
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  17. #137
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    These photos are fantastic, Thirsaloon, thanks for posting them. Its hard to believe how different Thurso once was!

  18. #138
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Out of Caithness... sadly


    Quote Originally Posted by Sporran View Post
    I remember all those rooks in the trees as well Ricco, and I used to like listening to them caw! When I was little, I lived in the Brownhill Road flats not far from there. I remember the old quarry too. I believe it's the same quarry on this 1872 map of Thurso, and it's called the Brownhill Quarry there. The Castlegreen Manse is shown next to it.

    Can anyone tell me if the new Castle Gardens apartment building has been built on the site of this former quarry?
    Ah, yes. You can see the Manse garden beds that later became the authority houses and the future Gastlegreen Road marked as 578.

    I knew those flats intimately - we used to make a right nuisance of ourselves by playing British and Jerries up and down the stairwells.
    "Step sideways, pause and study those around you. You will learn a great deal."

  19. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by The Pepsi Challenge View Post
    The Castlegreen Manse is today known as Goldenacre.
    Quote Originally Posted by webmannie View Post
    Has it changed? It used to be Greenacre (coz it was an acre of ground) when Bill Arif had it, he moved to a place called greenacres (coz it has acres of ground) unless he was winding me up!!
    Yes webmannie, I also thought it was called Greenacre. Reason I remember is because there used to be an American comedy show on TV by the same name.

  20. #140
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    Below is the Clett Rock which was taken in 1864.

    It's incredible to see how much it has deteriorated/eroded in that time - it's a shadow of it's former self! I wonder how much of that is due to adventurous kids scaling it (myself included) over the years. C'mon I'm not the only one !

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