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Thread: Old Thirsa Piccys

  1. #101
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    Did the Castlegreen Manse originally serve as the manse for the West Church? If it's the house I am thinking of, is it situated just slightly south of the "atomic" houses on Duncan Street, and just slightly east of the "atomic" houses on Castlegreen Road (across from Ormlie Lodge)?
    I am living for today, always remembering yesterday, and looking forward to tomorrow!

  2. #102
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    Over the pond, but not quite over the hill yet


    Quote Originally Posted by Dynamic Sounds View Post
    Seen these pictures of old Thurso, and in this week that the Viewfirth has been consigned to the quarry in the sky, thought I'd put this pick up

    It is a scan of a picture that my grandfather had, but shows the place in its granduer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sporran View Post
    Thanks so much for posting this wonderful photo, Dynamic Sounds! It's great to see a pic of Viewfirth and "Barn" in their former glory! Is there a year written on the back of the photo?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dynamic Sounds View Post
    Sorry Sporran, the picture is glued to a card frame that on closer inspection (I never noticed this before) has "JOHNSTON - WICK AND THURSO wmbossed onto it. I canna mind a Johnston photo shop in Thurso or Wick, so does anyone else have a clue when ths shop closed?

    Looking at the pic though, there is no sign of any building work around it for building the estate, so I would put it at the latest the 50s? Any advances?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sporran View Post
    Well, the first part of the "Atomic" housing estate was built in the mid 50s, and that would have included the Sweyn Road houses later built left of the Viewfirth barn, as you're looking at your photo. I was wondering if your pic was taken prior to thirsaloon's 1940 photo of Viewfirth (which he posted on Bobinovich's Viewfirth coming down thread and Rheghead's Cairnie bottle thread). I have a feeling that your photo is from an earlier time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sairheed View Post
    Referring to Dynamic Sounds mention of Johnston of Wick and Thurso.

    I believe that Johnstons photographic studio in Thurso was the now, hairdressers in Princes Street (opposite the Station Hotel).

    I have no personal recollection of it as my earliest memory was of the building being used as an argicultural implements business.
    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    Johnstons was situated there indeed. They were in Thurso from 1896 - 1938. There was number of other photographers in Thurso long before them but whatever happened to the negatives etc I couldnt say!
    At least we now know that Dynamic Sounds' old photo of Viewfirth was more than likely taken somewhere between those two dates, then.
    I am living for today, always remembering yesterday, and looking forward to tomorrow!

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Sporran View Post
    Did the Castlegreen Manse originally serve as the manse for the West Church? If it's the house I am thinking of, is it situated just slightly south of the "atomic" houses on Duncan Street, and just slightly east of the "atomic" houses on Castlegreen Road (across from Ormlie Lodge)?
    It is the house you're thinking of Sporran, it was the Parish Church Manse ie St Peter's (laterly St Peter's & St Andrew's). Not sure what year it changed, possibly late 70's, but it was while the late Donald Riach was the minister that the manse moved to Rose Street.
    (The West Church Manse is in Thorkel Road.)
    Last edited by Buttercup; 28-Jun-07 at 13:49.

  4. #104
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    Default Caledonian Hotel


    You wouldn't happen to know aything of or have a picture of the old Caledonian hotel in Thurso would you. I believe it was behind the old Coiop/99p shop and may have become the labour part HQ after being a hotel. I think my GGrandfather may have been involved with running it.
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  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenabowla View Post


    You wouldn't happen to know aything of or have a picture of the old Caledonian hotel in Thurso would you. I believe it was behind the old Coiop/99p shop and may have become the labour part HQ after being a hotel. I think my GGrandfather may have been involved with running it.
    Hopefully thirsaloon will have a photo of the hotel, but in the meantime, you can see where it was on a Thurso map from 1872. Highlander gave us the link to it on the Thurso Street Names thread, which we had in April and May. The hotel is indicated on this map, and it looks like it was located on the Swanson Street end of Durness Street.

    You will also notice on this map that Princes Street had a different name back then, as it wasn't so named until 1876. Prior to that, the section from the railway station to Davidson's Lane was known as Ulbster Terrace, from Davidson's Lane to St Peter's Church was Sutherland Street, and from St Peter's to Olrig Street was Forss Street. In 1876, the Prince and Princess of Wales visited Thurso to open an Exhibition of Art and Industry, and the name change was facilitated to mark this occasion. You can see exactly where the exhibition was held in a recent post by thirsaloon, on the Old Thurso Bottle thread. Go to post number 33 on the following link:

    It's also interesting to note that Sir George's Street was known as Caithness Street on the 1872 map. It didn't acquire its present day name until 1893, when Sir Tollemache Sinclair named it after his father, Sir George Sinclair.
    Last edited by Sporran; 29-Jun-07 at 18:47.
    I am living for today, always remembering yesterday, and looking forward to tomorrow!

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenabowla View Post

    You wouldn't happen to know aything of or have a picture of the old Caledonian hotel in Thurso would you. I believe it was behind the old Coiop/99p shop and may have become the labour part HQ after being a hotel. I think my GGrandfather may have been involved with running it.

    Yip I do a photograph of it and some information on it. It was known as MacKays Hotel orginally. If you have a note of your G Grandfathers name and he was the manger/owner then I may be able to give you rough dates when.

  7. #107
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    Default Caledonian


    It was Robert Richardson, previously RSM Richardson of Castletown artillery 1901- 1906 ish.

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  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sporran View Post
    Did the Castlegreen Manse originally serve as the manse for the West Church? If it's the house I am thinking of, is it situated just slightly south of the "atomic" houses on Duncan Street, and just slightly east of the "atomic" houses on Castlegreen Road (across from Ormlie Lodge)?
    The manse was behind where I used to live. In fact, I used to 'bob-a-job' for the Vicar who was living there. I also used to love all the rooks that lived in the trees around the edge of the grounds. The far side (northerly) of the grounds had a severe drop down to the next houses, as if there were a quarry there some time in the past.
    "Step sideways, pause and study those around you. You will learn a great deal."

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ricco View Post

    The manse was behind where I used to live. In fact, I used to 'bob-a-job' for the Vicar who was living there. I also used to love all the rooks that lived in the trees around the edge of the grounds. The far side (northerly) of the grounds had a severe drop down to the next houses, as if there were a quarry there some time in the past.
    I remember all those rooks in the trees as well Ricco, and I used to like listening to them caw! When I was little, I lived in the Brownhill Road flats not far from there. I remember the old quarry too. I believe it's the same quarry on this 1872 map of Thurso, and it's called the Brownhill Quarry there. The Castlegreen Manse is shown next to it.

    Can anyone tell me if the new Castle Gardens apartment building has been built on the site of this former quarry?
    I am living for today, always remembering yesterday, and looking forward to tomorrow!

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sporran View Post
    Can anyone tell me if the new Castle Gardens apartment building has been built on the site of this former quarry?
    Yep, it has indeed.
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  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenabowla View Post

    It was Robert Richardson, previously RSM Richardson of Castletown artillery 1901- 1906 ish.

    Hi tenabowla.

    I have no mention of the hotel in 1911. So I would imagine that it closed for business before this. I know that the hotel was demolished around the 1930’s.

    From 1903 - 1909 I came across a references to Robert Richardson, sergeant-instructor 3rd and 4th companies Caithness Volunteers, Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers) Drill Hall, Sinclair Street.

    However also in 1911, I came across another reference to a Robert Richardson as a spirit dealer, Bank Place. He is not listed though in 1932 so he must have stopped trading or had passed away by then. These details came from Trades Directories that I have. I don’t have a complete set so I’m afraid the dates are as close as I can get with what information I have. It gives you a rough idea though.

    I’m afraid I have nothing to connect him with the hotel, that’s not to say he wasn’t involved with it, it’s just from what information I have. I will have another rummage with what I have and see if I find anything else.

    The hotel is pictured below though.

    Last edited by thirsaloon; 02-Jul-07 at 21:25.

  12. #112
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    Default two more piccys!

    Below is a view of Thurso from 1864. Sharp eyed people will notice the four arched bridge (three large arches and one small one) which was built in 1800 prior to the present road bridge which was opened in 1887. This first bridge was only 15 feet wide and had no pavements.

    Below is a view of Thurso from the tower of Thurso castle.

    Last edited by thirsaloon; 02-Jul-07 at 21:40.

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    Below is a view of Thurso from 1864. Sharp eyed people will notice the four arched bridge (three large arches and one small one) which was built in 1800 prior to the present road bridge which was opened in 1887. This first bridge was only 15 feet wide and had no pavements.

    Below is a view of Thurso from the tower of Thurso castle.

    Wow, fantastic pictures, thanks again Thirsaloon. Many's a time I have waled down past that dike in the first picture hen I lived at Thurso East, I wonder if its the same dike still there or was it rebuilt.

    Does anyone know what the roads were made of back then, lookingat that one and the one in the Traill Street picture it just looks like layers of hard packed hardcore. I woudl imagine the roads were a nightmare when heavy rain ensued back then, must have been a quagmire??

    Also does anyone know what the large building at this end of the promenade in the bottom photo originally was, I remember when I was a youngster there was a bar in the bottom of it at the back but can't remember the name of it? I know the building is still there, it has about 3 or 4 levels including a basement maybe.
    Last edited by Jeemag_USA; 02-Jul-07 at 21:59.

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeemag_USA View Post
    Wow, fantastic pictures, thanks again Thirsaloon. Many's a time I have waled down past that dike in the first picture hen I lived at Thurso East, I wonder if its the same dike still there or was it rebuilt.

    Does anyone know what the roads were made of back then, lookingat that one and the one in the Traill Street picture it just looks like layers of hard packed hardcore. I woudl imagine the roads were a nightmare when heavy rain ensued back then, must have been a quagmire??

    Thanks jeemag. Outwith the town a lot of the roads were really dirt tracks, although I have seen one old road which is roughly cobbled. Within the town the roads were often made from "metal" - like a hard core. I think its the same dyke, although patched up etc when it had to be. I have some photographs where there is flagstone paving stretching across the road at intervals. Like a zebra crossing idea. This would help keep the feet clean and also the long dresses worn at the time.

    Relating to your question jeemag do you mean the Marine Inn at the start of the esplanade?
    Last edited by thirsaloon; 02-Jul-07 at 21:54.

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    Thanks jeemag. Outwith the town a lot of the roads were really dirt tracks, although I have seen one old road which is roughly cobbled. Within the town the roads were often made from "metal" - like a hard core. I think its the same dyke, although patched up etc when it had to be. I have some photographs where there is flagstone paving stretching across the road at intervals. Like a zebra crossing idea. This would help keep the feet clean and also the long dresses worn at the time.

    Relating to your question jeemag do you mean the Marine Inn at the start of the esplanade?
    Yeah thanks for spotting that, I wondered why I couldn't see my question because I accidentally put it inside your quotes.

    Yes the Marine Inn that was it, I oftne wondered what that building was it is so big, thought it might be someting to do with the sea or the harbour or fishing/trading etc???

  16. #116
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    As far as I know Jeemag it was always a inn/bar.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    As far as I know Jeemag it was always a inn/bar.

    Does anyone I wonder have a copy of an old photo that showed Doupy Dan sitting on a bench on the mall of thurso river, I remember seeing it somewhere and can't remember where. I would love to have a copy of that photo as he was one of the most famous characters in the toon when I was growing up??

  18. #118
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    Was the photo of Thurso from the castle tower also taken around 1864, thirsaloon?
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  19. #119
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  20. #120
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    This guy is a real credit to caithness.

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