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Thread: Grants Rant!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Angry Grants Rant!

    Right this has been bugging me for sometime now -

    Why do Tooth brush and razor makers think it is a good addition to make their products vibrate???

    Tooth Brushes - I had a proper electric tooth brush where the brush rotated and thus was an excellent product. However you now get battery ones that simply vibrate and what is the point of it. No they don`t stimulate gums like the fancy science bit says they merely give you a shaky hand and after a few goes no one ever uses them on vibrate mode anyway. In fact the only possible use is the fact you know there is an unused battery there for the TV remote!

    Razors - Now Gillette with the testosterone pounding macho names like mach 3 turbo, why did they go down that route I have a pricey Gillette green and black thing that has the same styling as a boy racers car (maybe the should put a blue light under it) Why oh why does your raxor have to shake it doesn`t stimulate the whiskers at all it just vibrates the handle a total waste of time!
    After brushing my teeth and having a shave I feel like blinkin shaking stevens!

    What next vibrating hair brushes - to stimulate the folicles..........

    It seems companys are doing this with MP3 players too building them into other gadgets, also USB flash drives come in the form of a piece of tree and as a watch and a pen.

    Okay rant over!
    Thank you for letting me get that of my chest - anyone else wanting to rant about it?
    NEWS-FLASH - Coudroy Pillows are making headlines!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Well, I use Gillette's GII Plus, but they are obviously trying to phase it out by limiting the supply of razor blades in the shops. I refuse to use one of the vibro models and the only other alternatives seem to be things like 5 bladed jobs. They are no good to me. When the supply of blades runs out, I think I'll just grow my beard; lesser of two evils.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    The consumer products industry know that the general public is a fickle lot and thats what they aim for. When some great product comes along, say for example the cellphone or the Ipod, there is only so many advancements you can make to them so when they run out of ideas they start doing silly stuff like making them as small as possible and adding as many inane useless ideas as they can which basically tells you they are running out of things thay can do with a product to make it sell more than their rivals.

    Like USB drives, you can get them on keychains, pens and all sorts of things, the reason being is once a thing like that comes along, so many companies try to get in on the market so they sit down in a room and brainstorm to see how they can make their s different from everyone elses.

    The thing that irks me most about razors and it always has done, is the dang price of them, I recently went on a family trip to Miami and forgot my razor, so I went to a store and they only had them in packs of 10 and they wanted $18.95 for them, my god this is something I am going to use several times and throw away, for $18.95 I'd expect a years warranty, I ended up instead buying a handle with 3 blades for half the price, apparently its cheaper if you just keep buying the handles???? And its the same in the UK, it costs a small fortune for a pack of five blades that sooner or later are going to hit the bin. And they cost a little bit of nothing to manufacture??


  4. #4


    vibratin things are popular what you have a vibratin toothbrush well ah forget it ... im a sick puppy lol
    WoRdS ShOuLd Be SiMpLe An VoIcEs SoFt !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    High above Loch Ness


    This is a very interesting and topical debate because I have been agonising over whether it is environmentally and morally correct to have a battery powered tooth brush at all even though the present one uses rechargeables.

    Would it be more p.c. to go back to non motorised elbow power but then the dentist may have to spend more time drilling and filling and that could be another excuse for a wind turbine on the face of the Caithness landscape.
    And when it comes to shaving I suppose a beard would complement the unwashed sheeps wool ganzie and sandals. Where does it stop, it's one thing being green but there's a risk of being brainwashed by it all in the name of climatic armageddon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Errogie View Post
    This is a very interesting and topical debate because I have been agonising over whether it is environmentally and morally correct to have a battery powered tooth brush at all even though the present one uses rechargeables.

    Would it be more p.c. to go back to non motorised elbow power but then the dentist may have to spend more time drilling and filling and that could be another excuse for a wind turbine on the face of the Caithness landscape.
    And when it comes to shaving I suppose a beard would complement the unwashed sheeps wool ganzie and sandals. Where does it stop, it's one thing being green but there's a risk of being brainwashed by it all in the name of climatic armageddon.
    You just gave me an idea for the patent office, a wind powered vibrating toothbrush, you need a baseball cap with a turbine on top hooked to a dynamo in your toothbrush, head to the nearest hill when your cleaning your molars, could be a winner Start a new trend in outside dental hygene in Caithness so your also geting some fresh air while brushing. Just be careful not to take off so wear some heavy boots!

  7. #7


    lmao... earth is a mother a healer gives us the strength it is ours to take.
    <<<< heads ta the hills toothbrush in ma hand >>>> ( Yep stays in hand )
    Rolls eyes what you all like... Must confess i danna have a vibratin toothbrush, i scrub ma teeth the old fashioned way and it's worked for me...
    As for being greener if i was any greener i'd be blending in wea the fields...
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    My point wasn`t a green one it was a why the need to make everything vibrate - I would be more worried that all the vibrations are causing structural damage or something!
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Nr Bremen Germany


    Quote Originally Posted by grantyg View Post
    My point wasn`t a green one it was a why the need to make everything vibrate - I would be more worried that all the vibrations are causing structural damage or something!
    Now we wont find that out untill the Government funds some scientist to do initial research at 1 million pounds then a follow up survey and a final report for another few plus there is the contolling survey and analysis and ten years later some one will say " there may be slight damage but its not been proven yet"
    I like the idea of running in the wind to power my MP3 that might work maybe, or even backwards a machine that generates electicity from vibrating? by running?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    It was about 3 or 4 years ago that two blokes came up with the idea. They tried high frequencies but that made no difference to the cutting so they tried sub-sonic and there was improved cutting of the facial whiskers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Nr Bremen Germany


    now thats great an old Foghorn in the bathroom to blow your whiskers off..

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Wick,Caithness,Scotland,The World


    Noo I do like a science subject,its the inner geek in masel'.I think wi the vibration on that ye dae get a closer shave wi yer razor, than without.The only major difference is that wi the vibration off ye still have yer two lugs at the side of yer heid.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Out of Caithness... sadly


    Quote Originally Posted by Errogie View Post
    This is a very interesting and topical debate because I have been agonising over whether it is environmentally and morally correct to have a battery powered tooth brush at all even though the present one uses rechargeables.
    Speaking of which - batteries, I mean. I have been bothered for years that this country does nothing about all that cadmium, nickel, lithium, etc taht it buries in landfill sites. Today I noticed in our local Curry electrical that they had a recycling box for dud batteries - wonderful! I shall save all mine up in future for the occasional trip.
    "Step sideways, pause and study those around you. You will learn a great deal."

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Wick,Caithness,Scotland,The World


    Batteries arenae reqiured for a toothbrush.Ye should be able to brush yer teeth by yersel.

    Remember this being told to me by a lassie called Pamela................and Clarabelle,Iris,Alison,Loo-Loo and Rain,who just happened to be Pamela's sisters!!!

  15. #15
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tristan View Post
    It was about 3 or 4 years ago that two blokes came up with the idea. They tried high frequencies but that made no difference to the cutting so they tried sub-sonic and there was improved cutting of the facial whiskers.
    Just be careful that the sub sonic doesn`t get into the Brown Noise territory!
    NEWS-FLASH - Coudroy Pillows are making headlines!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    High above Loch Ness


    We are all enveloped by vibrations. What is important is how we harness and use the frequency in the most effective way so there is probably an optimum frequency for your vibrating toothbrush which might not be the same for your razor. If you can tune the vibrations to a harmonious major chord, say G then the bristles might submit more easily to the blade or cutting head and that may have something to do with musical scales corresponding to planetary spacings!

    Of course this was the principle behind the famous Grant Vibration fishing rods. Batten Grant from Carrbridge and Inverness was a famous ghillie, fiddle player and builder of musical instruments who realised that if you planed and sanded a green heart fishing rod so that there was a perfect musical scale gradation from butt to tip with the ring positions corresponding to the scale then you had a much stronger rod eliminating possible weak points which could cause it to break in use. These fishing rods were in huge demand in the early 20th. century until split cane, fibre glass and now carbon fibre took over.

    Without wanting to sound too new age about it I think there may be a lot to be said from trying to get good vibrations into every day activities. Cosmic vibrations rule!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Its because when the product sales falls they have to redisign the product and put in extra features because gadgets sell well and when u see all the gadgets thats going about its getting to the stage were we need this man bag as talked about in previos thread but what winds me most about this is why there isnt a europeen law to make all these manufactuer have one universial charger to work in all the gadgets especially with handsfree kit for mobile phones in cars i like gadgets and ive got loads of charger cables unbelieveable and the other thing as well all the gadgets should be backward and forward compatibilty modern technolgy is all about getting money out of you thats all. look at the new windows vista if you want that in your pc u have to change your graphics card.
    The other rant i have is modern electrical products arent enviromentaly friendly its very throw away culture instead of being able to upgrade or repair because its not cheaper in the long run to upgrade or repair and even if u did want to repair it yourself u cant because u need a laptop to repair things these days.
    But having said that i do love my gadgets and cant wait for the mp3 player that can transmit the music directly to the radio i just a pity all these modern gadgets wasnt around when i was a lad
    Last edited by EDDIE; 29-Dec-06 at 12:04.

  18. #18


    lightn up, structual damage, done by vibratin things oh my my my oh my poor old thing i know im sorry this is serious
    WoRdS ShOuLd Be SiMpLe An VoIcEs SoFt !!!

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