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Thread: Rehearsal Space Revisited

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    no i didnt google and where as i just had a laugh and you took it too seriuosly your now beginning to insult my intelligence, which is just rude and dishonourable.

    im david j hobbs i left school 4 years ago to matters beyond my control, and im nineteen.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Paris, France


    Numb ovaries - priceless!

    I'm sorry if I insulted your intelligence - I can see you are a very, very clever boy indeed (men=nuts, womem=ovaries - splendid)

    I'll stop making a fool of you, then.

    You're doing too good a job of it yourself.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    whatever honey bunny.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    Kiddies, stop bickering and keep it on topic. If you wanna argue, use PM's. This is a decent thread and you pair are both acting like bairns.

  5. #65


    ok, thats me back from the meeting, and for anyone interested ..and cazaa I was sensational! lol
    I can tell you that plans are going ahead to secure the Viewfirth site(3 Acres...oh arr) for the building of a huge Arts centre, I have ensured that the powers that be, understood and recognised the needs of local musicians, I will compile a detailed plan to put forward at the next meeting, I will be adding such reqiurements as soundproof rehearsal rooms ( I still need to work out how many rooms are reqiured and how many would be financialy feasable) supervision of said rooms, eqiupment reqiurements and the capacity of a concert hall for live performances with parking to accomodate punters.
    If anyone has anything they would like me to add to the proposal then now is the time to let rip (let me know).
    I have also got plans to use my contacts to put on some explosive acts in what I am hoping will be a 1500+ capicity hall, so let the good times roll.
    I wonder what all the na sayers will have to bleet about now?

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    My House


    When a building is standing and the rooms are useable... then you can "bleet" about it. It's a bit early to be blowing your own trumpet yet.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    its a good start, glad it went well.

    bairn eh?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    In a great spot


    I just pray they get an architect who knows something about performance, acoustics, arts communication, atmosphere, vibe, easy load/unload access, lighting design, good bar location, green rooms!! . . . . . . etc, etc . . .

    Please use the model of Strathy hall as one of MANY fine examples - AND DO THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE!! Cheap, tacky and sounds like a swimming pool!! (A certain local, previous, motel could also be easily dragged into my main point here).

    How many promising, built from scratch facilities have I had the disspleasure of performing in?? (Killed by the ignorant designer and a equally ill-qualified client).

    The best facility in Caithness is in Lybster just now. Not that I'm saying its perfect by any means. (let me digress just a tad here - one rather subtle reason is because there's no local nightclub nearby that has a rather conveinent pre 12 o'clock entry curfew nearby, as Thurso currently posesses!! - the death of many a promising Thurso based function . . . if you get my logic?).

    I detect I'm starting to ramble here.

    Anyway, Clash67, good on you for flying the muso's flag. Speak to the architect if you can and get something GREAT designed if you can. Thurso badly need's it.
    All the world's a stage and we are merely players . . . . .
    For more visit:

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeid View Post
    When a building is standing and the rooms are useable... then you can "bleet" about it. It's a bit early to be blowing your own trumpet yet.
    Even if it never comes to fruishion at least I got of my backside and did SOMETHING, after all I ain't doiung this for me because by time the thing is approved and built I might not even be playing anymore I might be in a wheelchair by then for all I know, but if and when it does get built I hope you all enjoy using the place if even some of you know that you were absolutely no help whatsoever..and by the way I have went to considerable trouble to get this far and any decent musician would be able to see that at the end of the day musicians should always try to help and encourage progress of this sort, seeing beyond the needs of theirselves and trying to work together as a team, jied you should be pleased that there is at least an attempt by someone to try and improve the music community, but no you would rather be a pesimist I find that very disapointing.

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Hold your horses here. I've never said I wasn't for this. I'm being a bit cautious though. You just seem to thinking you're some sort of saviour here and we should be all very thankful to you. "Donnie save the local music scene"

    Look mate, well done, have a pat on the back. But it's still VERY EARLY to be getting excited about something that might never take off. Any person with an ounce of sense, especially you who has had so many dealings with the council over the years, should be a bit pesimistic about this getting setup. It could easily crash and burn before it gets off the ground.

    But, should the idea definately be approved and get funding etc etc, I agree with Deemac. Make sure the place has decent sized rooms for practise etc.

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by clash67 View Post
    Even if it never comes to fruishion at least I got of my backside and did SOMETHING, after all I ain't doiung this for me because by time the thing is approved and built I might not even be playing anymore I might be in a wheelchair by then for all I know, but if and when it does get built I hope you all enjoy using the place if even some of you know that you were absolutely no help whatsoever..and by the way I have went to considerable trouble to get this far and any decent musician would be able to see that at the end of the day musicians should always try to help and encourage progress of this sort, seeing beyond the needs of theirselves and trying to work together as a team, jied you should be pleased that there is at least an attempt by someone to try and improve the music community, but no you would rather be a pesimist I find that very disapointing.
    Listen, dinnae worry - I'll see to it that we have a statue of you erected outside this spankingly brand new pillar of the Arts. You know, Rocky style. Fight the power, as Chuck D might say.

  12. #72


    So you think I'm doing this to be some sort of saviour, I don't think so, it's not like I won any battles, the council has nothing to do with the project, if it wasn't for Dounreay this land would end up being flats or something equaly ridicoulis, I have been at loggerheads with the council for years it's true but they still are doing nothing so at the end of the day they win.
    I would just like more of a positive input rather than all the what if 's, and I know that there is no way that this is in the bag, your right a lot could happen, I agree, but after all the hassle a glimpse of hope like this I was hoping that everyone would be more enthusiastic(spelling questionable, think I got it right.)
    I was kinda hoping that the news would help people come up with ideas for the new building, I'm trying not to think about the possibiliy that it doesn't
    happen, I just feel deflated

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    (sticks tire pump up clash's nose)


    inflate damn you, inflate!


    well done man, seriously. at least someone brought it up.

  14. #74
    Join Date
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    My House


    Quote Originally Posted by clash67 View Post
    So you think I'm doing this to be some sort of saviour, I don't think so, it's not like I won any battles, the council has nothing to do with the project, if it wasn't for Dounreay this land would end up being flats or something equaly ridicoulis, I have been at loggerheads with the council for years it's true but they still are doing nothing so at the end of the day they win.
    I would just like more of a positive input rather than all the what if 's, and I know that there is no way that this is in the bag, your right a lot could happen, I agree, but after all the hassle a glimpse of hope like this I was hoping that everyone would be more enthusiastic(spelling questionable, think I got it right.)
    I was kinda hoping that the news would help people come up with ideas for the new building, I'm trying not to think about the possibiliy that it doesn't
    happen, I just feel deflated
    In reality, it might not happen... it might... but I'd rather wait until it was in motion before cracking open a bottle of the finest bubbly... for now anyway.

  15. #75
    Join Date
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    The White House, Thurso


    Quote Originally Posted by moncur View Post
    The annoyance of lugging round equipment???!!!!! WHAT!!!!! REEEV! When do u ever lug the equipment around? Was I ill that day you decided to pack all the gear away BEFORE sitting down to wipe the sweat off ur heid and have a ciggy???!!!! Im enraged! As will the drummer!
    Um........haha, i was talking in the past sense, but hey, no need now, js for EVERYONE'S knowledge, any gear that me and the guys went to buy, Busy here went and bought it to (yknow, not to be outdone) so ALONE Busy has the annoyance of packing all the gear away............happy Busy, HAHAHA

    oooooooook its an annoyance to have to watch people do hard work cause that makes me break out into a sweat, therefore i need a towel, and having to dry myself of with the towel is the annoyance, hew, got that one out

    More onto the thread again, ooooooooook people are managing to take the disagreements to heart AGAIN, this never ceases to amaze me

    Lets keep this simple, it migt happn it might not, all in all, does it affect us at this exact given point in time, well, ive got myself a place, so im happy, yes, a very selfish attitude to take, but for the amount of times i gig about (well, now its not much, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) im happy with what ive got, i looked into it before, but like i said FAR TO MUCH MONEY, for one person that is, still, if you guys wanna go for it, GO FOR IT

    YOu can sit here and debate about if it will or if it wont, thats fine, and for al the people who take all this stuff to heart (as im sure evryone knows this) sticks and stones kids, some people come here for good info, some people come for rants of nonsense (that would be me) and soe people come here to start a fight

    All in all MOST entertaining, but its only words, STICK TO THE PLAN KIDDOS AND GET ME A KETTLE...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    "The Light seems small and far,
    A Darkness envelops my soul,
    Hiding behind my empty smiles,
    Within my mind, Deeper I fall."

  16. #76


    I'm sorry i've got to say something. I'm not a musician but I can see what Clash67 is trying to say and do and think an arts centre would be a benefit to a larger group of the community than just musicians. Most of you just want to sit back and watch to see if anything happens. If it does you would be delighted to use any facility available however something like this needs input from others before the building starts to go up. Clash67 is trying to do something to improve things for serious musicians who want to be able to spend time rehearsing in an appropriate environment and therefore giving a professional performance when they go to gigs.
    I think Clash67 was trying to get some backing and ideas from musicians/artists/performers etc who might/would use a facility like the one he is trying to gain for the community.

  17. #77
    Join Date
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    My House


    Seems like he's on a one man crusade to me.

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Is there anyway someone can setup an online petition (like the asda one that went round)?

    Might be a good way of pushing this forward to the powers that be.

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Reev View Post
    Um........haha, i was talking in the past sense, but hey, no need now, js for EVERYONE'S knowledge, any gear that me and the guys went to buy, Busy here went and bought it to (yknow, not to be outdone) so ALONE Busy has the annoyance of packing all the gear away............happy Busy, HAHAHA

    oooooooook its an annoyance to have to watch people do hard work cause that makes me break out into a sweat, therefore i need a towel, and having to dry myself of with the towel is the annoyance, hew, got that one out

    b4 i joined the band there was no lugging around of equipment as it lived in riddels woodyard. I take my bass amp to practice as u left urs at pablos years ago and have yet to pick it up. We have to use the Empty Fortune PA as you are incapable of wiring the plug on your one! Plus, Im the poor soul who has to unload the car & trailer when i take the gear home.

    Rant over (for now until Ben comes up with another feeble excuse)

  20. #80
    Join Date
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    Paris, France


    Sorry to stick the old oar back in here, but hasn't the High School already been approached for input here? I only know of this through my contacts in the Scottish Arts Council.

    I'm sure if you ACTUALLY spoke to the departments involved (Art, Music, Drama and Sports - yup this goes deeper than just music) you might get some feedback.

    Don't be fobbed off now. Make sure that if they do use the School for an Arts Centre it is exactly what you want it to be. It would be a pity to have great rehearsal space without a suitable hall in which to perform.

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