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Thread: Rehearsal Space Revisited

  1. #1

    Default Rehearsal Space Revisited

    I have become more and more aware that there is a lot of bands in Thurso that have found themselves without a rehearsal space since the sad demise of the Viewfirth, moves are afoot to try and secure the land at the Viewfirth to build an arts complex or similiar where there would be rehearsal space available..however that seems to be a long term plan all be it a very good one and is not yet confirmed. meanwhile there is a great need for a solution to the problem facing bands in the here and now. I have racked my brains and called numerous organisations such as local schools ,college, hotels etc. but it was not possible to secure any suitable premises, so I got to thinking that perhaps some big firm would donate a suitably sized porta cabin by way of sponsorship ,they would get advertising which would go along with any news articles about their generous gift to the arts community of Caithness, also local bands could do a once a year fundraising concert towards the upkeep of the cabin perhaps, and all promotoinal material and radio broadcasts for the concert would be credited to the company as the sponsor.
    The council could be asked to donate a suitable plot for the cabin although they don't seem to be very interested in the plight of young rock groups but this would give them a chance to score some much needed brownie points.
    Does anyone have any views on this, does this sound like it might work or does it sound too unlikely to ever happen?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    man not even thurso high would let you use the hall after school hours.

    what about the red wood after hours on weekdays when no gigs are on at night, it shuts at four or summat during the week.

    isla seems like a reasonable landlady/ pub owner.

    the whole cabin thing might work but placement would be trouble. the council dont give a dman about much these days so i shouldnt think they would care about bands. i sense a "oh but the cabin would look unsuitable to any enviroment we place it locally" probably wouldnt even let you throw it in a field in the middle of nowhere.

    but practises are hard now a days.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by K dragon View Post
    man not even thurso high would let you use the hall after school hours.

    what about the red wood after hours on weekdays when no gigs are on at night, it shuts at four or summat during the week.

    isla seems like a reasonable landlady/ pub owner.

    the whole cabin thing might work but placement would be trouble. the council dont give a dman about much these days so i shouldnt think they would care about bands. i sense a "oh but the cabin would look unsuitable to any enviroment we place it locally" probably wouldnt even let you throw it in a field in the middle of nowhere.

    but practises are hard now a days.
    Rehearsals imho should never feel like a major chore, the thought of loading a PA into a van unloading it at the rehearsal room, setting the PA up sound check,rehearse for ..say 3 hours , dismantle the PA load it into a van, unload it at the other end twice a week and then do it all over again at the weekend for gigs sounds too much work really, the only solution is to have a place that is set up and ready to go so that the musician can remain fresh and focused soley on the rehearsal and not destracted by the labourious tasks involved, it would need to be a place that the eqiupment can be safe and restricted from public use so to speak.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    i meant simple practises, like simple amps guitars a mic and a drumkit.

    not al bands especially young ones own a pa

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by K dragon View Post
    i meant simple practises, like simple amps guitars a mic and a drumkit.

    not al bands especially young ones own a pa
    good point Kdragon, I would be willing to donate the use of some gear and lottery funding could be sought, all proceeds from the Howlin'Gaels album is to be put to such a community project so depending on album sales we could hopefuly be able to donate a good quality PA.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    i will be buying it then. to contribute

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by K dragon View Post
    i will be buying it then. to contribute
    Good Man.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    just doin what i can

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    My House


    Have you tried the youth club?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    very strict on letting older folks come in. new laws and what not.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    My House


    Really? Since when? I asked not so long ago and was told it'd be fine.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    your kiddin?

    last time a few guys suggested it they were on about proof of criminal records and what not.

    i will admit they have an early intrest in music but it seems to falter after a while. and you'd be practising with a bunch of kids runnin about.

    but if its the only place then i guess you gotta put up with that.

    but if they say it was fine then i guess it is. i just thought from what i heard that they were coming down on that stuff.
    my apologies.

  13. #13


    In the late 80s and early 90s, all that was available to me and my pals - in terms of finding a room to play music in, nevermind a working, well-equipped studio rehearsal space - were the (quite possibly illegal) rooms in the late, great Scapa House Hotel, and the local community education centre, within Miller Academy. Scapa's rooms were like playing inside a swimming pool within the Overlook Hotel, and getting a booking - plus working equipment - at the community education centre was about as easy as getting backstage at a Britney Spears concert. It was all we could get, and both soon became unavailable for a whole host of ridiculous reasons. Anyway, we had to take it upon ourselves to find a suitable rehearsal room. So, first stop: the local council. In the early 90s, there was about two dozen bands in Thurso. That meant an average of 100 people looking out for a room to play in... these people were all in a similar boat - the lucky ones were people who had outhouses in the country or expensive, private garages - and would have paid good money to secure somewhere. Surely, then, the council could hire out a garage, or, one of the many unused, often abandoned buildings they owned. Heaven knows they needed any additional revenue. No! Non! Nein! Neit! Nothing, they said was available; and, in the words of one council official (in charge of leisure no less, or some other ridiculously made-up title), "being let out to young bands who'd only destroy the place." Ah well... as it turned out no-one else who owned a garage, building, shack etc., in town, wanted to hire out their property to rebellious youth, either. Got a guitar? Want to play music? Not here, pal.

    I'd continue the story, but I don't need to. The point has already been made by Clash67. There's a lot of young bands in Thurso - and Caithness - just now. They're trying to be creative, musical, and doing something constructive. They need a permanent rehearsal venue where they can explore their talents. Far as I can see, 12 years on since I lived in Thurso, things haven't progressed much... And more's the pity.

  14. #14
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    My House


    Quote Originally Posted by K dragon View Post
    your kiddin?

    last time a few guys suggested it they were on about proof of criminal records and what not.

    i will admit they have an early intrest in music but it seems to falter after a while. and you'd be practising with a bunch of kids runnin about.

    but if its the only place then i guess you gotta put up with that.

    but if they say it was fine then i guess it is. i just thought from what i heard that they were coming down on that stuff.
    my apologies.
    I meant when the place wasn't open with kids running around.

  15. #15


    seems the only time the council has ever contacted me with relivence to music is when they want my band to play for free! but pretty soon there won't be a band left in Caithness unless they start making some facilities available, things are tough enough being a musician in Caithness without us all having to run around like headless chickens trying to find rehearsal rooms! I will take it apon myself to see if I can shake the council up a bit and see if they will help in some way..don't hold your breath though.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    sorry for the ignorance on my part jeid. should think before i type lol

    and thanks for making the effort clash 67 will help in anyway i can, me being a young musician i appreciate your enthusiasim and drive.

  17. #17
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    In a great spot


    Clash 67,
    Just a few issues I'm sure will need ironed out. (Sorry my pesimistic head just can't help thinking about such detail - sad I know . . . . .)

    For the portacabin concept:

    Electricity - how/who pays for it (a meter possibly?) Generator??

    Insurance - essential - how/who pays for it?

    Who will manage/own/run this facility? Who will stop conflicts for practice times bookings etc?

    Safety - fire extinguishers, first aid, exits all that bla

    Toilets/drainage - muso's are known for a can or two at a practice . . .

    The Council will be on all these details (and more) very quickly.

    I used to rent an old cottage out in the sticks (most of Caithness), no neighbours to complain about noise etc. It did get broken into once though and some mics were stolen, so security wouild be a BIG concern, especially if you intend to leave a house PA/equipment inside.

    I hope your idea succeeds, but it will take a lot of organising and effort to work/manage. Didn't Dennis Manson once have a small facility down at the harbour? He might be worth speaking to.

    Just my pennies worth.
    All the world's a stage and we are merely players . . . . .
    For more visit:

  18. #18


    Yes all good points of course Deemac, but I would prefer to find out if a company would be prepared to make a donation of a cabin before I spend the next six months of my life preparing a detailed plan fit to bring to the council which will be hastily filed under NOT IMPORTANT lol

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Wick,Caithness,Scotland,The World


    Quote Originally Posted by clash67 View Post
    I have become more and more aware that there is a lot of bands in Thurso that have found themselves without a rehearsal space since the sad demise of the Viewfirth, moves are afoot to try and secure the land at the Viewfirth to build an arts complex or similiar where there would be rehearsal space available..however that seems to be a long term plan all be it a very good one and is not yet confirmed. meanwhile there is a great need for a solution to the problem facing bands in the here and now. I have racked my brains and called numerous organisations such as local schools ,college, hotels etc. but it was not possible to secure any suitable premises, so I got to thinking that perhaps some big firm would donate a suitably sized porta cabin by way of sponsorship ,they would get advertising which would go along with any news articles about their generous gift to the arts community of Caithness, also local bands could do a once a year fundraising concert towards the upkeep of the cabin perhaps, and all promotoinal material and radio broadcasts for the concert would be credited to the company as the sponsor.
    The council could be asked to donate a suitable plot for the cabin although they don't seem to be very interested in the plight of young rock groups but this would give them a chance to score some much needed brownie points.
    Does anyone have any views on this, does this sound like it might work or does it sound too unlikely to ever happen?
    A rehearsal space....wits that.A guy Larry Mullen once put a wee note on a school noticeboard,if anyone can play an instrument come to ma hoose.Folk came,the outcome was U2.The best band .....Ever.Look through the years
    Beatles ......50% dead.....Rolling good tunes in the last 20 out of 40.So for all ye guys oot there who enjoy their music go for it.Cos ye might be the next Big Thing.
    Their coming to take me away.....haha-hee-hee-ho-ho

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    thats the whole point of this thread dude.......we need a place to go "oot an do eet"

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