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Thread: Average speed cameras in Caithness

  1. #1

    Default Average speed cameras in Caithness

    Never thought I'd see the day these cameras appeared up here!I see there will be four cameras, so I'm assuming that's two pairs, meaning potentially you could lose your licence in one day doing a round trip to Dounreay/Vulcan, which is who the JoG Journal says the cameras are targeting "The area to be covered includes the Forss straight which has been the focus of a major safety campaign in recent years. It has become known as a speeding and accident hotspot, particularly involving workers travelling to and from Dounreay and Vulcan."Looking at a few of the Thurso community pages on Fb, it seems a lot of people are calling for them in areas they live in. I think depending on the revenue they bring in will determine if they will start popping up everywhere as they don't seem to be stopping many accidents on the A9.Do we think they are a good idea or is this another case of Big Brother watching all the time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    Never thought I'd see the day these cameras appeared up here!I see there will be four cameras, so I'm assuming that's two pairs, meaning potentially you could lose your licence in one day doing a round trip to Dounreay/Vulcan, which is who the JoG Journal says the cameras are targeting "The area to be covered includes the Forss straight which has been the focus of a major safety campaign in recent years. It has become known as a speeding and accident hotspot, particularly involving workers travelling to and from Dounreay and Vulcan."Looking at a few of the Thurso community pages on Fb, it seems a lot of people are calling for them in areas they live in. I think depending on the revenue they bring in will determine if they will start popping up everywhere as they don't seem to be stopping many accidents on the A9.Do we think they are a good idea or is this another case of Big Brother watching all the time?
    Interesting. And a good question. As you probably figured out by now, I am a brutally cynical person. I don't know the answer, but I do know that nobody invests money in such systems (or any system, really) unless there is a payoff worth more than the expense. Are they really going to be installed to monitor speed? Really? Or do you suppose that as we flirt with another world war, it might be becoming more important to monitor traffic near Dounreay for security reasons? According to this article in the Independent, Dounreay won't be safe in our lifetimes -- which means the Russians could turn it into a weapon. But, you know, like I said -- I'm cynical. Who the heck wants to spend any money up here when you could make more off speed traps in more high-traffic locations. Here's that article: Also, I've just done some quick research that might support my theory -- they are introducing the same type of cameras on the A82 near Luss (an entry point to Faslane). Both of these locations only have one thing in common... they are otherwise very strange places to target. Just my two cents. Here is that article:
    Last edited by WickyWoman; 16-Jun-24 at 13:12.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I guess the back road to Reay is gonna get a lot bussier. Just hope they have fixed the potholes since I was last that way.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  4. #4

    Default Tracking vehicles.

    Now that completes the tracking of vehicles from one end of the Country to the other.From my life experience one never knows the reasons for such resources, but one can be reassured they will pay for their keep!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Time to get out the gas axe

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