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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #301
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    Halsary wind farm
    Why has construction work on this site resumed, it seems, at full capacity when it has been stated again (only today) that people in Scotland are being told to stay at home and are not being told to return to work?
    Because some businesses have been mithering for a relaxing of lockdown for ages, and are going with the timetable for England, regardless of the situation in Scotland. Gotta make a penny or two....or else no profits!

  2. #302


    Yes, I thought that really but then others are complying with the rules so I don't know!

  3. #303


    With respect to complaints about the handling of Covid19, all Govt’s in all Countries.........
    No one will get an A Grade!

  4. #304


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    With respect to complaints about the handling of Covid19, all Govt’s in all Countries.........
    No one will get an A Grade!
    Agreed, but some will get a B or maybe even a B+. HMG would be lucky to get an F-.
    Last edited by Corky Smeek; 15-May-20 at 09:29.

  5. #305


    I think we are nearly all the same.
    The biggest prob I think, in North America, was that in the beginning people did not listen to the advice of Gov’t and stay at home. Don’t travel!
    Many were unable to get a refund on their travel, so they went and then we had the lockdown.
    Then hundreds/thousands came back with no checks being done, other than receiving a piece of paper and advising them to Self Isolate. 70% of which ignored the advice.
    I heard that thousands were mingling in airports, shoulder to shoulder, and getting their groceries and generally spreading anything they had!
    Still now, people are arriving Home and receiving a piece of paper, perhaps more strongly worded, but on the honour system!
    Here there were calls to not send planes to get others.
    Politically, that ain’t gonna work! Send the planes!! Politics rule! People need their jobs...even in Politics!
    Last edited by The Horseman; 15-May-20 at 14:03.

  6. #306


    Someone mentioned that Covid19 was being blames for deaths. which may not have accurate..

    Spoke to a person in California, and they state that The Virus Is being blamed for many more deaths than it should be!
    California is a mainly Democratic State, meaning that they want Prez Trump out...A Republican. Thus, they skewer the facts to show that that The Prez didn’t do a good job, and show that he should not be re-elected! Sad isn’t it!

    And during the ‘Aids Epidemic‘, the very poor Countries were showing nearly all deaths as HIV., so that they would get more support/money!
    It’s called..... ‘The Blame Game’.

  7. #307
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    Someone mentioned that Covid19 was being blames for deaths. which may not have accurate..

    Spoke to a person in California, and they state that The Virus Is being blamed for many more deaths than it should be!
    California is a mainly Democratic State, meaning that they want Prez Trump out...A Republican. Thus, they skewer the facts to show that that The Prez didn’t do a good job, and show that he should not be re-elected! Sad isn’t it!

    And during the ‘Aids Epidemic‘, the very poor Countries were showing nearly all deaths as HIV., so that they would get more support/money!
    It’s called..... ‘The Blame Game’.
    I'm guessing that person is a Trumper... Don't believe a word that comes out of Trumps mouth, he's incapable of being honest...
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  8. #308


    I see the article is by CNN.....which is a Democratic controlled and paid for ‘machine’, Cable News Network!
    Trump is a Republican and the Democrats, using CNN., do not want him in Office.
    The Russian Affair was a total lie and set up...something like a Movie! It will all be shown soon.
    Politics can be truly Brutal. Watch FOX news.
    I now see the BBC is re printing rubbish by CNN!
    I am surprised educated people watch CNN. The Tabloids have stopped degrading Prez Trump, as what they wrote about him is mostly lies, and they cannot afford the payouts for ‘Fake News’!
    I am on neither side.....but the lies that are told. Atrocious!
    You have the same......’Over ‘Ome’!

  9. #309
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    I see the article is by CNN.....which is a Democratic controlled and paid for ‘machine’, Cable News Network!
    Trump is a Republican and the Democrats, using CNN., do not want him in Office.
    The Russian Affair was a total lie and set up...something like a Movie! It will all be shown soon.
    Politics can be truly Brutal. Watch FOX news.
    I now see the BBC is re printing rubbish by CNN!
    I am surprised educated people watch CNN. The Tabloids have stopped degrading Prez Trump, as what they wrote about him is mostly lies, and they cannot afford the payouts for ‘Fake News’!
    I am on neither side.....but the lies that are told. Atrocious!
    You have the same......’Over ‘Ome’!

    Doesn't matter who controls it, they just report the news as it happens, not their fault that Trump is constantly hanging himself with his speil of easily fact checked lies & evergrowing exagerations. All Trump cares about is Trump.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  10. #310


    Many of the quotes are ‘Manufactured’ from his comments.
    Recently they used the first part of a sentence only! I think a few words.
    CNN and the New York Times both admitted last week, they took ‘selected’ words of the Attorney General Bill Barr, and mixed them up to show a different outcome to a comment. And don’t forget Prez Trump’s Mother came from The Isle of Lewis, and his father was German so he talks differently.
    Don’t be so hard on him. He is your ‘Kin’.
    It’s not a job for him....It’s a Calling!
    Be kinder...He is but a man, with a few good looking women!

  11. #311
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    Oct 2011


    Misquoting happens all the time from both sides, can't be misquoted though when he's spouting bs at live press briefings.
    Where his mother is from has no bearing on his personality & as for his father, even though he is quoted as saying his father is German (or was that another misquote), he was actually born in New York, it was his grandfather who was German.
    You are right on the fact that it is not a job for him, he was "Chosen by God", besides at a time of crisis don't you want someone in charge who takes the job seriously as opposed to someone who is only interested in their own ego & self-interest.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  12. #312


    Facebook..Dr Clarence Sexton...Trump was born for Revival!
    Take a look...A convincing video..
    I am not really Religious, BUT............
    And one third of Americans feel Trump was chosen!
    I would put it up on here, but I don’t know how, and if I did I would likely Get Lynched.. haha

  13. #313
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    ...And one third of Americans feel Trump was chosen!...
    "one in four Americans thinks the sun orbits the Earth"

    "34 percent of Americans reject evolution entirely and believe humans have existed in their present form for thousands or tens of thousands of years"

    "75 percent of those surveyed could not identify Iran or Israel"

    Just a few examples as to why just because a significant proportion of Americans believe something doesn't necessarily make it true
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  14. #314


    How childish!
    Without the Yanks, the UK would be in a lot of trouble.
    I am not an American supporter, but.......better to leave u with your...........ty.

  15. #315
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    "34 percent of Americans reject evolution entirely and believe humans have existed in their present form for thousands or tens of thousands of years"
    It gets worse than that. According to Wikipedia,, 74.3% of UK inhabitants believe that humans were created by various versions of some bloke on a cloud, with various estimates of timescales, most of which typically centre around 6,000 years ago. Whats more, the same percentage believe the story that everything was created in just 6 days, again about 6,000 years ago. That the dinosaurs were roaming the earths surface for 125 million years, quite a while ago, seems to be lost on them.

  16. #316
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    How childish!
    Without the Yanks, the UK would be in a lot of trouble.
    I am not an American supporter, but.......better to leave u with your...........ty.
    Just making an obsevation, plenty of idiots here to, how else do you explain Boris being in 10 Downing Street (or comment above).

    Care to explain how the UK would be in a lot of trouble if it wasn't for the "Yanks" (quite an offensive term for a US citizen, dating back to the Civil War).
    Last edited by Alrock; 18-May-20 at 19:32. Reason: update
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  17. #317


    You wouldn’t be ‘Living your Dream’ since the 1940’s!
    And Yank...pray tell me!

  18. #318
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by The Horseman View Post
    You wouldn’t be ‘Living your Dream’ since the 1940’s!
    And Yank...pray tell me!
    I assume that you are talking WWII, The war that they sat out, getting very rich from selling us arms until we where skint & only then joining in once they had gotten fat of our misery.

    Question is... What would have happened if they had joined in from the start?

    Calling them “Yanks”
    The “Y” word won’t offend every American you meet, but never use it to address folks from the South. There, it’s likely to earn you a stern look or a full-on snarl.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  19. #319


    Is this still the coronavirus thread?

  20. #320


    Sorry...My bad!

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