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Thread: Poll reveals majority of Scots back indyref2 legal battle with UK

  1. #1

    Default Poll reveals majority of Scots back indyref2 legal battle with UK

    Amazing headline in The National

    Thought I better read it just in case opinion is changing and me and everyone I know might be out of step.

    Read the article and it says "
    The finding is the latest from the Panelbase poll conducted for the ScotGoesPop! blog, supported by The National."

    So this is a poll on a nationalist blog supported by a nationalist paper.

    Then you get to the poll results (expecting nearly 100% support due to poll reader base)

    Only 50% agree with the poll and 39% disagree...apparently that is massive support!

    It's nice that the Sunday papers can give you a good laugh

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Is that like all the Daily Mail polls that had 99% support for a hard Brexit?

    What I find odd is that no-one in Orkney knows anyone in Orkney who has beel polled. Now, given that Orkney is the bellwether which has to also poll a majority "Yes" in any future referendum, then the pollsters could save themselves a lot of time, and face, by concentrating their efforts in Orkney. If Orkney is still polling 67% no, 33% Yes, then any national opinion is worthless. All thanks to the SNP's policy on Dragging Out Against Will

  3. #3


    It is interesting that you left out this quote from the article:-

    "Dana Linnet, who was principle officer for the US consulate from 2009-12 during Barack Obama’s presidency, wrote: “The UK Government can’t say in 2014 that Scottish independence would be bad because Scotland would not be an EU member anymore with all those huge economic benefits and then say in 2018 that Scotland can’t be independent post-Brexit with no EU economic benefits.

    “Makes no sense. None of their words were/are intellectually honest or proven by sound economic data. I hope the EU does leave the light on for you. As I’ve said many times I have no dog in your fight but I can see ‘what’s what’.”."

    Sir Humphrey Appleby shone a light on polling data nearly 40 years ago. Everyone knows you can get a poll to say whatever you want and all this faux outrage and malicious glee is rather tired and transparent.

  4. #4


    Why would I post the entire article when I have given a link to it?

    The post is about the poll, not some American has beens personal opinion.

  5. #5


    It's curious (not) why everyone, no matter how senior, respected or knowledgable, who presents reasonable empirical evidence is rubbished by your side. You can never find fault with the message so you just rubbish the messenger.

  6. #6


    Have you not yet worked out how this forum and politics in general work?

    I suggest you buy this book.

  7. #7


    However, polls suggest that a majority of Scots do think that the decision on whether and when to hold Indyref2 should lie with Holyrood and not Westminster. I think myself that any legal challenge to the refusal will be a waste of money unless there really is a clear likelihood that they will win it and that does not seem to be the case so far as I can understand.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    Amazing headline in The National

    Thought I better read it just in case opinion is changing and me and everyone I know might be out of step.

    Read the article and it says "
    The finding is the latest from the Panelbase poll conducted for the ScotGoesPop! blog, supported by The National."

    So this is a poll on a nationalist blog supported by a nationalist paper.

    Then you get to the poll results (expecting nearly 100% support due to poll reader base)

    Only 50% agree with the poll and 39% disagree...apparently that is massive support!

    It's nice that the Sunday papers can give you a good laugh

    Oh, for goodness sake. That is not how Panelbase works. This was a poll carried out by Panelbase, and paid for by ScotGoesPop, also supported by The National. It was not carried out on the blog. Go check out the PanelBase website and see how it works, then come back and start yer moaning. (You could even join it and get in on the action)

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    Have you not yet worked out how this forum and politics in general work?

    I suggest you buy this book.
    What a dreadful way to conduct yourself! Gutter politics.

  10. #10


    Sorry I hurt your feelings. I bought this just for you Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.jpg 
Views:	145 
Size:	18.5 KB 
ID:	35137

  11. #11


    As I said, what a dreadful way to conduct yourself! I'm not sure why I am surprised though. Just in the last few weeks you have:-

    (i) defended the actions of people with known paramilitary links invading the Scottish parliament,
    (ii) colluded with another in the use of misogynistic language against a senior female figure in the Scottish Government,
    (iii) used the grooming of a 16 year old child to score cheap political points
    (iv) and systematically hurled defamatory remarks at me without you knowing the first thing about me.

    Are you at the bottom of the barrel yet?

    All of this to try to defend a Union that couldn't give a toss about you because you live in Scotland.

  12. #12


    Let's see evidence of point two please.

  13. #13

  14. #14


    I don't know whether you are thick, stupid or just unable to understand written English. I said I wanted proof of point two. You have failed. Please remove point two unless you can substantiate your claim.

    I also think you are abit too sensitive to be allowed on the internet.

  15. #15


    You asked for evidence. I have provided that.

    So, in the space of a few posts you have implied I do not know how this forum and politics in general works. You have also implied that I am thick, stupid and unable to understand written English. You also claim I am "abit (sic) too sensitive to be allowed on the internet.".

    I tell you what. You apologise for your defence of the Holyrood invaders; admit that using the grooming of a child to make cheap political points was wrong and withdraw the implications outlined above and I'll think about it.

  16. #16


    I'll accept that you cannot find proof of your claim. "
    (ii) colluded with another in the use of misogynistic language against a senior female figure in the Scottish Government, "

    You can accuse me of anything you like...….so long as it's true.

    I really do believe you are too sensitive for the internet.....I suggest you go back to writing letters to the editor of your favourite newspaper....Sign them 'Outraged at everything'

  17. #17


    Hahahaha. The old, "I'm not a bully it's just that you're too sensitive" defence. It's been a wee while since I've heard that one used.

    You asked me to provide you with evidence. I did as you asked and provided you with evidence. Upon reflection and with the benefit of hindsight maybe a better choice of word would have been complicit rather than "colluded". The same evidence applies, however.

    I will now take it that your non-refutation of my other points means that you accept that what I said in points (i), (iii) and (iv) is true. In other words, you are happy (but possibly only reasonably so) to stand by your defence of the paramilitary invasion of parliament; the use of the grooming of a child to make political points and your (continued) use of defamatory language towards me.

    You'd better start being nice to me or I'll tell my mum on you. Meanwhile my lawyers, Messrs Billit, Scarper and Hyde are on standby.

  18. #18


    Lets look at point 1
    defended the actions of people with known paramilitary links invading the Scottish parliament,

    Where have I defended them? I disagree with your interpretation of paramilitary (as did just about everyone else) No idea how you contort that to me defending them

    Point two you have failed to prove that point already

    Point three. If the shoe had been on the other foot I pretty sure you or other nationalists would have posted on here. I along with just about the entire media posted, as I said I think your sensibilities are too great for the modern internet. I don't agree it was a cheap point score, you on the other hand find just about everything you disagree with highly offensive. Grow a pair.

    Point 4, I've already explained why I think you may have multiple accounts. I've had a few PM's regarding this and I can tell you I'm not the only one.

    Not sure why you posted a link to the poetry thread, I can see no significance to that, but then you do have a very odd way of viewing the world.

    Have a really pleasant day, stop being so bitter and negative and you will enjoy your short time on this planet far more!

  19. #19


    I will say zis onlee wance.

    I am prepared to swear on anything you hold sacred that I do NOT have multiple accounts and that I have NEVER posted from any account other than this one. And that is a solemn promise. As I have said before on this matter whatever "analysis" you are doing, you are doing it wrong. If you have paid someone else to do it for you I hope you have a money-back guarantee.

    I also find it interesting that you think I have an "odd way of viewing the world" when it is you, not me, who defends men with paramilitary links invading parliament -, is happy to use child exploitation to make political points and is (reasonably) happy to hurl insults around like confetti. I don't know what kind of world you live in or aspire to but I it doesn't sound awfully pleasant, does it when you are prepared to behave like you have been recently.

  20. #20


    Now can you both please stop it!
    Why not go back to throwing rocks at one another over actual 'stuff' such as the Scottish budget which, from the analyses I have read (example Douglas FraserBusiness/economy editor, Scotland) no one seems to be able to make head nor tail of it nor how or whom will benefit. What does a budget for 'Well being' mean?

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