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Thread: Toxic Scotland

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Toxic Scotland

    Is Scotland in 2020 as toxic as it has ever been?
    There has always been rammys, tiffs and political rivalry but in my memory there has never been such a deep rooted undertone of hatred and toxicity across all factions of Scottish as there is now.
    It used to be possible to have a bit of banter with a person and leave it at that with a laugh and mutual respect, but not so much anymore.
    I wonder will this wave ever subside and return to a more even keel?
    I dont think it will be anytime soon.

  2. #2


    I've got to agree with you. It almost feels like certain individuals would welcome a civil war. God forbid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    I can see things descending into an Ireland like scenario.
    The NATS are fully adamant on a breakaway and not respecting the 2014 indy ref results.
    Then the remain are fully against another referendum, if one is granted I would not be a bit surprised if we see proper civil unrest on the streets of our cities.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2010


    What I find so disturbing is that every day, on the BBC website, News, Scotland section, much of the headlines are about murders, knifings, shootings, near riots and other such things in the Central Belt (Whoops, sorry, the deep south of Scotland). Theres not a day goes by where that area of Scotland is behaving as they should.

    Man in hospital after suspected shooting in Cumbernauld

    And headlines like those are daily occurrences, often with multiple similar headlines on the same site visit.

    Glasgow men held machete to a 10-year-old's throat to steal puppies

    being another one.

    And with separatism being more prevalant in the deep south, then we already get an inkling of their frames of mind, when they don't get what they want. And they wonder why Orkney and Shetland would want to break away from Scotland?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    What I find so disturbing is that every day, on the BBC website, News, Scotland section, much of the headlines are about murders, knifings, shootings, near riots and other such things in the Central Belt (Whoops, sorry, the deep south of Scotland). Theres not a day goes by where that area of Scotland is behaving as they should.

    Man in hospital after suspected shooting in Cumbernauld

    And headlines like those are daily occurrences, often with multiple similar headlines on the same site visit.

    Glasgow men held machete to a 10-year-old's throat to steal puppies

    being another one.

    And with separatism being more prevalant in the deep south, then we already get an inkling of their frames of mind, when they don't get what they want. And they wonder why Orkney and Shetland would want to break away from Scotland?
    Not sure if you see what our puppet friend posts, but yesterday he posted claiming Scotland has the right to declare independance without Westminster approval. The report he/she quotes virtually warns of armed conflict. Based on this 'document' I presume Orkney and Shetland could also use the same principle to declare independance and retain oil gas and fish stocks?

  6. #6
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    The SNP are Scotlands version of Sinn Fein.
    The 79 group and its leader Alex Salmon for instance.
    The protesters in Holyrood yesterday were not far from the mark

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Another day in the Wild South - Headlines currently on the BBC News Website, Scotland section

    Passer-by's dog shot dead during targeted attack in Cumbernauld

    Drug deaths summit to take place in Glasgow

    Glasgow health board special measures extended

    Man bludgeoned to death as he slept in Glasgow flat

    The reality of the first headline only comes apparant in the next line of the article;

    A pet dog was shot dead and its owner injured as a man was shot in a targeted gang attack on a housing estate.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    Not sure if you see what our puppet friend posts, but yesterday he posted claiming Scotland has the right to declare independance without Westminster approval. The report he/she quotes virtually warns of armed conflict. Based on this 'document' I presume Orkney and Shetland could also use the same principle to declare independance and retain oil gas and fish stocks?
    Nah, I steer clear of the posters you mention. With any luck, you have found the ignore button too. But yes, its certainly a consideration for Orkney and Shetland. Heaven forbid if we were pulled out of the UK against our will. And yes, we would take the oil and fish with us, as well as the marine renewable energy.

  9. #9
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    And quite rightly also, why should the prosperous islands fund the concrete jungles and their wasters?
    An independent Orkney and Shetland isles would do extremely well with their low unemployment and vast resources.

  10. #10
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    Yup. Any why should we be ruled by a government 300 miles away that we didn't vote for and have never voted for?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    OK guys Scotland has its problems yet a significant proportion of the population aspire to a different social/political/cultural trajectory than Brexit England. We’ve seen all your arguments against the Scottish independence movement.
    Given the situation we’re now in, what positivity for Scotland do you see in Boris Johnston, the Conservatives and the current Westminster government?
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  12. #12


    As metioned on other threads, many of us are quite happy with things as they are, I can't see anything getting worse under BJ's government.

    I know the socialists wont agree with that, but you need to understand lots of us are happy with our lives.

  13. #13
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    If Boris had the free reign to improve things in Scotland, that would be great. But Holyrood will just block it.

    Take police for example. Boris is bringing in a load more. But in England and Wales only. In Scotland, it's up to Krankie. And she seems to be quite happy with the state of law and order here. Pity the rest of us aren't, but hey, she has bigger fish to fry trying to perpetuate the neverendum

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    If Boris had the free reign to improve things in Scotland, that would be great. But Holyrood will just block it.

    Take police for example. Boris is bringing in a load more. But in England and Wales only. In Scotland, it's up to Krankie. And she seems to be quite happy with the state of law and order here. Pity the rest of us aren't, but hey, she has bigger fish to fry trying to perpetuate the neverendum
    I have to say the amalgamation of Scotland’s police forces into one body could have been better managed. Having said that some criminal activity in Scotland has increased, but at a very much slower rate than in England. Boris’s proposed increase of 2,000 officers in England goes nowhere near replacing the 20,000 officers and staff cut by Theresa May between 2010 and 2015.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    As metioned on other threads, many of us are quite happy with things as they are, I can't see anything getting worse under BJ's government.

    I know the socialists wont agree with that, but you need to understand lots of us are happy with our lives.
    It’s good to hear that you’re “quite happy with things as they are,” not everyone is as fortunate as you. Would you not want this new administration to stop the benefit freeze? Nearly all working-age benefits were frozen at their 2015-16 rates for four years. That means in reality, benefits Have been eroded inevitably because the pound in peoples’ pockets buy less with each passing year. This affects in-work benefits too.
    Surely there is more this new administration can/should do for the less fortunate in our society....
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
    I have to say the amalgamation of Scotland’s police forces into one body could have been better managed. Having said that some criminal activity in Scotland has increased, but at a very much slower rate than in England. Boris’s proposed increase of 2,000 officers in England goes nowhere near replacing the 20,000 officers and staff cut by Theresa May between 2010 and 2015.
    Actually, Boris's proposed increase was 20,000, not 2,000. Of course there has been a lot of speculation as to what that will actually turn out to be, for example, in

    But I don't think anyobe is predicting that the end result will be as low as 2,000

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
    Given the situation we’re now in, what positivity for Scotland do you see in Boris Johnston, the Conservatives and the current Westminster government?
    I see a tremendous boost for high quality, high paying jobs in sectors such as technology, finance, renewable energy and the likes, thanks to Boris's top rate tax cuts. Oh, hang on a minute - That doesn't apply in Scotland, and we have a tax regime that favours low paid jobs. Oh well, high quality jobs for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Actually, Boris's proposed increase was 20,000, not 2,000. Of course there has been a lot of speculation as to what that will actually turn out to be, for example, in

    But I don't think anyobe is predicting that the end result will be as low as 2,000
    You're right, my apologies, 20.000 it should be. However these new officers will only replace those previously cut and will take years to be trained and deployed.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    I see a tremendous boost for high quality, high paying jobs in sectors such as technology, finance, renewable energy and the likes, thanks to Boris's top rate tax cuts. Oh, hang on a minute - That doesn't apply in Scotland, and we have a tax regime that favours low paid jobs. Oh well, high quality jobs for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
    orkneycadian I was hoping you would contribute to this discussion without having a snide dig at the Scottish administration. IMHO people will still want to work in Scotland because it's a great country with good people..., and there's more to life than money for money's sake. You've probably heard it before but Scottish income tax is explained at Growing families will benefit from no prescription charges, reduced child care costs, lower council tax charges and when their offspring are of an age no tuition fees. It’s a case of ‘swings and roundabouts’.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  20. #20


    I think the toxicity/rebellion by the citizens of all Countries around the World, is caused by the ‘status quo’.
    Same old.....same old.
    People are fed up with career Politicians and their expense accounts, etc.,etc.......
    And a quote from the Media on a story.........If is Bleeds, it leads!

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