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Thread: Climate change strikes

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    food per capita. Will be rapidly declining. Not sure that is totally accurate, though some would cite the proliferation of foodbanks as evidence to the contrary. May be skewed by all the land clearing for wheat production keeping up with demand, though Shabbychic doesn't like it.
    Maybe I was a bit previous in assuming that the food per capita was not declining;

    Climate change has brought parts of Zambia to the brink of famine

  2. #82
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    Jul 2010


    Mighty, the LTG report is proving highly accurate, with another premonition in the process of coming true. Industrial Output Per Capita about to peak and turn downwards, just as predicted.....

    Saturday jobs dying as teen employment halves, Resolution Foundation says

    Looks like the little darlings are way too busy using energy on their tech devices to actually go out and do something useful.

  3. #83
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    Jul 2010


    Here are some interetsing stats for ya....

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Untitled.png 
Views:	115 
Size:	51.9 KB 
ID:	35030

    Sorry, the full table is too big to get a screenshot off and still be readable - So it is here -

    So this is the emissions on fossil CO2, i.e. whats been burnt. In 1971 3.75 billion of us emitted 15.7 billion tonnes of CO2 from fossil sources. 4.15 tonnes per year per person. In 2016, 7.5 billion of us emitted 35.75 billion tonnes of Co2 from fossil sources. 4.79 tonnes per person.

    In 45 years, we are emitting 15 percent more CO2 per person. So much for trying to reduce it. But that is totally eclipsed by the doubling in people emitting that CO2.

    Arithmetically, what's got the biggest effect? - The 15% rise per person or the 100% rise in persons?

    Little wonder Sir David Attenborough says we are fighting a losing battle.

  4. #84

  5. #85
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    That'll keep her reading for a minute or ten.....

    The Prof of Philosophy writes a lot of wise words. I suppose that's what you do when you are a Professor....

    But I guess most of them will be wasted on her, and she'll simply change her Twit profile to say she is an " unemployable-skipping- school-on-Friday obstreperous child"

  6. #86
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    Jul 2010


    Loving all the hypocrisy in the below news report about the climate snowflakes blockading the Shell offices in Aberdeen;

    Where do you start? Bright orange suits to keep out the cold. Made with man made fibres, made from oil.

    Camping chairs. Man made material forming the seat and back, made from oil. Plastic coated steel frames. Plastic made from oil.

    The blue plastic carrier bag. Made from oil.

    The snowflakes are doing a wonderful job of advertising products made from oil.

    You couldn't make it up
    Last edited by orkneycadian; 16-Jan-20 at 22:36. Reason: Spelling

  7. #87


    I bet that boat is amde of fibreglass too.

    I contacted XR scotland on Monday as MFR said XR were lobbying Holyrood to get all future duelling of the A9 stopped. I asked them to have a word and see why the Scottish government are happy to promote a pure driving holiday (NC500) yet claim to be an environmentally friendly government. No problem with tourism, but get people to come here and visit properly, not just see how fast they can get round the route. XR's response...not interested, contact my msp!

  8. #88


    Yes, I have thought this too. If we are serious about climate change then surely things lie the NC500, mainly, it seems, driven by people in camper vans, needs to become a thing of the past.

  9. #89
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    The Aberdeen branch of the Snowflake Rebellion just keep giving more and more. I see on the link I posted above, a video has been added. Right, lets see.....

    00:01 - To keep our climate activists going, we seem to have, on top of the oil drum a stove top kettle (the kind you put on a gas stove, probably a portable camping one) and milk in a plastic bottle. Shame on the person who brought the plastic / metal insulated mug. Another activist in the background wearing a man made fabric orange jacket whilst sitting on a camping seat of man made fabric. All produced from oil (except the gas to boil the kettle.....)

    00:10 - Thats a gey plasticky looking flower in her hair.

    00:19 - And to go with the coffee, they have brought some plastic wrapped digestive biscuits. Baked in Middlesex, wrapped in plastic and probably road hauled using diesel to Aberdeen. And that orange vest definitely looks like its made of man made fabric.

    00:20 - Man made fabrics galore.... And definitely a lot of fibreglass in that boat.

    00:26 - A plastic bag as a "sleeping bag" - Seriously?

    00:30 - Deary me - More nylon and plastic camping chairs, a white plastic carrier bag beside the camping chair, plastic welly boots, a cushion / mattress made of polyisocyanurate foam (Kingspan to you and me.....) and a number of nylon backpacks

    00:33 - An activist walks into shot wearing a man made fabric high viz jacket, carrying a plastic carrier bag

    To finish - Do all that red costumes look like they are made of cotton?

    They really don't have a clue do they?
    Last edited by orkneycadian; 16-Jan-20 at 22:35. Reason: Spelling

  10. #90
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    And the next cracker.....

    You would expect that the Climate Snowflakes, when protesting outside Shell's offices would be using very sustainable transport - Perhaps an electric vehicle. But they had to get that boat and its trailer there. The number plate on the boat trailer is HY68 AZB;

    A quick check of the numerous online look up sites shows this to be a Ford Ranger 4 x 4 turbodiesel. They were obviously keen to get that well out of the way before the cameras arrived. Now, where do they think the diesel for their guzzly 4 x 4 comes from?

  11. #91


    I think XR have been called out before over things like this and the answer is "It's for the greater good, so is acceptable". Basically the same argument every government around the world is making as to why they have to keep polluting.

    I hope it doesn't turn out one day that the two founders, Roger and Gail, are making money from all the donations, bit like Arthur Scargill did from the donations to striking miners.

  12. #92
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    And this picture summarises it well too;

    Big plasticised canvas banner up the side of the boat, blue nylon climbing rope holding the boat down, plastic tarp across the knees of the activist who also has a plastic container in the cupholder in the arm of his plastic chair. Maybe they need to tell the truth about their heavy reliance on plastics and diesel?

  13. #93
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    If I could be bothered at this time of night, this picture needs a "Why the [devil] are we doing this?" caption. Or perhaps, "Can anyone remember where we parked the Ford Ranger?"

  14. #94


    It's a good bit of street theatre but essentially pointless except no doubt it makes them feel good. I am far more interested in those who are quietly doing things to make a difference and would have more respect for them if they, say, for example joined a beach clean to pick up rubbish and plastic. As Sir David says, not only are we heating the oceans but polluting them putting even more strain on animals and ecosystems and this is something (picking up rubbish in the environment) that everyone can do.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    I think XR have been called out before over things like this and the answer is "It's for the greater good, so is acceptable".
    Ah, so like having F list "celebrities" jet over, First Class, from the far side of the USA to join in a protest about the plebs flying cattle class to Ibiza?

  16. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Ah, so like having F list "celebrities" jet over, First Class, from the far side of the USA to join in a protest about the plebs flying cattle class to Ibiza?
    Sounds about right. Only 'normal' people have to change their ways, the rich can carry on developing space tourism, but we have to stay at home!

  17. #97
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Or perhaps, "Can anyone remember where we parked the Ford Ranger?"
    Apparantly, they found it.....

    MORE FUEL YOU Extinction Rebellion activists branded ‘hypocrites’ for turning up to climate protest in gas-guzzling motors

  18. #98
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    I see wee Greta still tweeting furiously. How is she managing to do that, whilst ensuring that she is not contributing to the 10% of the world energy demand consumed by the internet?

  19. #99


    Did anyone watch Horizon this week with Chris Packham talking about world population. Really interesting.

    In India, during the 70's there was a huge enforced sterilization programme, even being caught on public transport without a ticket resulted in sterilization. Had a big impact on the birth rate for a while, but the government abandoned the programme.

    The main point from the programme seemed to be to give girls across the globe access to education and they don't want babies, they want a career.

    As for Greta and her speeches, does anyone actually know what she envisages for the world, great speeches, but what does she propose we actually do? Other than revert to cave dwelling.

  20. #100
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    Greta would make a good SNP politician. Everything that is wrong is someone elses fault. And her generation will not be reverting to cave dwelling - Not when there is all that plastic, internet connected tech to be played with.

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