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Thread: Separatist hypocrisy

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    It is categorically not a mandate when 55% of the votes cast were not for it- and we all know what the SNP stands for and were under no illusions about that. Sure, they got more seats but not more votes- face it.
    Alas, Krankie just cant get her head around it;

    Scotland "cannot be imprisoned in the union against its will" by the UK government, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

    Don't worry Nicola, no majority of people are being "imprisoned" against their will. 55% of us indicated we were happy with the arrangement back in 2014, and 54% of us reaffirmed that contentment on Thursday.

  2. #42


    I see that Scottish Labour have said that there should be another referendum.

  3. #43


    I know this should be in the joke section .........Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.jpg 
Views:	245 
Size:	37.2 KB 
ID:	35013

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    I see that Scottish Labour have said that there should be another referendum.
    I guess they need to be seen to be doing something after Thursdays disastrous showing for them.

  5. #45


    Yes, but I think that they will rebuild and come back. I certainly hope so. Feel I've seen it all before and what goes round comes around etc.

  6. #46
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    Lots of separatist hypocrisy going on here.....

  7. #47
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    And a bit more here.....

    Do you think she speaks like that at home? Or in Tescos? Nah, just a show to try and suggest that Scotland is different, when really all she is doing is speaking English with a Weegie accent.

    Now, if Scotland really was different, then this would all be done in Gaelic. But I doubt that any of the politicians who are pushing all the Gaelic roadsigns down our throats, can actually speak Gaelic themselves, Krankie included. So speaking English with a thick accent seems to be the next best option to be "non English".

  8. #48


    A Weegie accent? Get yer ears waxed biy! ‘At’s an Ayrshire accent if ever I heard one. They all speak lek ‘at doon ‘ere biy.

  9. #49
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    Anything south of Pitlochry is Weegie. Just the same as when the separatists moan about Westminster, anything south of Watford is fair game.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    And a bit more here.....

    Do you think she speaks like that at home? Or in Tescos? Nah, just a show to try and suggest that Scotland is different, when really all she is doing is speaking English with a Weegie accent.

    Now, if Scotland really was different, then this would all be done in Gaelic. But I doubt that any of the politicians who are pushing all the Gaelic roadsigns down our throats, can actually speak Gaelic themselves, Krankie included. So speaking English with a thick accent seems to be the next best option to be "non English".

    Wow, you really hate the Scots and anything Scottish, don't you. (We should all just get back in our box, dae whit wir telt, and cease to exist.)

    Have you ever heard of History? Google? Have you ever checked out why most Scots stopped speaking Gaelic?

    Did you know there are many English speaking countries in the world that certainly don't class themselves as English?

    There are 3 languages spoken in Scotland today......English, Gaelic and a recognised Scottish language which has various distinctive, local varieties, containing many Scottish words that are certainly not English. How many English people visit Orkney and understand everything being said, for example? Do the folk there just speak English with a thick accent? (but never at home or in Tesco of course.)

    Gaelic is actually on the rise again in Scotland, just in case you're interested.
    Last edited by Shabbychic; 28-Dec-19 at 04:31.

  11. #51
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    Not at all Shabbychic. We here in Orkney, Caithness, Shetland and everywhere else in the UK have our own distinct dialects. But, and there is a big but, when we all need to, we revert to a more common accent.

    Take Phil Goodlad as an example in the following video;

    For the first 1 minute and 50, he is messing around with Michael Collins, speaking in a way which he knows the American viewers will make nothing of. Then at 1 minute 50, he puts on his BBC Scotland accent that is "tame enough" for most to understand. He does the same on Radio Scotland each weekday morning when giving the Weegies their sports updates every 20 minutes (who needs sports updates every 20 minutes at 7 in the morning anyway?). If Phil gave his reports in the same accent he uses in Shetland, then all the Weegies would be mightily confused at breakfast.

    Westminster is a UK wide parliament, and the swearing in ceremony is, whilst a bit of pomp, the occasion where MPs swear their allegiance, not just in front of themselves, but of the general public, watching from the Gallery or on TV. The parliament website says this can be done in Welsh, Scottish Gaelic or Cornish;

    It does not recognise Scots as a language. (Cue separatists telling us there is the problem.....) In listening to the first 1 minute 50 of Phil, I understand virtually all of what he says, - Not because I speak Sheltie, but because Phil is essentially speaking English, with a Sheltie accent. Same with the MP. I don't speak Scots, but I know what she is saying, because she is simply speaking English with an accent.

    That, and the other MP holding up crossed fingers whilst being sworn in just shows the contempt that these MPs show for the parliament they so despise, but yet, are so keen to get into.

  12. #52


    I travel to many parts were in of England; both for work and to visit the “friends and aqua” diaspora. In my honest opinion, both personal opinions and culture have changed for the worse in the last ten years, so much that England feels like a very foreign country in many ways. There is more little Englander-ism, more overt racism, and more nonsense spoken about how we get everything for free in Scotland, all in my personal opinion and experience of course.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by aqua View Post
    and more nonsense spoken about how we get everything for free in Scotland,
    This alas is the result of the SNPs constant banging on about how Scotland needs to split off from the rest of the UK. Its a shame, as its making everyone in Scotland out to be English hating.

  14. #54
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    orkneycadian - The independence movement is a bit more than just the SNP. A myriad of groups came together to form All Under One Banner. A lot of these groups disagree with some of the SNP’s policies but recognize that the People of Scotland should be the final arbitrators of their future.
    The union, of which you are an avid supporter, is suppose to be a union of equals, I see no equality. You only have to look at Westminster to see the hate and derision cast upon Scotland’s MPs. You only have to read the main stream media to witness the hatred directed at Scotland and its people.
    The loathing that you speak of is of the Westminster/Eton/London centric elite who have no interest in the rest of the UK. Many people in England feel the same way.
    'We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.'
    Maya Angelou

  15. #55


    Can you please post an example of the 'hatred' only I have never ever encountered it.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    Can you please post an example of the 'hatred' only I have never ever encountered it.
    Find any article about the SNP in any of the Unionist rags....The Express, The Daily Mail and the ilk, then read the comments. You'll feel the love.

  17. #57


    I too have never experienced, or witnessed 'hatred' directed towards Scots (MP's or otherwise), by any English person. I have however, witnessed plenty of dislike of the English by Scots, many clinging to the past. Time and history have moved on.

    All under one banner? Is that the group that employ Diane Abbott to do the protester count :-) Pick a number, any number then muliply by three!

    Ps I'm fairly sure I can trace some ancestry back to the Vikings. Why are the road signs around here not in Runes as this language pre dated Gaelic, an Irish import.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post
    orkneycadian - The independence movement is a bit more than just the SNP. A myriad of groups came together to form All Under One Banner. A lot of these groups disagree with some of the SNP’s policies but recognize that the People of Scotland should be the final arbitrators of their future.
    The union, of which you are an avid supporter, is suppose to be a union of equals, I see no equality. You only have to look at Westminster to see the hate and derision cast upon Scotland’s MPs. You only have to read the main stream media to witness the hatred directed at Scotland and its people.
    The loathing that you speak of is of the Westminster/Eton/London centric elite who have no interest in the rest of the UK. Many people in England feel the same way.
    Whilst there will inevitably be some exceptions, I suspect that the vast majority of SNP voters are pro Scexit, and the vast majority of Scexit supporters are pro SNP. Sure, the Greens are pro Scexit, but I think even Diane Abbot could accurately count how may Scexit supporters voted Lib Dem or Scottish Conservative and Unionist.

    But if it helps, I'll try in future to refer to them as Scexiteers rather than the SNP.

    The hatred and dislike being sent from South of the border it's largely inflicted on us courtesy of the Scexiteers. A regular comment these days in the context of Scexit is "Lets have the referendum. But we in England should get the chance to vote too. Then we can be rid of the moaning, whingeing Jocks who just won't give up on bloody Scexit"

  19. #59
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    Originally Posted by aqua
    and more nonsense spoken about how we get everything for free in Scotland,

    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    This alas is the result of the SNPs constant banging on about how Scotland needs to split off from the rest of the UK. Its a shame, as its making everyone in Scotland out to be English hating.
    Ach, yer bum's oot the windae as usual. ( please note...I said that well known English saying in a thick weegie accent ) Anyway, it has nothing to do with the SNP or splitting from the UK. For many years now Unionist MPs backed up by the media have been screaming from the rooftops about how Scotland is subsidised by the English taxpayer, and everything we get, they pay for. Instead of giving those south of the border the same benefits we get, they turn it round and make out we are the scroungers.

    And I don't know where this idea comes from that the yessers, or Scooters as they are sometimes known, hate the English. They hate Westminster and it's politics, not England or the English.

    Ever applied to work for the Daily Mail? You'd be a natural.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shabbychic View Post
    And I don't know where this idea comes from that the yessers, or Scooters as they are sometimes known, hate the English. They hate Westminster and it's politics, not England or the English.
    Just a minorly inconvenient fact that 533 of the Westminster MPs are elected by (mainly) English voters living in England. Its those MPs who form the Government, the Cabinet and are most able to shape the policies. That makes it rather hard to hate the politicians without implicating the electorate that put them there.

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