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Thread: Climate change strikes

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Maybe she could get a lift in the above mentioned and pictured fire engine? As it meets the emissions requirements of Extinction Rebellion, then surely it would fit the bill? And they could use the "Blues and Two's" to re-inforce the level of "Climate Emergency".

  2. #22


    Despite Greta’s absence, since it was a bright sunny morning and I had nothing better to do at the end of my week in Edinburgh, I went along to Friday’s climate strike gathering at Holyrood. The event was run by young activists who are clearly committed to the the cause, which is of course excellent. They have a lot to learn about engaging their audience, but they will learn as they go along. Although I didn’t stay until the end, I learned a number of interesting things I’ll expand on in a subsequent post.

  3. #23


    The rally was I think organised by Scottish Youth Climate Strike (SYCS). They are apparently a sensible bunch with a radical but not crazy set of demands. There were also young people who are organising a Vigil for Climate Justice, whose leaflet reveals they’re a coalition of five or six groups in and around Edinburgh. They want Climate Justice Now, whatever that means. They have many slogans with no evident content. Then there were the crazies, the Green Anti-Capitalist Front. They want “System change, not climate change!”, which requires “overthrowing this corrupt and outdated system”. There were a few people standing under a Scottish Green Party banner, and as at every rally that’s ever been organised in this country, there were placards with platitudes from the Socialist Workers.

    Speaker after speaker insisted that we should change the education system and get behind the science, albeit without displaying any evidence that they knew what the science says, never mind understanding it. They were enthusiastic. And angry, and they shouted a lot. A lot of what they said was ok but there was no detailed plan. My overall conclusion was that tomorrow’s Scottish politicians will be pretty much the same as today’s Scottish politicians. Boy, do they need Greta!
    Last edited by aqua; 03-Dec-19 at 00:37.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Completely clueless.....

    Firstly, their webpage invites you to indulge in more CO2 production by subscribing to not 1 but 3 social media platforms - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Have these snowflakes any idea how much energy these platforms consume?

    And nowhere on their site to they make any mention of the Population Emergency that is infintly more significant than any perceived Climate Emergency, and one of the underlying causes of any perceived Climate Emergency.

    I guess they never listened to Sir David Attenborogh when he said -

    “All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder — and ultimately impossible — to solve with ever more people.”

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Completely clueless.....

    Firstly, their webpage invites you to indulge in more CO2 production by subscribing to not 1 but 3 social media platforms - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Have these snowflakes any idea how much energy these platforms consume?

    And nowhere on their site to they make any mention of the Population Emergency that is infintly more significant than any perceived Climate Emergency, and one of the underlying causes of any perceived Climate Emergency.

    I guess they never listened to Sir David Attenborogh when he said -

    “All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder — and ultimately impossible — to solve with ever more people.”

    Don't panic... The Population Emergency may well be the main cause of the Climate Emergency, but, the Climate Emergency will fix the Population Emergency through a process of Famine, Extreme Weather & finally, just to finish the job off, War over Earths dwindling resources.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  6. #26
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    Jul 2010


    Yeah, thought as much. The earths CO2 levels were about 5000 - 7000 ppm about 500 million years ago. So fretting about 410 ppm is hardly a big deal. Looks like planet earth will be still here long after we have blown ourselves out.

    If only the snowflakes could see that. They could save themselves all that stress over the planet. But I guess then they would get stressed out at the impending demise of humankind.

  7. #27


    It would be strange not to worry about it in my view.
    I am worried about the future for all the young people and other non human inhabitants posed by man made climate change even though I know that the planet will survive.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Many humans just don't get that the planet doesn't need us ,we need it . It's a hard thing to say ,but we're well passed the tipping point for many communities and not just those at sea level .

  9. #29


    I fear you may be right.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    I am worried about the future for all the young people.
    Yes, be worried for them. But its not climate change that they need to look out for.

  11. #31
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  12. #32
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    And with just two days notice she had no choice but to fly to meet them.
    She was criticised for that decision as the whole mission was supposed to be carbon-neutral.
    "In an ideal world, yes, I would have sailed there and sailed back," she says.
    "But this is a more symbolic trip. Greta wanted to sail because it's a good way to send a message to the world that there is no real sustainable option to travel.

    And the sub link.....

    British yacht skipper, 26, wiped out the carbon emissions saved by Greta Thunberg's sail across the Atlantic by flying out to the US to help her

  13. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by aqua View Post
    The rally was I think organised by Scottish Youth Climate Strike (SYCS). They are apparently a sensible bunch with a radical but not crazy set of demands. There were also young people who are organising a Vigil for Climate Justice, whose leaflet reveals they’re a coalition of five or six groups in and around Edinburgh. They want Climate Justice Now, whatever that means. They have many slogans with no evident content. Then there were the crazies, the Green Anti-Capitalist Front. They want “System change, not climate change!”, which requires “overthrowing this corrupt and outdated system”. There were a few people standing under a Scottish Green Party banner, and as at every rally that’s ever been organised in this country, there were placards with platitudes from the Socialist Workers.

    Speaker after speaker insisted that we should change the education system and get behind the science, albeit without displaying any evidence that they knew what the science says, never mind understanding it. They were enthusiastic. And angry, and they shouted a lot. A lot of what they said was ok but there was no detailed plan. My overall conclusion was that tomorrow’s Scottish politicians will be pretty much the same as today’s Scottish politicians. Boy, do they need Greta!
    I was educated about Climate Justice at a different protest the following week. Climate Justice is all about supporting communities who suffer most from climate change, which seems fair enough. I was given a lecture about it in the street.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Astounding that at COP25, there seems to have been no reported mention or debate on the underlying population emergency that is causing the perception of a climate emergency.

    And yet again, pictures posted with wall to wall faces as far as the eye can see;

    without them managing to put 2 and 2 together.

    Every day, the extra 225,000 people who arrive on this planet "demand" that governments do something about the "climate emergency". By tomorrow, thats an extra 450,000 people demanding action, by the day after that, 675,000 extra people demanding action. Can no-one see the problem here? Each day, the world gains approximately the population of Aberdeen. All breathing out their 1 kg of CO2 per day, all wanting food, water, heating (or cooling), energy for cooking, healthcare, lighting, transportation, consumer goods, the Internet, an income and a large family.

    Never mind, by 2050 we'll have about 11 billion people on the planet, up from the just under 8 billion at the moment. That extra 3 billion people will surely help persuade our collective governments to do something. Won't they?
    Last edited by orkneycadian; 21-Dec-19 at 14:40.

  15. #35


    Limiting the population is a key factor in limiting climate change. I agree it should be emphasised more than it is.

  16. #36
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    Jul 2010


    It is the most significant thing that could be done. But the one that no-one wants to even think about.

  17. #37


    This is a really interesting video from the BBC.....

    If we could persuade everyone to voluntarily stop having babies, the world would be saved within a generation or two.....that's a 'proper' generation

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Oh dear, wee Greta will not be pleased.....

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9l62wwuzlu541.jpg 
Views:	149 
Size:	45.1 KB 
ID:	35020

    They have gone and named a machine to deal with ice, snow and cold climates in general after her. According to her, there is no ice?

    And for God's sake, don't tell her that it runs on diesel......
    Last edited by orkneycadian; 21-Dec-19 at 15:16.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    It must give Greta a great deal of satisfaction knowing that a road vehicle named after her helps so many other road vehicles back onto the road, and able to drive around at full speed.

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    It is the most significant thing that could be done. But the one that no-one wants to even think about.
    How would you do it?

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