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Thread: Why is the Org so boring now?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Nagh. She is dyslexic ... really!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Ah ok then. Sorry her00026’s mum.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Getting back on topic, the Org is boring because virtually no-one posts here any more. Putting the blame on events of many a year ago is an excuse for being lazy. The Org is deid because folk don’t post.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    People seemed to stop posting because a few trolled no matter what the topic and then the 'powers that be' closed the thread. Thus punishing all ....

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Aye well aye well yeah maybe. But it’ll stay boring if folkies dinna post at a’. And that’s the way it is the now. If ye dinna post it’ll stay deid. And it’s recht deid ’e now.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Especially in the deid o' nicht! Another late night on the Pimms in the hot, hot, hot garden of Chez Cray?

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by her00026 View Post
    People seemed to stop posting because a few trolled no matter what the topic and then the 'powers that be' closed the thread. Thus punishing all ....
    Or you had the folk that posted a "Does anyone know......" type thread under a completely innocuous title. They could have named the thread title "Does anyone know when Tesco is open till tonight?" But instead, would post some cryptic title. Only when you had opened the thread, was its purpose revealed - Again.....

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Not Wick


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Or you had the folk that posted a "Does anyone know......" type thread under a completely innocuous title. They could have named the thread title "Does anyone know when Tesco is open till tonight?" But instead, would post some cryptic title. Only when you had opened the thread, was its purpose revealed - Again.....
    Caithness is s"""e, hence being s"""e. Needs no words really. You watch, I'll get a ban for this. Who cares?
    A 1991 Gallup survey indicated that 49 percent of Americans didn't know that white bread is made from wheat.

  9. #69


    I have a few ‘s’ words of my own for Caithness- both for the place and the people. ‘Stunning’, ‘stupendous’, ‘superb’ are three that will do for starters though I’m sure I could easily think of more.
    I feel really sorry for you, 2little2late! Even your title says it all really. Maybe you just need to get out a bit more and open your eyes and look about you. I would suggest a trip up to Duncansby Head. Go and walk along the cliffs, look at the views, the birds, the fantastic wildflowers. Direct your gaze below the lighthouse and maybe you’ll see orca swimming below- they are about up there. As wildlife experiences go, it does not get any better than that and name me one other place (in Scotland or elsewhere) where you can reliably see something like that and not pay one penny for the privilege.
    Ok, so maybe you’re not talking about landscape, wildlife or scenery but Caithness people. Open your eyes and ears and your closed mind! Buy a ‘Groat’ or a ‘Courier’ and you’ll find stories in there of remarkable people doing remarkable things, going the second mile for others and making a difference. Better than that, just speak to your neighbours and you may find that they are the people doing just that. Caithness is full of folk being kind and helpful to others- you just have to look.
    At the end of the day, you just get one crack at this life. If you want to go through it seeing nothing but badness, negativity and the ‘s’ word that you have applied then that is what you will no doubt find and maybe you are finding it so because you yourself are not bothering or giving anything back.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    I would suggest a trip up to Duncansby Head. Go and walk along the cliffs, look at the views, the birds, the fantastic wildflowers. Direct your gaze below the lighthouse and maybe you’ll see orca swimming below- they are about up there. As wildlife experiences go, it does not get any better than that and name me one other place (in Scotland or elsewhere) where you can reliably see something like that and not pay one penny for the privilege.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    Buy a ‘Groat’ or a ‘Courier’ and you’ll find stories in there of remarkable people doing remarkable things, going the second mile for others and making a difference.
    According to this site, the latest news in 'e Coorier includes a story of a seagull that got stuck in a derelict building in Wick in July 2017. So they let it out. Yup, pretty remarkable, and pretty up to date news reporting by this site.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fulmar View Post
    Caithness is full of folk being kind and helpful to others- you just have to look.
    And if you find a stolen Scottish flag, Iain of Reay would love to hear from you.

  11. #71


    Orkney? Yes and Shetland to when it comes to it. However, that was not the point. Such a pity you missed the point but trust you have enjoyed your moment of pointless point scoring. Gave me a laugh anyway.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Its about all there is to do on here these days.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I wouldn’t say the Org is boring, it’s just not as lively as it once was, perhaps Facebook and other social media are partly the cause of it. It’s so easy with the apps being readily accessible to post instant thoughts instead of having to log in to a website, and you’ll usually get instant replies too; it’s different strokes for different folks. I can’t remember the last time I looked in on the Org, it’s probably about 3 months ago, but it’s still handy if I want to find out what’s happening in the county. I see there’s a few hardy souls still trying to keep it upbeat, the former Mrs deW doing her best, and there’s a good supporting cast too so I wouldn’t write the site off just yet.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Its all Twatter and Facepuke these days.

    The attention span of a gnat reigns supreme.

    One day everyone will be famous for fifteen words.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Seems to have really gone to the dogs on here now. A place almost solely to ask for recommendations for tradespeople.

  16. #76


    I've got 9 chicks free to a good home. No gone seems to be about in the 'for sale' dept, so, since this is the only active thread....... Etc, etc, etc..............

  17. #77


    Your post got me to look but I don't want the chicks! Hope you find a good home for them.

  18. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Cleared_Hot View Post

    Oh and as I bet inquisitive minds are wondering who I was then allow me to demonstrate what the Org used to be like, this thread was one of mine ..

    Would that be allowed today ?? .. Probably not.

    Why is the Org boring ?? .. Because the world has changed and people have become boring because any attempt at standing out these days is met with that crowd who love labelling everyone with a tag ending in "ism", "ist" or "phobic" shouting the loudest.

    Nearly died laughing when I read the blimping thread..... I'll let you into a secret.... Women blimp too.... possibly more than men cos who will believe THEY were letching?

    Been married so long now the other half and I go blimping together, good harmless fun. Especially when we compare notes after. Found out the other half prefers red heads so how they ended up with me is anyone's guess.....

  19. #79


    Just spent half an hour reading the 'blimping' thread...brilliant! I will never do it however, as my wife has that amazing ability to read my mind. I remember watching Mel Gibson in What women want, I think that was Hollywood warning men about powers that all females possess.

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Nr Bremen Germany


    A Great thread i dont come in often but when I do I read a lot of back stuff.....
    why do wifeys always assume that us Manies are always trying to side off...
    thanks to all for the entertainment

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