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Thread: Wick Gala in Race Row

  1. #41


    what about stars in there eyes

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I remember the Black & White Minstrel Show being shown on BBC way back in the days, it was a highly acclaimed light entertainment programme and was watched by many. What's the bet that if that same show were to be broadcast now there would be uproar from the offended snowflake brigade?

  3. #43


    I remember the Black & White Minstrel Show being shown on BBC way back in the days, it was a highly acclaimed light entertainment programme and was watched by many. What's the bet that if that same show were to be broadcast now there would be uproar from the offended snowflake brigade?
    It has been one of the things I've been thinking of while reading this thread, along with certain characters of Enid Blyton and Robinsons jam that were also once considered to be equally ok.
    Well, I would be one of the first to be very offended and I'm no snowflake. I was offended back in the day too (while still only very young)- it was horrible then and the first petition against it on the grounds of racism was in 1967 but that didn't stop it completely. I'm amazed it didn't fold until 1978 and glad that it is now regarded with shame. Quite right too. Yes, it's part of cultural history and can't be wiped out but useful to hold up as an example and to hopefully show that most people have moved on (apart from the guy that this thread has been concerned with, that is).

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
    I remember the Black & White Minstrel Show being shown on BBC way back in the days, it was a highly acclaimed light entertainment programme and was watched by many. What's the bet that if that same show were to be broadcast now there would be uproar from the offended snowflake brigade?
    There used to be slaves working for little or no reward too.
    Blacks used to have to vacate their seats for the white man on request.
    Do you want to see a return of that also?

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
    I remember the Black & White Minstrel Show being shown on BBC way back in the days, it was a highly acclaimed light entertainment programme and was watched by many. What's the bet that if that same show were to be broadcast now there would be uproar from the offended snowflake brigade?
    The Black and White Minstrel show was from an era when it was deemed acceptable to call black people "wogs", "darkies" and "nignogs" in light entertainment and comedy shows. Even The Goodies were not so "good" when poking fun at black people setting up businesses in Britain, calling their headquarters Sambo Enterprises and bemoaning the fact that they couldn't return to England from South Africa, because England was now "Full of NigNogs" that Episode was aired in 1975 but will never be broadcast again. Unlike Wick, the BBC tend to learn from their gaffes.

    The original Minstrel shows began in the early 19th century, and they were specifically intended to mock black people. In time the sentiment became quite brutal:-

    Minstrelsy's racism (and sexism) could be rather vicious. There were comic songs in which blacks were "roasted, fished for, smoked like tobacco, peeled like potatoes, planted in the soil, or dried up and hung as advertisements"

    Some Minstrel shows had real black people with the appeal intended to be that you were watching authentic "Coons" but being in pre-abolition days the advertisements would sometimes read akin to this one:-

    "SEVEN SLAVES just from Alabama, who are EARNING THEIR FREEDOM by giving concerts under the guidance of their Northern friends"

    The Minstrel shows lost popularity during the Civil War and declined but, as said previously, continued in some form or other right up until the late 70's.

    From 1880 onwards there was a huge appetite in the USA for what were called "Coon Songs" this continued through to the 1920's. A big hit in the middle of that period was the rather blatant "Coon, Coon, Coon" where the lyrics read thus:-

    VERSE 1
    I know it's not my color
    I'm feelin' mighty blue
    I've had a lotta trouble
    I'll tell 'em all to you
    Now I'm just plain disgusted
    Thru life an' that's a fact
    Because my hair is wooly
    An' because my color's black

    Coon, coon, coon
    I wish my color would fade
    Coon, coon, coon
    I'd like a different shade
    Coon, coon, coon
    Both morning, night or noon
    I'd rather be a white man
    Instead of bein' a coon

    VERSE 2
    My gal she took a notion
    Against th colored race
    Said, if I'se to wed her
    I'd have to change my face
    Said, if I'se to wed her
    That I'd regret in soon
    Now, I'm shook good an' hard
    Because I'm a coon

    VERSE 3
    I had my face enameled
    I had my hair made straight
    I dressed up like a white man
    I certainly didn't look great
    I went down t' see her
    T'was shortly after dark
    On th way t' see my babe
    I had t' cross th park

    VERSE 4
    Just as I was thinkin'
    I had things fixed up right
    I passed a tree where two loves set
    Makin' love that night
    They stopped an' looked me over
    I saw my finish soon
    They both shouted, good and loud
    Coon, coon, coon

    I know that someone covered the song in 1969, so it didn't quite die in sentiment terms along with the popularity of the genre in 1920. The song "Coon, Coon, Coon" along with "All Coons Look Alike To Me" and "Every Race Has A Flag But The Coon" were identified as being the songs that brought the term "Coon" into the American vocabulary as a derogatory term for black people. Other racist titles were "Mamma's Little Pumpkin Colored Coons", "I Wonder What The Coons Game Is?" and "No Coons Allowed"

    The songs may have changed by the 1970's on the BBC but the casual inappropriate name calling did not and it was often in the name of comedy. In my opinion that rubbish belongs back in the 70's at the very least and was probably totally inappropriate then. I reckon if you have one black friend and find that 70s attitude acceptable, then you don't know what crap blacks and Asians had to put up with arriving into Britain at the time. Looking further back and knowing the history of it better, you really should be finding what went on back then abhorrent.

    Shockingly the last black person to be lynched was not back in the slavery days. It happened in 1981 in Alabama when Michael Donald was picked out entirely at random because he was the first black man they saw. They strangled him with a rope and then cut his throat three times before leaving him hanging in the tree for the mixed race neighbourhood to see.

    Michael Donald was 19 years old.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by scorrie View Post
    The Black and White Minstrel show was from an era when it was deemed acceptable to call black people "wogs", "darkies" and "nignogs" in light entertainment and comedy shows. Even The Goodies were not so "good" when poking fun at black people setting up businesses in Britain, calling their headquarters Sambo Enterprises and bemoaning the fact that they couldn't return to England from South Africa, because England was now "Full of NigNogs" that Episode was aired in 1975 but will never be broadcast again. Unlike Wick, the BBC tend to learn from their gaffes.

    The original Minstrel shows began in the early 19th century, and they were specifically intended to mock black people. In time the sentiment became quite brutal:-

    Minstrelsy's racism (and sexism) could be rather vicious. There were comic songs in which blacks were "roasted, fished for, smoked like tobacco, peeled like potatoes, planted in the soil, or dried up and hung as advertisements"

    Some Minstrel shows had real black people with the appeal intended to be that you were watching authentic "Coons" but being in pre-abolition days the advertisements would sometimes read akin to this one:-

    "SEVEN SLAVES just from Alabama, who are EARNING THEIR FREEDOM by giving concerts under the guidance of their Northern friends"

    The Minstrel shows lost popularity during the Civil War and declined but, as said previously, continued in some form or other right up until the late 70's.

    From 1880 onwards there was a huge appetite in the USA for what were called "Coon Songs" this continued through to the 1920's. A big hit in the middle of that period was the rather blatant "Coon, Coon, Coon" where the lyrics read thus:-

    VERSE 1
    I know it's not my color
    I'm feelin' mighty blue
    I've had a lotta trouble
    I'll tell 'em all to you
    Now I'm just plain disgusted
    Thru life an' that's a fact
    Because my hair is wooly
    An' because my color's black

    Coon, coon, coon
    I wish my color would fade
    Coon, coon, coon
    I'd like a different shade
    Coon, coon, coon
    Both morning, night or noon
    I'd rather be a white man
    Instead of bein' a coon

    VERSE 2
    My gal she took a notion
    Against th colored race
    Said, if I'se to wed her
    I'd have to change my face
    Said, if I'se to wed her
    That I'd regret in soon
    Now, I'm shook good an' hard
    Because I'm a coon

    VERSE 3
    I had my face enameled
    I had my hair made straight
    I dressed up like a white man
    I certainly didn't look great
    I went down t' see her
    T'was shortly after dark
    On th way t' see my babe
    I had t' cross th park

    VERSE 4
    Just as I was thinkin'
    I had things fixed up right
    I passed a tree where two loves set
    Makin' love that night
    They stopped an' looked me over
    I saw my finish soon
    They both shouted, good and loud
    Coon, coon, coon

    I know that someone covered the song in 1969, so it didn't quite die in sentiment terms along with the popularity of the genre in 1920. The song "Coon, Coon, Coon" along with "All Coons Look Alike To Me" and "Every Race Has A Flag But The Coon" were identified as being the songs that brought the term "Coon" into the American vocabulary as a derogatory term for black people. Other racist titles were "Mamma's Little Pumpkin Colored Coons", "I Wonder What The Coons Game Is?" and "No Coons Allowed"

    The songs may have changed by the 1970's on the BBC but the casual inappropriate name calling did not and it was often in the name of comedy. In my opinion that rubbish belongs back in the 70's at the very least and was probably totally inappropriate then. I reckon if you have one black friend and find that 70s attitude acceptable, then you don't know what crap blacks and Asians had to put up with arriving into Britain at the time. Looking further back and knowing the history of it better, you really should be finding what went on back then abhorrent.

    Shockingly the last black person to be lynched was not back in the slavery days. It happened in 1981 in Alabama when Michael Donald was picked out entirely at random because he was the first black man they saw. They strangled him with a rope and then cut his throat three times before leaving him hanging in the tree for the mixed race neighbourhood to see.

    Michael Donald was 19 years old.

    Some of that is almost as bad as the Gala parade.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by scorrie View Post
    Rather silly reply there Kevin.

    Never mind, anything to avoid actually broaching the real issue. Claim it's all hunky dory and move on while the town looks an outdated backwater where the Duelling Banjos music starts playing, ironically, about hand with Lidl.
    It was you brought up the point of "LAW" not me. Sometimes you have to except that people feel differently about different things, in the whole scheme of things that go on in society today I don't believe this issue to be as significant as being made to be.
    A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.

  8. #48
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    Jul 2006


    you do have to accept differences of opinion, but there are limits of human decency which make some others views impossible to accept when they are so clearly wrong.

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    you do have to accept differences of opinion, but there are limits of human decency which make some others views impossible to accept when they are so clearly wrong.
    In your opinion.

  10. #50
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Bystander1 View Post
    In your opinion.

    for clarity, what is your opinion on blacking up, acceptable behavior or not?

  11. #51
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    some humans find no issue with pedophilia, do we also need to accept their opinions or can we all agree that it is abhorrent?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by sids View Post
    Some of that is almost as bad as the Gala parade.
    It's Social History , what is your point about it?

  13. #53


    this just a bit of good clean fun and not meant offend any one. in my opinion the racism thing has gone to far. i was caused of rascist remarks in work simply for asking for a black bag instead of a coloured refuse sack. you want to get grip and if you don't like what you see stay away.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by jockyplunck View Post bag instead of a coloured refuse sack....
    Except that black technically isn't a colour, more a lack of colour.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockyplunck View Post
    this just a bit of good clean fun and not meant offend any one. in my opinion the racism thing has gone to far. i was caused of rascist remarks in work simply for asking for a black bag instead of a coloured refuse sack. you want to get grip and if you don't like what you see stay away.
    Not really apples with apples is it?

  16. #56
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    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by jockyplunck View Post
    i was caused of rascist remarks in work simply for asking for a black bag instead of a coloured refuse sack. .
    Not the easiest story to believe.

  17. #57
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Alrock View Post
    Except that black technically isn't a colour, more a lack of colour.

    Black is actually white and white is every colour there is. We need light to see colours but it is the reflected light we see. The item we are viewing is therefore the opposite colour because that part of the spectrum is absorbed with the rest reflected to the viewer's eye.

    In reality, the whole thing is a grey area but don't mention grey, it will only confuse the racists.

  18. #58
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    I am Steve Caution and yet also Scorrie here. The oddly race supporting racist. Go figure eh?

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I think we should ban the MOBO awards as well.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    I couldn’t agree more.
    Not because of any racial issues
    Purely because it is dross of the highest order

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