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Thread: Indy Converstaion

  1. #1

    Default Indy Converstaion

    In the Summer, the SNP, according to Sturgeon are going to have some sort of "conversation" about Independence. Not a second referendum. Not even a precursor to a second referendum. A conversation !!!!!!! Who with ?? apparently strategists advise engaing the no voters. how elese can they move the yes% forwards...but to do this against a £15billion deficit this year and a larger one next year, when 55% voted no when oil was $110 a barrel and a mjor economic contributor.....nah an impossibility.

    This was a pre election conference and there is an immediate prize for the SNP and that is retaining office while giving the Labour Party another kicking on the way. Not a small prize. Indeed, if you are now a Minister, or an MSP, or a paid constituency worker, or a wannabee or any one of these, a very important prize indeed.

    But at some point somebody is going to ask, and theyre now grumbling....... "Whatever happened to Independence?" Just as, last Summer the Labour Party, in the context of the three terms of Blair landslides nonetheless asked "Whatever happened to socialism?"

    The problem is, that what is popular with Party activists of any Party, is seldom what is popular with the general public.

    At some point even the currently unimpeachable Sturgeon will have to face her activists honestly, tell them that Independence is off the agenda because there is no way Scotland would be daft enough to vote for it. By her own figures she wont progress until she knows she has 60% of population in favour and not a single poll since 2014 has come any where near that...... ever. That is the "particularly" that referred to above. From start to finish, 2011-14 there was only one poll that put them ahead and then they lost decisively by 10%. Since then, any examination of the detaisl indicates that even the prospectus that got them to 45% was a hopelessly optimistic one. Then, if she survives that different diffuclt "conversation", she'll have to tell the rest of us why she should remain in office,nonetheless, ie the non indy / indy party. At that juncture politics then returns to normal. left centre right, as the nationalist indy agenda will be marginalised for ever.

  2. #2


    JUst threw some words togther to get thread back on top : time will out we shall see I aaut the big coverstaion with baited breath !!!

  3. #3


    Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney have staged a concerted attempt to repair the damage to public “confidence” in their independence case inflicted by official figures showing Scotland has a £15 billion deficit. The First Minister conducted a high-profile interview with the BBC’s Andrew Neil in which she repeatedly claimed that the 2014-15 deficit, twice the size of the UK’s, would have been manageable after separation. She said it could be dealt with “in the same way” as the UK brought down its deficit after the financial crash, only to then disown the austerity policies used by George Osborne to achieve that. HOW ELSE WILL THEY MANAGE THE DEFICIT ?????
    She also rejected as “ridiculous” warnings that a separate Scotland would be forced to accept an EU-imposed austerity package, like Greece, as the price of joining the EU and ignored Mr Neil’s invitation to thank the taxpayers of the rest of the UK for propping up Holyrood’s budget.

    Mr Swinney used his speech to the SNP conference to argue that increasing confidence was the key to winning independence and accused political opponents of “celebrating” the collapse in the value of oil to undermine that. NO SWINNEY, NO ONE IS CELEBRATING THE COLLAPSE OF OIL AS THAT IMPACTS UPON THE REAL WORLD WHERE REAL PEOPLE LIVE AND ( USED ) TO WORK : NO.... VOTERS CELEBRATE THE FACT THAT THE DISTORTION PEDDLED BY YOU SALMON AND STURGEON HAVE BEEN EXPOSED FOR WHAT THEY WERE : AND IF NO = 55% AT A TIME WHEN OIL WAS $110 A BARREL, HE AND HIS LEADER KNOW THAT IF A VOTE WAS CALLED ANYTIME SOON THE % WOULD BE A LOT GREATER AND THEY ARE FINISHED.
    “Our task is to continue to do what I believe in my heart we have done since 2007 – to work to create a more confident country,” he said. “Because a more confident country, is a country more likely to vote for independence.” Ok 2007-2011 SNP got things done, scine 2011 theyve done sod all except cause annoyance
    However, like Ms Sturgeon, he did not specify how a separate Scotland would have reduced the deficit. YOU KNOW WHY, AS HE CAN ONLY MAKE CUTS AND RAISE TAXES THATS WHY !!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by rob murray View Post
    JUst threw some words together to get thread back on top : time will out we shall see I await the big conversation with baited breath !!!
    Dye waant indy pal ? t please

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Seems the monotonous Wee Krankie wants to start beating the drum again.....

    Though now its moved from "conversation" to "debate".

    What bit about "No" is it she has so much trouble understanding?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Good to see that HATE brigade is alive and well , just a new slogan " We hate you all ,that's means both sides of the North Sea ". This type of hateful, vindictive and spiteful language should be stopped ,if the speaker of the chair in Westminster can possibility lose his job for saying " stupid women " the person who posted should be reprinted to the police .

  7. #7


    I personally think independence is a bad idea.

    Because the UK is a great place to live, I am allowed to express my views (this is why so many immigrants try to get here legally or otherwise).

    If another referendum does happen we need to remember that Theresa May and the conservatives are not 'The English'. All the English tourists doing the NC500 or just visiting are decent normal people, not the power grabbing monsters portrayed by the politicians. Oil money is never going to what it was, so keeping the union is in Scotland's interest. Quite a few English would love Scotland to 'break free' to save the English tax payer a fair bit of money.

    Scotland had to go cap in hand to London a few hundred years ago when it bankrupted itself, lets not make the same mistake again.

    The EU will not be interested in Scotland joining as it would not be a net contributor and would cost Germany and France even more to subsidise Scotland. If by some miracle, Scotland's economy exceeded my expectation, then we would end up handing over billions to the EU rather than spending it here on education and hopefully the roads.

    Just my personal views.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2006


    Lest say wee Jimmy does get herself another referendum an once again the nation votes to remain part of the union, will the matter be put to bed for eternity??
    Will it buffalo, the separatists will regroup and launch campaign after campaign, but heaven forbid that they get a vote to separate then we will be told that the public have spoken and we will March clean off the fiscal cliff (mush like we are currently doing with Brexit)
    David Cameron was entirely correct when he described it as a neverendum.
    Best we can do is vote out wee Jimmy and her pals at the next available opportunity.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2005


    Unionist terrorism is a strange thing but with one common denominator ' they hate everyone that ain't the same ' . Hitler thinking wrapped in a Union Jack flag . Some see Unionism as the new master race through control of its people , funny how history has a way of repeating itself. Unionists are again fighting hope, choice and change with FEAR , and we wonder why women live in fear of abuse throughout their lives . A Vote for unionism and keep the abuse and fear alive.

  10. #10


    You live in a very odd world Dozy where women live in fear of abuse all their life!

    Are you suggesting that if Scotland were to become independent women would be safe for ever? Have you ever heard of alcohol? My guess, alcohol is the main reason women live in fear, be it domestic or out on the street. I respect the SNP for taxing alcohol the way they have but unless they ban it completely then I'm afraid women will still be at risk. Unless you know something about an independent Scotland that I don't.

    You also claim unionist 'hate everyone that ain't the same' I suspect everyone in Wick and everyone in Thurso must be a unionist as there is a long standing dislike of each other. What about Helmsdale and Brora, another lot that dislike each other. Dislike/distrust of anyone outside of your locality is normal and nothing to do with politics.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    Unionist terrorism is a strange thing but with one common denominator ' they hate everyone that ain't the same ' . Hitler thinking wrapped in a Union Jack flag . Some see Unionism as the new master race through control of its people , funny how history has a way of repeating itself. Unionists are again fighting hope, choice and change with FEAR , and we wonder why women live in fear of abuse throughout their lives . A Vote for unionism and keep the abuse and fear alive.
    Since when has Unionism become a race you walloper?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by orkneycadian View Post
    Seems the monotonous Wee Krankie wants to start beating the drum again.....

    Though now its moved from "conversation" to "debate".

    What bit about "No" is it she has so much trouble understanding?

    She is a selfish so and so. All she is interested in is going down in history as "the one" who gave Scotland back to the Scottish. She doesn't care if it's broken beyond repair by then, she will be living somewhere warm and sunny with a fat pension curtesy of the few tax payers left

  13. #13
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    She is a selfish so and so. All she is interested in is going down in history as "the one" who gave Scotland back to the Scottish. She doesn't care if it's broken beyond repair by then, she will be living somewhere warm and sunny with a fat pension curtesy of the few tax payers left
    The same as Fat Eck tried to do, hopefully Wee Jimmy gets the same result

  14. #14
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    Since when has Unionism become a race you walloper?
    Unionists think they are the master race and not to be questioned . Throwing personal insults abouts someone shows that's you don't have the capacity to change , I pity anyone that's around you that what's change or choice, the unionist goose steppers and anyone that holds David Cameron up as the fountain of knowledge is sadly mistake and dangerous .

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    Unionists think they are the master race and not to be questioned . Throwing personal insults abouts someone shows that's you don't have the capacity to change , I pity anyone that's around you that what's change or choice, the unionist goose steppers and anyone that holds David Cameron up as the fountain of knowledge is sadly mistake and dangerous .
    Have you just rattled out random words using your elbows in the hope that a sentence may be produced, or is that supposed to make some kind of sense?

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    Have you just rattled out random words using your elbows in the hope that a sentence may be produced, or is that supposed to make some kind of sense?
    I imagine it's what happens when the SNP have been in charge of education for so long, thank God I was educated in the 60's and 70's

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    I imagine it's what happens when the SNP have been in charge of education for so long, thank God I was educated in the 60's and 70's
    Thanks god I wasn't born when the Westminster crew started a war, murdered thousand of innocent folk with dark or tanned skin or rodded the disabled of their dues or stopped the NHS giving cancer patients their medication and hundreds of thousand of other stuff that the unionist goose steppers want to forget .

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    Thanks god I wasn't born when the Westminster crew started a war, murdered thousand of innocent folk with dark or tanned skin or rodded the disabled of their dues or stopped the NHS giving cancer patients their medication and hundreds of thousand of other stuff that the unionist goose steppers want to forget .

    I can cope with the UK going to war.....but I would draw the line at rodding ​the disabled :-) You might want to proof read before you post.....I know we all make mistakes but you seem to make far more than most.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by dozy View Post
    Thanks god I wasn't born when the Westminster crew started a war, murdered thousand of innocent folk with dark or tanned skin or rodded the disabled of their dues or stopped the NHS giving cancer patients their medication and hundreds of thousand of other stuff that the unionist goose steppers want to forget .
    I know, my uncle was only mowing the lawn bare chested when he was beaten to death for having a tan.
    And I dont want to repeat what happened to my poor gran after she returned from a week in Ibiza
    They do say the sun is bad for us though.

    Not as bad as my wheelchair bound neighbor, he got a right old rodding, and to make it worse he had to sit down again afterwards

  20. #20


    Who knew that politics could be amusing!

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