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Thread: NHS Service in Caithness

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    The latest consultant to announce he is leaving would have happily stayed had he been able to get a 3-5 year contract and some stability for him and his family. A good start would be to STOP offering contracts of 1 year or less. You wouldn't expect that in normal jobs unless it is short term or materity cover for example, so why should it happen in the NHS when we know we will have a need of consultants for at least that period of time.

    On the other hand the conspiracy theorist in me thinks NHS may want it that way so when they want to cut services to save money they can blame it on a lack of full time cover.

  2. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by weeker2014 View Post
    The latest consultant to announce he is leaving would have happily stayed had he been able to get a 3-5 year contract and some stability for him and his family. A good start would be to STOP offering contracts of 1 year or less. You wouldn't expect that in normal jobs unless it is short term or materity cover for example, so why should it happen in the NHS when we know we will have a need of consultants for at least that period of time.

    On the other hand the conspiracy theorist in me thinks NHS may want it that way so when they want to cut services to save money they can blame it on a lack of full time cover.
    I am not sure which Consultant you are referring to here however the latest Consultant to resign and give notice to leave from the Medical side was full time permanent no time definition to these Contracts. As was the Anesthetist. If you are a Substantive Consultant (full time permanent ) you go through a rigorous interview process and should you be successful you are normally here until you give your three months notice to leave or you goof and get sacked (to put it simply). If you are a locum its a different ball game all together.
    If you are a locum the recruitment and interview process is different its much simpler and quicker they are recruited to mainly shorter contracts as is widely known they work for locum agencies or they are individuals only looking for short term work here there and everywhere. The hourly rate is much higher however there is no job security holiday pay pensions etc . Its easier to employ a locum due to the simpler process however if the said locum then decides they like it its not as simple as saying hey give me a longer contract. They have to advertise the post gather the appropriate interview panel which can be quite a few people, managers, personnel, Royal College Representatives, independent members etc not uncommon for these panels to consist of eight or more members.

  3. #123


    the morale of the staff on the floor (not management ) is at a all time low . the more they try the less help they seem to be getting , just more paperwork how they expect you to do any actual nursing for some i do not know , i can see more staff going off sick through stress ect

  4. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by starfish View Post
    the morale of the staff on the floor (not management ) is at a all time low . the more they try the less help they seem to be getting , just more paperwork how they expect you to do any actual nursing for some i do not know , i can see more staff going off sick through stress ect
    True very true the morale of staff is at an all time low and do management care NO! As long as this situation remains there is no quick fix solutions. Unless management begin to listen to what they are being told again No quick fix solutions and unless money is magicked from somewhere no long term solution. I cant wait to see how CGH are planning to expand surgical services when not long ago it was in the press that the wards were all shuffling around losing beds !! Reactive management Im sure reacting to public pressure press councilors etc the list goes on however its the poor on the floor staff that have to keep on nursing whilst the pen pushers keep on planning.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Nice to see your head over the parapet Alice.

    Going back to the subject of where operations take place, surely the place of excellence is the place to be? Granted Raigmore is a city hospital, but in the Cardiology department they divert certain cases to Aberdeen or Edinburgh as a matter of course. I have a friend who had to go to Aberdeen for a triple chamber pacemaker because that operation is not done in Raigmore, also know a retired GP from the county waiting to go to Edinburgh for the same operation. In Raigmore the urology department could not have performed my husband`s life saving operations which were done in Edinburgh, although one of the consultants there now was a trainee in Edinburgh but the same operation would still be performed at the centre of excellence.

    We do not expect Caithness General ever to be performing heart transplants, but just basic routine operations and emergency surgery if required, but the way things are going we will be lucky to have a hospital there at all soon.
    Making tomorrow`s memories today

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Poppett I disagree.

    Nobody has mentioned triple chamber pace makers in the slightest, what I said was heart attack, which rather than presuming the cause you should maybe have read a little further. Also nobody expected CGH to perform heart transplants.

    I required a stent to be fitted, which actually only took 15 mins and was done without anaesthetic. The stress of the pain and being arilifted was a lot greater than the solution ever was. The point being this COULD have been done in Inverness if they were not only available Monday - Friday, 9-3. So your presumption of patients are being sent to hospitals with areas of excellence is false. Indeed nobody wants more than emergency surgery to be retained out of hours, that is what we are all fighting for. From what I can work out patients don't only need emergency help 9-3 Monday - Friday.

    My comment is that NHS Highland is not fit for purpose simply for the reason I gave above. Inverness is a City and as such we should be able to get the surgery and care we require within NHS Highland, unless it is a very complex or rare case where centres of excellence are the best option. There is little point in centres of excellence for day to day things as there is no excellence needed.

    In future I suggest you read what is written before you make assumptions and start attempting to cause bother.

  7. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by weeker2014 View Post
    Poppett I disagree.

    Nobody has mentioned triple chamber pace makers in the slightest, what I said was heart attack, which rather than presuming the cause you should maybe have read a little further. Also nobody expected CGH to perform heart transplants.

    I required a stent to be fitted, which actually only took 15 mins and was done without anaesthetic. The stress of the pain and being arilifted was a lot greater than the solution ever was. The point being this COULD have been done in Inverness if they were not only available Monday - Friday, 9-3. So your presumption of patients are being sent to hospitals with areas of excellence is false. Indeed nobody wants more than emergency surgery to be retained out of hours, that is what we are all fighting for. From what I can work out patients don't only need emergency help 9-3 Monday - Friday.

    My comment is that NHS Highland is not fit for purpose simply for the reason I gave above. Inverness is a City and as such we should be able to get the surgery and care we require within NHS Highland, unless it is a very complex or rare case where centres of excellence are the best option. There is little point in centres of excellence for day to day things as there is no excellence needed.

    In future I suggest you read what is written before you make assumptions and start attempting to cause bother.
    However stressful the airlift was for you at least you were taken somewhere and given this treatment. Raigmore does not offer this service round the clock however Aberdeen does and has done for many years. Raigmore has only in the last few years introduced this service. It may be a limited service but it has been introduced so some families will have the benefit from it. Unfortunately not you.

    The case for Wick is we are having services reduced beds reduced difficulty recruiting more and more people will be on the road in whatever mode of transport if we are not lucky A service fit for purpose is what is required and a maintaining of services that are already present it would be lovely if we did have an expansion of services but we have to be real in our expectations.
    ( as far as I can read maybe its another whoosh moment Poppet was only referencing what happened to her friend and husband I didnt think she was attempting to state the cause a doctor Poppet if so we have a job for you )

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    However stressful the airlift was for you at least you were taken somewhere and given this treatment. Raigmore does not offer this service round the clock however Aberdeen does and has done for many years. Raigmore has only in the last few years introduced this service. It may be a limited service but it has been introduced so some families will have the benefit from it. Unfortunately not you.

    The case for Wick is we are having services reduced beds reduced difficulty recruiting more and more people will be on the road in whatever mode of transport if we are not lucky A service fit for purpose is what is required and a maintaining of services that are already present it would be lovely if we did have an expansion of services but we have to be real in our expectations.
    ( as far as I can read maybe its another whoosh moment Poppet was only referencing what happened to her friend and husband I didnt think she was attempting to state the cause a doctor Poppet if so we have a job for you )
    As usual Alice you are trivialising peoples experiences and comments. Shame on you!

  9. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    However stressful the airlift was for you at least you were taken somewhere and given this treatment. Raigmore does not offer this service round the clock however Aberdeen does and has done for many years. Raigmore has only in the last few years introduced this service. It may be a limited service but it has been introduced so some families will have the benefit from it. Unfortunately not you.

    The case for Wick is we are having services reduced beds reduced difficulty recruiting more and more people will be on the road in whatever mode of transport if we are not lucky A service fit for purpose is what is required and a maintaining of services that are already present it would be lovely if we did have an expansion of services but we have to be real in our expectations.
    ( as far as I can read maybe its another whoosh moment Poppet was only referencing what happened to her friend and husband I didnt think she was attempting to state the cause a doctor Poppet if so we have a job for you )
    Quote Originally Posted by weeker2014 View Post
    As usual Alice you are trivialising peoples experiences and comments. Shame on you!
    In no way am I trivialising peoples experiences I am stating FACT. You needed treatment you were taken to the nearest centre offering that treatment by the fastest route end off ! You found the air flight stressful thats your own personal feeling others wouldnt have it had nothing to do with your heart condition! Now when it comes to you getting home yes you are kind off left to your own devices as you are deemed fit after the procedure. Same as if you were being discharged from Raigmore Wick etc. Many of us have found ourselves in that position not good but once you are sorted your need for the hospital and its services is done.
    I then proceeded on to finishing my post with another fact regarding services in Caithness if I trivialised it all by offering Poppet a job that bit was tongue in cheek.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    In no way am I trivialising peoples experiences I am stating FACT. You needed treatment you were taken to the nearest centre offering that treatment by the fastest route end off ! You found the air flight stressful thats your own personal feeling others wouldnt have it had nothing to do with your heart condition! Now when it comes to you getting home yes you are kind off left to your own devices as you are deemed fit after the procedure. Same as if you were being discharged from Raigmore Wick etc. Many of us have found ourselves in that position not good but once you are sorted your need for the hospital and its services is done.
    I then proceeded on to finishing my post with another fact regarding services in Caithness if I trivialised it all by offering Poppet a job that bit was tongue in cheek.
    No you are trivalising my experience and what is no doubt the experience of others when they have agreed with me on here. You are nothing but a troll who takes pleasure in putting people down. As always unless it affects you people should just put up and shut up in your opinion. Very Very Sad!!!

  11. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by weeker2014 View Post
    No you are trivalising my experience and what is no doubt the experience of others when they have agreed with me on here. You are nothing but a troll who takes pleasure in putting people down. As always unless it affects you people should just put up and shut up in your opinion. Very Very Sad!!!
    Really unless it affects me ......wind your neck in and get back on track with the debate the word troll gets tossed around on this site far too often. Yes it is Sad very sad that the NHS in this area finds itself in the spot its in just now.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Alice in Blunderland View Post
    Really unless it affects me ......wind your neck in and get back on track with the debate the word troll gets tossed around on this site far too often. Yes it is Sad very sad that the NHS in this area finds itself in the spot its in just now.
    Oh no I am in no doubt you are a troll. I may forgive as a first offence, but your latest outburst is far from it and you have directed it at me as well as many others before for sharing a genuine experience.

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Oh for goodness sake, stop bickering like children at a kindergarten and start fighting for the survival of our general hospital and all the services it should provide for the local community.

  14. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by LIZZ View Post
    Oh for goodness sake, stop bickering like children at a kindergarten and start fighting for the survival of our general hospital and all the services it should provide for the local community.
    Really Lizz I ignored the last response from Weeker 2014 knowing that the spat between us is not going to go anywhere.However to now be told to start fighting for the survival of our hospital when I have been actively doing this off this message board for a while is a bit rich.

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Go buy today's press and journal for an update.

  16. #136
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Godzone County


    Quote Originally Posted by LIZZ View Post
    Oh for goodness sake, stop bickering like children at a kindergarten and start fighting for the survival of our general hospital and all the services it should provide for the local community.
    In my final NHS job before retiring I worked in another hospital, not CGH or Raigmore. New young managers would arrive straight from college or university clutching their certificates in pen pushing. They had no idea about the NHS and were too young to have experienced serious illness and the consequences for the patient and the families. The collective incompetence of these managers resulted in them blundering from one mistake to another and trying to 'protect each others backs'. If a member of staff pointed out a mistake, or how something could be improved, it was taken as a criticism. A culture of bullying and victimisation ensued.

    One incident saw our Chief Executive ignore warnings from staff about a particular manager. Those of us who had reported the manager had a torrid time and many of us were victimised to the point of resignation and left. When the CEO eventually realised that we had been telling the truth over £100k had been misappropriated and the manager dismissed on the spot. But too late for many of the staff who had left their jobs. The CEO issued letters ordering that no staff should speak to the press and that the matter was closed. There was no prosecution. Of course, the CEO did not wish to have bad publicity for the hospital on her 'watch' nor have anything detrimental on her own CV. The 'books were cooked' to cover the manager's tracks.

    I tell this story by way of saying we are all different . We all have different experiences. My story explains why I will post a fair amount of cynicism where managers are concerned. But I also try and introduce some humour because they deserve to have some fun poked at them. My humour is not meant to trivialise the problem we are discussing. Perhaps one or two posters have lacked a little compassion of late but, as I say, we are all different and we all want to see the same thing which is an improving service from our local hospital.
    Last edited by Mother Superior; 12-Jan-15 at 12:31.

  17. #137


    As I keep on saying this is not just about CGH but about getting medical staff, doctors, nurses, GP's etc into rural areas. Look at Thurso Health centre, had to be taken over by Highland NHS as they could not find doctors. Is not the problem at Wick health centre that they can't get enough full time GP's, most are part time & so getting an appointment is bad.
    GP surgeries on the West Coast & Western Isles have huge problems finding GPs. I am sure the same happens in rural areas in England & Wales. It is not a problem with any one NHS district. Therefore we need to know why medical staff are reluctant to go to rural areas, not just Caithness.

    I know our concern is Caithness and rightly so but if we find the reason they won't come we may solve the issue of understaffing. Its not just money as extra money in rural areas has been tried

  18. #138
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Godzone County


    Quote Originally Posted by gerry4 View Post
    As I keep on saying this is not just about CGH but about getting medical staff, doctors, nurses, GP's etc into rural areas. Look at Thurso Health centre, had to be taken over by Highland NHS as they could not find doctors. Is not the problem at Wick health centre that they can't get enough full time GP's, most are part time & so getting an appointment is bad.
    GP surgeries on the West Coast & Western Isles have huge problems finding GPs. I am sure the same happens in rural areas in England & Wales. It is not a problem with any one NHS district. Therefore we need to know why medical staff are reluctant to go to rural areas, not just Caithness.

    I know our concern is Caithness and rightly so but if we find the reason they won't come we may solve the issue of understaffing. Its not just money as extra money in rural areas has been tried
    Just wondering if anyone is able to elaborate on what incentive packages, whether they be financial or otherwise, have been offered to GPs and Consultants in the past in an effort to persuade them to relocate?

  19. #139


    There is a standard relocation package on offer within the Highlands.

  20. #140


    I was also noticing the comment on GPs mostly working part time. I am sure that if you calculate it out they are similar to some hospital staff who can actually cover their hours in a shorter period as in 8-6 is ten hours a day worked over three to four days they will have worked slightly more than part time or indeed full time depending on how many days per week they work. We are desperately short of Gps.
    Last edited by Alice in Blunderland; 12-Jan-15 at 18:00. Reason: fingers tyoing faster than brain sums didnt add up

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