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Thread: Benefits

  1. #1

    Default Benefits putting this on so everyone on benefits can see went into my aol this morning and it was there in the news bit
    Last edited by Vimto; 30-Jan-13 at 14:37.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    As if people on benefits weren't stigmatised and vilified enough by this damnable government.
    Radical, Man!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I do agree but i can see many problems and a steep rise in crime such as the dishonest doleys & druggies starting to steal to feed their addictions, alcoholics abusing shop staff when they wont sell alcohol to the card holder, people buying stuff off the card and then selling it on so they can buy what they want albeit at a huge loss etc even loss of internet access and telephones because people dont have the cash to pay the bill (even though a phone/internet in some cases is required to find work) but thats just my opinion if it counts in any way

  4. #4
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    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
    I do agree but i can see many problems and a steep rise in crime such as the dishonest doleys & druggies starting to steal to feed their addictions, alcoholics abusing shop staff when they wont sell alcohol to the card holder, people buying stuff off the card and then selling it on so they can buy what they want albeit at a huge loss etc even loss of internet access and telephones because people dont have the cash to pay the bill (even though a phone/internet in some cases is required to find work) but thats just my opinion if it counts in any way
    If anyone getting £71 a week JSA can afford to drink, smoke, gamble, and a Sky subscription, then maybe they should take Osborne's job. Because they can clearly budget much better than he can.

    Here's the truth: Annual benefit fraud = £1.5billion. Annual tax fraud = £70billion plus. And yet the tories have managed to divide the unemployed poor from the working poor and turn the working poor against the unemployed poor, while they blame all the country's problems on the poor.

    It's sickening.
    Radical, Man!

  5. #5


    My husband said nd stated a good enough point, What if the people on benefits need to buy a new sofa or something like tht for their houses, how are they meant to buy second hand stuff esp as they wont be able to afford brand new stuff, Also them telling u what u can spend ur money on is also stupid!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Flynn View Post
    If anyone getting £71 a week JSA can afford to drink, smoke, gamble, and a Sky subscription, then maybe they should take Osborne's job.
    But thats just it, thats a few of the problems. How many times have you passed a bookies and seen doleys in having a bet, or been in the pub and seen doleys pissed. Theres plenty in Wick i can tell you and one in particular i know even gets a taxi home from the pub when he is pissed at least 3-4 times a week......not bad on £71 a week. I made the mistake of subbing him a few quid for a beer and he promptly phoned a taxi home. Such a mug i was, never again

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Southsea, Hampshire


    Yes, I can see where you're coming from Shaggy. I ask you, who are the mugs?

    You may like to take a look at this link, that exposes one, of so many, young couples and their attitude to the prospect of actually working for a living. I watched this couple being interviewed by Philip Schofield and was appalled by their unwillingness to seek work. Let me say, I live nearby to them and there IS work, if someone wants to support themselves and their family. The man's father owns his own business and is doing very well so I wonder why he wouldn't employ his son? Mother's a teacher, who obviously hasn't been successful in instilling her son with a work ethic. Still, it's not surprising really, when the State gives them a subsidised home, free everything and £340 a week for doing NOTHING. Please don't think I'm a Mail groupie, but yet again, other rags like the Guardian don't even run the story. No surprises there, then. Keep working hard to support the dossers, people, whilst you struggle to make ends meet. Grrrrr!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Flynn View Post
    If anyone getting £71 a week JSA can afford to drink, smoke, gamble, and a Sky subscription, then maybe they should take Osborne's job. Because they can clearly budget much better than he can.

    Here's the truth: Annual benefit fraud = £1.5billion. Annual tax fraud = £70billion plus. And yet the tories have managed to divide the unemployed poor from the working poor and turn the working poor against the unemployed poor, while they blame all the country's problems on the poor.

    It's sickening.
    well said flynn, it will soon be a crime to be old, disabled or unemployed. Not one person on here can discount becoming one of the above, (old, disabled or unemployed). The government are pulling the life-line out from under us all and turning us against each other. Why don`t they start too concentrate on the tax dodgers and mp`s fiddling their expenses and save more money.

    Royal Bank of Scotland has been fined half a billion pounds for fiddling the LIBOR Rate (a criminal offense) yet no prosecutions pending,bankers seem to be able to commit fraud on a massive scale and get away with it and still get huge bonuses.

  9. #9
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    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
    But thats just it, thats a few of the problems. How many times have you passed a bookies and seen doleys in having a bet, or been in the pub and seen doleys pissed.

    Have they got 'doley' written on them? So judgemental. Anyone can end up unemployed these days, do they immediately become a 'scrounger' in your eyes? Respectable member of society one day, scrounger the next?

    I would suggest you reserve your ire for those milking the situation - the billionaire tax evaders, the banks, the speculators.
    Radical, Man!

  10. #10
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    Aug 2011


    I dont think that the government should tell them how to spend their money after their bills have been paid. Fair enough to take out their rent, community charge, utilities and so on they could be pre paid by the state and the rest of their benefit put on a card or paid into their bank. That would stop them getting into financial difficulties but still give them the freedom to spend their money where they want to after the obvious bills are paid.
    Paying by card is not always possible and the more thrifty people would definitely lose out as buying from markets, charity shops, car boots and so on would not be possible you need cash for that.
    I also dont think it is fair to make them stand out by having a benefit card. Why should the world and his wife know about their personal circumstances?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Southsea, Hampshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Flynn View Post
    I would suggest you reserve your ire for those milking the situation - the billionaire tax evaders, the banks, the speculators.
    Here's a novel idea, Flynn! For once, why don't you try addressing the problem that's actually the topic of the thread? Tax evaders, banks and speculators are all worthy of debate in their own right and under their own thread header, surely. After all, not one of them justifies trying to shut down opinions of those who express anger, resentment, or any other strong feelings with regard to the abuse of benefits. You mention £1.5 Billion fraud, well who knows if that truly represents the situation, or whether it is actually a great deal more! I'd err on the side of the tip of the iceberg! Either way, this is a huge sum of money which is stolen by the fraudsters, when it should and could be used to increase the help available to genuine claimants. Unless you think that doesn't matter, on the grounds that there's worse being done elsewhere? Theft is theft and needs to be tackled, wherever it's happening. Bad attitude towards working, instead of sponging also needs to be addressed. What thoughts on the clip I gave earlier, Flynn?

  12. #12


    I know a few people on benefits, that would not be able to handle the card things, esp if they receive enough benefits just to get their shopping and pay their bills, and for clothes etc need to get from a charity shop! Most places don't take cards unless u spend more than £5 etc, or even just simply don't take cards, and say for example u need some gravy for the dinner, gravy is no more than £2 which mean people would have to keep looking for a shop u can spend just a couple of pounds in, As for jobs etc it would make life easier if everyone had a chance in finding a job, I mean I know my husband applies for every chef, waitress and barring jobs that's going as this is what he is qualified to do, If he wanted to do something different he would have to go to collage, We ourselves get some benefits due to my husband only doing relief work just now, cause when he applies for a job he doesn't get it, I myself need an operation on a huge hernia, and was advised by medical staff not to work until I get my health conditions sorted, however, me and my husband would LOVE to come off benefits and have some working jobs, But everytime we apply for something up here we get no where, We are even at the stage of putting application forms in so that we can apply for a house in inverness, then fingers crossed get better work down there to do, But why should we have to move out of our home town just cause we can not get a job here,..........................................So Mr government tell us what does everyone need to do to get a job??? Move or leave our home town???? Without having the money from our benefits how do I provide for our kids?????? If I need a new bed, sofa, cooker etc how do I buy this without my actual benefits? Yes don't get me wrong fingers crossed we get a job soon and come off benefits, but until then we will remain on benefits, in order to provide for our family.....................

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    There's some proverbial comparisons of bluebottles to elephants just because they're both bigger than flies.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    But why should we have to move out of our home town just cause we can not get a job here,......................................
    I really don't get this attitude.

    Lots of people move for employment.

    We would have loved to stay, hubby never thought he would leave the county, but needs must.
    Some people are like Slinkies. They're really good for nothing. But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Thurso, Caithness


    Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
    If I need a new bed, sofa, cooker etc how do I buy this without my actual benefits? ..........
    If you are on Benefits you get the Job Centre to refer you to HomeAid. Go to the HomeAid office in the Industrial Estate in Thurso. You advise them that you are on Benefit and give them the written referal. You then Advise them what you need, be it a Sofa, Cooker, Fridge TV or even Plates etc. They should hten arrange for you to receive the items you require and they will also deliver it all to you. All Free of charge. OK the Sofa or Cooker will not be Brand New but it will be Clean, Tidy, neat and in dood working condition. If electrical it will also have been tested and passed by a qualified electrician. HomeAid was set up to help people on low incomes, on Benefit or Elderly.

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allen Poe

  16. #16
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    Southsea, Hampshire


    Nor me, Changi. My father couldn't find work in Scotland, so he set off for Southern England, 650 miles from his home. He didn't have the money for the train, so he walked and hitch-hiked all the way. When he arrived, he quickly found work and never had a day off in 35 years.

    I was a baby boomer and couldn't find work, when I was 20 years old, so I moved to London where the work was. I didn't like leaving my close-knit family, but I needed to make a living for myself. I only knew two people in that huge metropolis, but I would have done anything, gone anywhere to provide for myself. Nothing special about that. It was the same story for thousands of us. I hated the thought, that someone would have to work hard to keep me. I don't know about benefits available in those days ......... I never applied for any.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
    If you are on Benefits you get the Job Centre to refer you to HomeAid. Go to the HomeAid office in the Industrial Estate in Thurso. You advise them that you are on Benefit and give them the written referal. You then Advise them what you need, be it a Sofa, Cooker, Fridge TV or even Plates etc. They should hten arrange for you to receive the items you require and they will also deliver it all to you. All Free of charge. OK the Sofa or Cooker will not be Brand New but it will be Clean, Tidy, neat and in dood working condition. If electrical it will also have been tested and passed by a qualified electrician. HomeAid was set up to help people on low incomes, on Benefit or Elderly.
    HomeAid only has a finite supply of goods to give out since it is totally reliable on donations of goods by the public. There can be a waiting list for white goods ranging from a few months to over a year at times....

    I personally feel that it is a sad state of affairs when, in our modern wealthy society, anybody has to rely on such charities.
    The only people who should be needing stuff are people who for one reason or another have nothing & are starting from scratch & need a base to build up from....
    For too long Government has been neglecting its duty to those in need by relying on charities to pick up the pieces, more so now then ever whilst at the same time cutting funding for charities.
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  18. #18
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    i will be judgemental when i know it is "doleys" who have never paid into the system and i know them personally. Car, 42" TV, internet, sky sub, playstations etc, designer hoodies and they drink, smoke and do drugs so you tell me where the money comes from?? I dont judge everyone and i was a doley myself and quite possibly will be very soon so get off your high horse and stop hijacking the thread

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    There are so many issues about threads like this that make me utterly despair. Changilass and M Swanson both say they dont understand why people dont move for work. Other people say they dont understand the people like the couple who are reluctant to make the swap from benefit to work, still others dont understand why people shoudl have their benefit and spend it as they want to. Let me try to explain some of the issues which affect people on benefits so that you can try to understand.

    Firstly lets talk about moving for work - and I did it - I moved for my work - 500 miles away from anyone I knew - no friends, no relatives no one. At the time I moved it was right for my husband and I. Up to a year previously we would not have moved - youngest of five my husbands parents were elderly, he was not willing to leave them and move anywhere where he was far away until they had left us. Why should being on Benefits mean that you have to uproot your children, leave elderly parents, give up your friends, isolate yourselves and take huge risks with your family, the children's schools and the life where you can just about manage?

    I was 33 when I moved, confident, articulate and I also knew that I could do the job that I moved for. If you have been out of work for 12 months how confident, positive and optimistic do you think you would be? Do those of you that mutter about people not moving for work explain to me how people remain confident and motivated when often many people are at their lowest confidence and lowest self esteem because they have spent 3 months, 6 months or 12 months being told they are not good enough for every job they apply for?

    We also had some money put away because we had always worked except for my husbands spells out of work of which the longest was 6 months. Not much but enough. Imagine you are on benefits - you want to move for work - where do you get the money for a deposit for rented property from? Where do you find the extra to pay even for a van and a man? How do you afford to go for interviews in another locality? The old travel to Interview Scheme which would pay for travel expenses and even overnight stays is no longer available and the DWP website states that "Help with travel costs incurred while attending job interviews may still be available for claimants. Their Jobcentre Plus adviser will be able to give more information. There is no automatic right for an individual to receive this additional financial support" If you are on benefits how do you afford any of that? There are no schemes, no programmes that pay for you to move - help with deposits and the like. You are on your own.

    For those of you who wonder why people are reluctant to move into work from Benefits there are a million reasons but the main one is usually fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of not being able to manage the transition financially. You go from weekly or fortnightly benefits to monthly pay? Thats a hard thing to do. You run the risk of arrears on your rent, of having no money for leccy, for food. Do you ask your employer for an advance - some offer this - some dont. It can be paralysing. A quick mooch around the internet shows that the couple M Swanson found in the Daily Mail are likely to be about £30 per week better off in work on the minimum wage. I can show the workings out if any one wants to know. That is before bus fares, money for packed lunches, clothes or other costs. There is a small difference which may make it seem far too daunting to make the change. They need support and help to make the change. Remember if you do it and cant make it work there isnt a straightforward way back onto Benefits - leaving voluntarily and being sacked may very well lead to a sanction which would reduce the benefits - again there is the time it will take to sort benefits out if you have to reclaim and it may just feel like it might not be worth it. It may in fact be TERRIFYING.

    In fact when you look at this article with this couple they have actually worked - the article says that the laddie says he is looking for work and is willing to work. The lassie has worked for Sainsburys and they both have paid tax. They also say that that they are not expecting to be on benefits forever so what on earth is the problem with this couple? They arent shirkers or skivers they are a young couple trying to manage on benefits til a job comes along that will make them better off. He doesnt want to work for minimum wage but will do if he has to.

    All the stuff in the papers and the stuff this government does is designed to make people look at the unemployed like they are second class citizens - scroungers, shirkers, layabouts and on and on and on. This card payment thing is the same - lets identify the unemployed by making them use a card for their benefits. Why not just give them a yellow star to sew on their clothes?

    People on Benefits could be you, me, your mum, your dad, your kids. The vast majority go back to work within three months, even more within 6 months. Those who dont, need help, support and targetted job finding support to help them move into work. Not standing up before the rest of society so we can throw stones at them until they beg us to stop. It is disgusting, immoral and appalling to target a group of people when they are at their lowest and make life worse for them without offering them the incentives or support they need to get out of the situation they find themselves in.
    Last edited by squidge; 30-Jan-13 at 22:58.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by changilass View Post
    I really don't get this attitude.

    Lots of people move for employment.

    We would have loved to stay, hubby never thought he would leave the county, but needs must.
    ................Yes I don't see a problem in moving this is why I stated we re putting in for a house in inverness but what about those 16 year olds, or even if its not appropriate from moving away from ur family say for personal reasons, or you just would much rather be near the family for support etc etc?

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