Hi all,

Was wondering if there is an unwritten etiquette for having dogs down on the beach?

A few times now, my husband has been down to give Jake a run, and being a sociable puppy, Jake has run off to other dogs to say hello... no barking, no jumping, no growling, just running over at speed to say hello. On these occasions, owners of other dogs have been fairly rude in telling Dave to put Jake on his lead, and to control him, despite them having their own dogs off the lead and running around free.

Jake is a big dog for his age, people dont realise he is only 5 months old, and still learning, but how is he supposed to learn if he is kept on the lead at all times? Is there an unwritten rule that unless your dog will ignore every other dog or person in the area, they have to be kept on leads?

Todays comment really upset us as foul language (will you keep your ******* dog on a lead) was used in front of our 3 children, who are only 6,5 and 3yrs old.

Sorry, needed a rant, Jake is very precious to us, and he is still learning, and we thought was getting better every single day, but Im prepared for constructive criticism if its warranted!