I'm used to hearing about pestilences and diseases, earthquakes,and prophecies from biblical sources but from science?

Is it misquotes or misrepresentation from the media that is confusing me.or is it just bad science?

The world is warming up, The world is cooling down.
No some parts are really warming up and other bits will see a new ice age.
Global warming is not happening

Its all our fault because of fossil fuels
No its the worlds natural cycle.
But theres still time to make a difference
No its already too late.

The world is going to be flooded Within the next 100 years
No a 3rd of it is in 50 years.
No its already began and we should start building an ark now[okay I made that up]

Bird flu is a sweeping pandemic that will kill millions
No need to panic its all under control
Its killing people already
Its not crossed over into a human form yet?
Kill all birds... now there putting down cats...there making up as they go along.

Super Volcano in Yellowstone will destroy the world
Well it may do one day

Meteorite strike could happen any moment
A meteorite strike of the type that killed the dinosaurs is unlikely to happen .

Don't drink red wine
Do drink red wine

Don't eat meat
Organic meat is good in small quantities
Meat may cause cancer
Worcester Sauce may cause cancer
Dieting is bad for us
We must diet or we'll become obese

The list goes on indeed it already has already...religion has been accused of
keeping us in the dark, confusing us with so many man made ideas, betraying us,controlling us, sounds like science and the media are doing the same.