I have just spent my afternoon in A&E after my 12 month old fell on some glass & sliced the end off his finger! it was bleeding profusely when we arrived & the lady at reception had to go for dressings to stem the blood.
Now I know A&E can get busy & today was definately that.There was a waiting room full of people & an ambulance had come in.
But can someone please explain how there waiting system works?? obviously ambulances with emergencies take priority over everything but then what? is it first come first served?
We sat in that waiting room for 3 hours!! two people in the waiting room called before us actually asked the nurse if they were going to call my baby first, the reply was 'NO!'.
I wouldnt of minded waiting so long if anyone waiting before me was a priority but doesnt common sense tell them that a bleeding baby might be a little more important than a swollen hand or sore back!!
I eventually left after 3 hours without even seeing a doctor!! I decided it was quicker to take him to the local surgery.
This isnt the first time ive had a bad experience with the A&E and I will definately be thinking twice before I dash back there again.