Quote Originally Posted by bekisman View Post
Stuck here at Edinburgh Airport waiting for yet another delayed Flybe flight, just looking at the News that Sturgeon "Warns Cameron" : "she again re-iterated that if Scotland voted to remain in the EU on 23 June while the UK as a whole voted to leave, it could trigger demands for a second independence referendum." My God, what an overblown opinion that woman has of herself! in reality who the hell does she think she is? There is no correlation whatsoever in those voting NO to Europe and voting YES for Independence. Unfortunately for Sturgeon she is looked upon mockingly outside of Scotland.. we have many friends in Italy, and they are very derisive of her - maybe if she traveled a bit more and had more of an open mind it would help, but this constant stamping of feet, this shrill orders, makes her look rather pathetic..
Your being a wee bit unfair, I thought she looked quite becoming in her sailor suit making her case despite all her grimacing , I have booked my specsavers appointment for tomorrow.