Well I was amused to read infamous Twitter troll Paul Monaghan complain about the level of abuse he receives on Twitter. So far he has been unmasked by the National Papers as an internet troll himself famous for putting out some quite disturbing ( for an MP ) tweets, he also has a reputation for blocking anyone, his consitutuents included who ask awkward questions. As of yet though I personally have not seen one abusive message to him maybe he has become thin skinned or to used to people fawning over him like those at RT ( Russia Today ) as he waves the flag for Chagos ignoring the crimes perpetrated by Russia agains the Chechins.

Bringing Mhairi Black to Caithness to bolster his flagging support base may excite a few of the party faithful but considering her woefully inadequate lack of surgeries for her own constituents one may ask whether she would be better off attending to the area for which she was elected rather than grand standing in areas just to raise her party profile.