FRom the Daily Rag : NICOLA Sturgeon is heading for another Holyrood landslide – despite less than a third of the public thinking her Government are doing a good job in key areas.

A stunning new poll today showed 62 per cent of Scots plan to vote SNP in the constituency section of next year’s Scottish Parliament election.
And 54 per cent say they will also back the nationalists in the regional section of the ballot.
The poll also reveals that over the last year, only 25 per cent of voters think Sturgeon’s party have done a good job on the economy.
Thirty-four per cent said the SNP had done well on the NHS, 30 per cent approved of their handling of education and a meagre 23 per cent believed they had done a good job on crime and justice.

Can anyone explain this to me, I see it in simple terms, despite public percieved poor showings in NHS, education crime and the economy...the voting public have nowhere else to turn to...Labour wiped out and no time to rebuild, ditto LD's, Tories..a toxic brand for years in a badly perforimng government will get back in, possibly under a very low turn out but in they will go.