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Thread: Springer Spaniel Info Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Springer Spaniel Info Please


    We are thinking of buying a Springer Spaniel Puppy (10 weeks old) but have never had this breed before so were wondering if anyone can give us any advice on temperment/training/good with kids etc. We have 4 small kids so it is very important to us that this breed gets along with kids.

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice any of you can give us.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    As far as I know they can be very energetic and they need plenty of exercise
    Why be a hard rock when you really are a gem!

  3. #3


    I have two springers and they are great but not for the faint hearted!! They are mental and needs lots and lots of exercise. As a general rule they get on fine with kids but the best thing to do would be to meet your puppy's parents and check how they get on with kids. They can be very OTT, you don't say how old your children are but if they are young a springer could quite easily knock one over in excitement.

    They are meant to be fairly easy to train and i've not had other dogs so can't compare and mine were ok - but they still have cloth-ear moments and ignore me completely. It's also fairly common for them to get the scent of a rabbit or something and be in the next county before you know it!

    They have long, fine hair which needs to be brushed at least once a week. They will trample mud through your house because even on the driest day they will find mud and/or water, and leave piles of dog hair everywhere.

    Ok - those were the bad things! - but they are great. They always want to be with you, they are nosey and love to have cuddles and I would think as long as your children are taught to respect the dog and it's not nervy they will have great fun chasing each other about. I love mine beacuse of their full-of-life attitude but they are just too much for some people.

  4. #4


    busy busy busy busy busy, hubbub ha ha thats a springer, as laurapetprtraits has said you havent said how old your children are, if your house is a madhouse already be prepared for it to double.

    Sadly i lost my springer 8 months ago, i miss the hubbub, we got jake at 5 weeks when teen miss k was nearly 9, this was a good age, as she was able to have some control, but as the last post said the wiff of a rabbit and thats it, then you have to try get them off the rabbit (manys a good hike would be spoilt by the wait for jake to devour the rabbit)
    I then had weany miss k 2 years ago, before her birth it had to be all planned around jakes excersise.....prams that would cope with woodland ( i have gone through 4 prams), backpacks for hill climbing, they need excersise not trips round the block, good hikes, jake climbed Ben nevis when he was 2 and still had bags of energy for the beach afterwards

    Also childrens toys, jake would eat anything, most of weany miss ks toys were chewed to bits, we would have to be super vigilant on small pieces so he wouldnt swallow them, this could turn into a battle, child wants toys, dog wants to eat them....nightmare.

    They are a super breed and as i say i miss him and the hype dreadfully, but again not everyones cup of tea ,when my relatives come to visit i can see..... not that they would say of course...but i know they prefer my big hunk of a lab now and not the ambush they used to get, and then have to entertain him for the whole visit.

    If you love walking, hill climbing, country life then the springer is for you.

    If you are houseproud, not fussed about walking, have no patience then another breed may be for you, i wish you well and hope when you do decide on what breed suits you, you have years of fun.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    they are very affectionate and loyal and soft dogs (as all we have ever had before getting Poppy our lab has been springers) but they need loads of exercise and dont calm down until they are oaps in the doggie lifespan ie about 8-10 years old but they are great with kids and will let them do anything to them but most of them seem to lack in the brain department ie if they had an extra brain cell it would be lonely!
    they love water (the dirtier the better) and rolling in things (the smellier the better) and they are prone to getting things stuck in their hair (backs of legs, belly and ears)
    They can smell out a chocolate button at 50 feet and will do anything for food but if out and they find a good scent no matter how much you shout you wont get them back until they are ready (selective hearing) but i would definately recommend springers as a family pet as they are very loving and loyal dogs and will love to share all the family life with you (even your couch and bed if you are not careful)

  6. #6


    I have 3 springers, agree with everything that's been said.

    They are hyper, loving, nosey, will steal socks, pants and anything else they can find (particularly good at stealthily pinching stuff from the washing machine whilst you'te trying to load it up!). Love ball games, very bouncy. will run all day and still be ready for more!

    If there's mud or water they are in it, watch out for matted ears and matts on legs, tums, bums and belly!

    Can get waxy ears so check them.

    Very food orientated

    Best dogs ever in my opinion, but would say not for little kids as too bouncy.

    As long as you've loads of energy and time for training and are not too house proud you'll be fine!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Thank you all for your messages, we have 2 boys aged 10 and 4 and 2 girls aged 3 and 6 months, the 6 month baby is just starting to get around in her baby walker so concerned the puppy may jump up at her, our house is very manic as it is but I do like to have the house tidy (whenever possible) and carpets clean, plus the kids always have toys lying around so now wondering whether the kids would get annoyed with the dog eating the toys or if they would find it funny, needs more thought I think.

  8. #8


    To be honest any puppy is going to cause major disruption and mess in your household! They will all pee and poo in unwanted places and chew anything that's available, if a pup gets hold of toys it could not only upset the child but you could also end up with a big vet bill trying to get the object out of the pups tummy!

    Maybe it would be best to wait a few years until your children are older before getting a dog.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    I dont know my first spaniel was brought up with me when i was really little ...there is a photo of me at 6 months old and mossy dog at 6 weeks old somewhere and mum and dad say it was a lot easier to train the dog than us girls

    We were brought up together and there were no probs Mossy would Knock us over occassionally when excited (usually went round us) but there again we used him as a babywalker hanging off his ears so what comes around goes around I guess!

    He was very handy at cleaning up the floor under highchairs and washing chocolatey fingers but was not allowed to snatch stuff from our hands (he soon learned)

    so i suppose its all down to your own hard work in training at the start but you could have a friend for life!

  10. #10


    Exactly Dadie when weany miss k was born jake was 2, and he was used to his many walks a day, and i was absolutely determined to make sure he wasnt going to miss out on the attention he was so used to, its all about how committed you are at the begining, but well done to the lady today posting on here and reading all our experiences, unfortunately so many people rush in without doing any research find out later on down the road that no this just wont work out and once again theres a dog needing re-homed.
    I only had 2 kids and it wasnt easy fitting in all their needs plus jakes but im proud to say i worked flat out (and still do now with harry) to make it work, its true puppies are a handful what ever the breed, most breeds settle down when they get older.....springers dont the hype is there practically till the end, whenever i see a springer i get a lump in my throat, they are wonderful and not a day goes by when i dont think about jake and all our adventures.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    I would have another springer tommorrow if I had half a chance and that is with me expecting child no 2 in 10 weeks time and lauren is only going to be 2 in june!
    But I would want another big springer like benson and Mossy were like ..benson used to be taller than my lab (but she is a small lab)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2001


    I didn't really like to say with my first post, I was trying to be subtle, the only springer I ever knew belonged to my uncle, he was an absolute hyperactive lunatic (the dog not my uncle), he'd be bouncing on your head like zebedee if you just looked at him sideways, lovely nature though!

    I'd suggest they need good training and plenty of boundaries, oh and buy him or her a treadmill.
    Why be a hard rock when you really are a gem!

  13. #13


    There are two types of springer, show type and working type, show types are leggier and more laid back, we had on, our Sam, who died a couple of years ago, he was the most laid back springer ever (but he still had 'selective hearing'!) but the ones you generally find are working types, shorter in the leg, tails that never stop wagging and endless energy!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008



    Thank you ever so much for all the replies, helpful information and advice, it is much appreciated.

    We are thinking we'll look for a calmer breed for the young kids so if anyone knows of any puppies for sale at the moment that would be good with kids could you let us know. My other half is still hoping to talk us round to a Springer so if we can find one that is not manic we may consider it.

    Thanks to everyone for replying to my initial question.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by neepnipper View Post
    I have 3 springers, agree with everything that's been said.

    They are hyper, loving, nosey, will steal socks, pants and anything else they can find (particularly good at stealthily pinching stuff from the washing machine whilst you'te trying to load it up!). Love ball games, very bouncy. will run all day and still be ready for more!

    If there's mud or water they are in it, watch out for matted ears and matts on legs, tums, bums and belly!

    Can get waxy ears so check them.

    Very food orientated

    Best dogs ever in my opinion, but would say not for little kids as too bouncy.

    As long as you've loads of energy and time for training and are not too house proud you'll be fine!
    The comments above are spot on...they are wonderful, bonkers, attract mud and dirt and are great with kids of around 8 + as they are soooooo lively. My mum lives in the country which I reckon is ideal for them as they get very long walks. Good luck if you take one on....
    Spring has sprung, the grass is ris', I wonder where the birdies is, the birdies is on d' wing, now thats absurd, everyone knows d' wing is on d' bird

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Maybe you could look at the springer and cocker rescue pages for an older dog? Rescue dogs can be very good dogs that are being rehomed for circumstances that can't be helped and spaniels do calm down (a bit) by the time they're about 3 or so.

    Have had a springer and a cocker (both working strains and more or less rescue). All the comments in this thread are true. They are in-your-face, look at me-me-me little dogs and will always drag any possible dirt into the house but clipping helps. On the other hand, they are very smart, trainable and fun. They're the best dogs we've ever had. However much trouble they give you, they'll always steal your heart like no other kind of dog.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2008


    Thank you again for all your replies and advice, they have been very helpful, we also spent ages researching the springers on the net and went looking for a puppy yesterday and we did find what we think is the perfect puppy for our family, he is a 9 week old, liver and white springer and so far has been no trouble and is great with the kids.

    Fingers crossed we get him trained well and he continues to be a pleasure to have in our family.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by coreyjay View Post
    Thank you again for all your replies and advice, they have been very helpful, we also spent ages researching the springers on the net and went looking for a puppy yesterday and we did find what we think is the perfect puppy for our family, he is a 9 week old, liver and white springer and so far has been no trouble and is great with the kids.

    Fingers crossed we get him trained well and he continues to be a pleasure to have in our family.
    There's only one problem with your post..... No picture

    Please, please pretty please? We wanna see the cute puppy
    Currently reading:- The tea leaves

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by coreyjay View Post
    Thank you again for all your replies and advice, they have been very helpful, we also spent ages researching the springers on the net and went looking for a puppy yesterday and we did find what we think is the perfect puppy for our family, he is a 9 week old, liver and white springer and so far has been no trouble and is great with the kids.

    Fingers crossed we get him trained well and he continues to be a pleasure to have in our family.
    That's lovely - so glad you went ahead, and that you've found one. Please post a picture - can't wait to see him. SPringers are tops. Enjoy.

  20. #20
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    Mar 2008


    This is our little puppy, thanks again to everyone for the helpful information and advice, it is much appreciated and helped greatly in the hunt for our perfect puppy, which we hope we have now found.

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