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Thread: NHS Service in Caithness

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Two years ago a relative was in CG and was sent to Raigmore regarding their heart problem. Raigmore doctors assessed him the next day and he was discharged to the lounge at the front entrance to wait until relatives could be informed to come and get him. To this day any mention of being taken to Raigmore is met with an extremely negative reply. He was readmitted the following day to CG where his treatment continued for three days before being discharged to home again.

    Look what happened to Dunbar in Thurso over the years............used to be a proper hospital with operating theatres and visiting surgeons. Both my parents have had operations there, and a schoolfriend from high school her appendix removed.

    I hope I am wrong, but can see CG becoming a nursing home if the powers that be get their way.
    Making tomorrow`s memories today

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Ambulances are not glorified taxis. There are emergency ambulances and patients transport and cars
    Live for today as tomorrow may never come

  3. #43


    thats ok fran but what happens as it happen to my husband was rushed to raigmore with no coat or money then discharged late in the afternoon to late for transport home i do not drive had to ask a freind to drive down and back .no every one has a good freind they can call on.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    You seem to have missed the point Fran......I did not suggest the patient should have been transported home in an ambulance.............But he was discharged to the lounge in a hospital gown and no contact had been made with family about getting him home. Just by pure chance I phoned to ask how he was and was told he had already been discharged to the lounge and was waiting for us to come for him.

    I understand your nightmare Starfish.
    Making tomorrow`s memories today

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Space the final frontier


    Actually the way the powers that be in our local hospital are heading Ambulances in the far north WILL become nothing more than glorified taxis will they not? Taking patient A downt the road taking patient B back up the road and so on. The moral of the staff involved in all these crazy decisions must be at an all time low.Many patients do find themselves suddenly 100 miles from home and then its up to the family to sort out how to get down to them and at times how to get them home again. But hey not the managements problem as theyve saveda few pound.
    My mother seldom said anything, but her sighs were loud enough

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Any one notice the article in 'e Groats, where our MSP said he was not aware of a problem at Caithness General?
    Is he playing Ostritch and hiding his head in the sand?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    I think you should join the patients council
    Live for today as tomorrow may never come

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    and now another consultant has resigned
    Live for today as tomorrow may never come

  9. #49
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    Space the final frontier


    I dont blame him for that as management cut back on the locums for the surgical patients and told the medical consultant when he was on call he would have to look after the surgical patients as well. Im sure this made him rethink his position in Wick rapidly. Im told he was the only remaining permanant consultant in the medical side and management effectively shafted him well done them. poor handling by managemnt i would say however this is nothing new.Its a complete and utter disaster and they are not handling it well or maybe they are maybe the long term goal is to create a crisis so that they can downgrade the hospital who knows but Im glad ive not long for this earth as its indeed worry times for folk living here.
    My mother seldom said anything, but her sighs were loud enough

  10. #50
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    Space the final frontier

    Default Fra

    Fran Im sorry to suggest but if management dont listen to their own staff the public and whats being written in the press I dont think they will listen to the patient council they have their own way of working and thats it !!
    My mother seldom said anything, but her sighs were loud enough

  11. #51


    the consultian that is now leaving will be a huge lose to cgh he has a good patient bed side manner that actullay cares about the patient and treats them as one of his own i will miss he and know others that will come on managerment take action before you yourselfs are out of a job too but then they wiull just move off and leave us up here with out a hospital

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Godzone County


    At this rate will the NHS disappear in Caithness? Raigmore seems to be about to become our local hospital! Yet, has that not been happening slowly anyway in recent times? Wick to Inverness must be a similar journey as say Perth to Inverness. Perhaps it could be suggested in Holyrood that all the elderly and sick Tayside folk will have to travel to Inverness for Consultant appointments and operations in future?

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    During the worst November weather known to man a couple of years ago we set off from Thurso to attend a follow up appointment in Western General Hospital in Edinburgh where my husband was due to see his urological consultant the next day. We arrived at our accommodation just before midnight and were surprised the next day how quiet the clinic was. Mr D was due to see 24 patients, but only ourselves and a couple from Dundee and two men from Berwick upon Tweed turned up. All the rest of the appointments were cancelled by Edinburgh locals. Total waste of a surgeons time. Luckily the accommodation was available for us for another night and we were able to stay until the roads were slightly improved and even then had to spend the next again night in Inverness as the A9 was closed.

    My husband would not be alive today if it was not for Mr D who offered pioneering surgery never before considered in the UK and we are grateful to him for that, but I would not want to relive the five years of travelling regularly for surgeries and treatment. Going to Inverness is a nightmare for old folks we need to fight to retain our services and improve life locally.
    Making tomorrow`s memories today

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by LIZZ View Post
    Any one notice the article in 'e Groats, where our MSP said he was not aware of a problem at Caithness General?
    Is he playing Ostritch and hiding his head in the sand?
    Lizz he doesnt seem to be aware of very much. Never seen him locally never hear from him never know what hes doing from one day to the next except lifting a handsome salary for representing us. If he doesnt know of a problem then he should maybe try speaking to his local SNP councillors in the area to make sure hes briefed on whats going on mind you maybe they all think theres not a problem who knows . Me I think theres a huge problem and its being handled or should I say misshandled terribly by the management.I wonder what disasterous news we will be hearing next whos next to go wishfully hoping it will be management but more likely it will be docotors or nurses shame on everyone for this mess.
    My mother seldom said anything, but her sighs were loud enough

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mother Superior View Post
    At this rate will the NHS disappear in Caithness? Raigmore seems to be about to become our local hospital! Yet, has that not been happening slowly anyway in recent times? Wick to Inverness must be a similar journey as say Perth to Inverness. Perhaps it could be suggested in Holyrood that all the elderly and sick Tayside folk will have to travel to Inverness for Consultant appointments and operations in future?
    Maybe we will be left with no hospital or at least not as we know it. Never mind the VET can maybe take over and start operating on us at this rate our chances of survival might be better. Imagine asking folks in the central belt to travel for hospital appointments or better still folks in Inverness I can already hear the outcry.It will be Highland clearances all over again. Everyone leaving to go to where at least we can get healthcare jobs etc.
    My mother seldom said anything, but her sighs were loud enough

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Godzone County


    I am just wondering If our Member of Parliament is aware that there is an election next May? Or does he not see the need to speak out for the interests of his constituents and his re-election will be automatic? Hmmm!

    If there are any other candidates, or their party colleagues, opposing our current MP next May, and they are reading this thread, would they like to give their views on the situation at the CGH?

  17. #57
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    Reading back through the thread there appears to be some confusion surrounding which of our 'so called' representatives does not realise their is a problem at CGH and my previous post may have been unfair on our MP. So is it our Lib Dem MP or our SNP MSP who have their 'head in the sand'? Perhaps our Westminster MP has no interest in the NHS in Caithness because Westminster does not administer Scotland's NHS? So can we really blame him if he should be avoiding the CGH issue and deny him our trusted vote once again next May? But am I right in thinking that our MSP is a colleague of Scotland's Health Minister who has her tightly clenched hand on the purse strings? So could it therefore be argued that it is our MSP who has to ask himself whose interests he represents?

  18. #58
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    Our MP John Thurso has his finger firmly on the pulse of the happenings at Caithness General. Just because he is not shouting about it from the rooftops does not mean he does not care or is not supporting his constituents to get us a fair deal.

    Mr Gibson on the other hand...........head in sand.
    Making tomorrow`s memories today

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    Godzone County


    Three Hail Marys for Mr Gibson I think.

  20. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by poppett View Post
    Our MP John Thurso has his finger firmly on the pulse of the happenings at Caithness General. Just because he is not shouting about it from the rooftops does not mean he does not care or is not supporting his constituents to get us a fair deal.

    Mr Gibson on the other hand...........head in sand.
    You know this, how? John Thurso has been conspicuous by his absence in this very important local issue

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