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Thread: New regs ban wood burning stoves from new-build homes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default New regs ban wood burning stoves from new-build homes

    Seen on the BBC website; "A row has broken out over the use of wood burning stoves in Scotland.

    New regulations came into force at the beginning of the month that broadly ban burning stoves from new-build homes. ... ".

    Most of the highest rated comments at the bottom of the news story are against this. What do you think about this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Default Insanity

    I think:1. The goal is to force everyone onto an electric grid so that it's easier to control people2. Laws requiring Smart Meters (cannot refuse them) will come next and they can be shut off remotely for any reason.3. Most likely one of reasons will be to enforce compliance with things you may not agree with. Sort of like the truckers in Canada who saw their bank accounts closed as punishment for attending a peaceful protest. It is not too far fetched to imagine your electricity getting shut off if you refuse to comply with who knows what. 4. This is not about saving the environment. This is about building a system that can be monitored and controlled by Artificial Intelligence.5. AI controlled areas are called SMART CITIES. 6. Therefore, in conclusion, the ban on wood burning stoves is actually part of a larger plan to build Smart Cities. 7. Other moving parts of this overall plan include DIGITAL IDs (Australia and the EU are making Digital IDs the law), and Digital Currencies (a cashless society - this is why the banks are being shutdown all over the UK - so you have no choice but to comply because you don't even have cash in your hands anymore), and Universal Income (where everyone who complies will get digital money to survive and those that don't comply are going to be forced to live off the land. Except you will find it very hard to live off the land at some point, with new laws that control farming. In some parts of America they are banning all home gardens, too, so that people can't even grow a head of lettuce without getting arrested).

  3. #3

    Default You are correct.

    In America and coming to Canada, is the power of the Electric Companies to control your Thermostats.This occurs particularly in the Summer time, when the draw for Air Conditioners is beyond what the Power Companies can deliver, Welcome to The New World.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by WickyWoman View Post
    I think:1. The goal is to force everyone onto an electric grid so that it's easier to control people2. Laws requiring Smart Meters (cannot refuse them) will come next and they can be shut off remotely for any reason.3. Most likely one of reasons will be to enforce compliance with things you may not agree with. Sort of like the truckers in Canada who saw their bank accounts closed as punishment for attending a peaceful protest. It is not too far fetched to imagine your electricity getting shut off if you refuse to comply with who knows what. 4. This is not about saving the environment. This is about building a system that can be monitored and controlled by Artificial Intelligence.5. AI controlled areas are called SMART CITIES. 6. Therefore, in conclusion, the ban on wood burning stoves is actually part of a larger plan to build Smart Cities. 7. Other moving parts of this overall plan include DIGITAL IDs (Australia and the EU are making Digital IDs the law), and Digital Currencies (a cashless society - this is why the banks are being shutdown all over the UK - so you have no choice but to comply because you don't even have cash in your hands anymore), and Universal Income (where everyone who complies will get digital money to survive and those that don't comply are going to be forced to live off the land. Except you will find it very hard to live off the land at some point, with new laws that control farming. In some parts of America they are banning all home gardens, too, so that people can't even grow a head of lettuce without getting arrested).
    Well said WickyWoman. Its all about controlling the population. No privacy at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Funny, I thought it was a lot of paranoid rot culled from various nutter websites, taking things the writer doesn't like and shoehorning them into a massive conspiracy. Funny how these secret cabals that control all our lives are so easily sussed out by random people on the internet.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by stumpy View Post
    Funny, I thought it was a lot of paranoid rot culled from various nutter websites, taking things the writer doesn't like and shoehorning them into a massive conspiracy. Funny how these secret cabals that control all our lives are so easily sussed out by random people on the internet.
    Am trying to figure is this just sarcasm or are u getting the msg.We are going to a Digital Currency!

  7. #7

    Default Wicky Woman

    Ottawa Canada……The centre of our Capital was shut down for 5 weeks…thousands if people live there.The Border between Canada and America was closed. Billions if $’s lost.The Gov’t did what they had to.Read the whole story!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Default Oh

    Just sharing what I think!!! You don't have to agree.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Default You should disclose this

    Quote Originally Posted by stumpy View Post
    Funny, I thought it was a lot of paranoid rot culled from various nutter websites, taking things the writer doesn't like and shoehorning them into a massive conspiracy. Funny how these secret cabals that control all our lives are so easily sussed out by random people on the internet.
    You should disclose that you work in local government when you post comments like this. I think people would find that information useful and important when trying to decide if your comments are useful or not. It's listed in your profile, but not everyone clicks to read profiles. Also, you live in Edinburgh although you are from Thurso. So does that mean you are working for the gov't in Edinburgh? I only ask because the issues facing people in this area are vastly different from the issues in Edinburgh.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Default Meanwhile in England

    At this link, you will see notices are being sent out to people who don't "switch" to smart meters. The person who shared this on social media also said, "There are 1000s of rural households on economy 7 who cannot have a smart meter for technical reasons - EDF are you saying they will freeze to death in winter then?" My answer is YES. Yes, indeed. If you don't have a woodburner and you don't comply, you will indeed just freeze to death.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    If anyone's interested I'll tell them. My work has no bearing on either my opinions or the topic in hand, and I was merely expressing an opinion on a contribution from a new member who appears determined to troll the site with wearily predictable posts.I'm well aware of the differences between Caithness and Edinburgh, thank you.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by WickyWoman View Post
    I think:1. The goal is to force everyone onto an electric grid so that it's easier to control people2. Laws requiring Smart Meters (cannot refuse them) will come next and they can be shut off remotely for any reason.3. Most likely one of reasons will be to enforce compliance with things you may not agree with. Sort of like the truckers in Canada who saw their bank accounts closed as punishment for attending a peaceful protest. It is not too far fetched to imagine your electricity getting shut off if you refuse to comply with who knows what. 4. This is not about saving the environment. This is about building a system that can be monitored and controlled by Artificial Intelligence.5. AI controlled areas are called SMART CITIES. 6. Therefore, in conclusion, the ban on wood burning stoves is actually part of a larger plan to build Smart Cities. 7. Other moving parts of this overall plan include DIGITAL IDs (Australia and the EU are making Digital IDs the law), and Digital Currencies (a cashless society - this is why the banks are being shutdown all over the UK - so you have no choice but to comply because you don't even have cash in your hands anymore), and Universal Income (where everyone who complies will get digital money to survive and those that don't comply are going to be forced to live off the land. Except you will find it very hard to live off the land at some point, with new laws that control farming. In some parts of America they are banning all home gardens, too, so that people can't even grow a head of lettuce without getting arrested).
    Seems a bit of a stretch from banning a few woodburners in new homes, (not banning existing ones), to claiming Scotland is turning in to Oceania

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Default Interesting

    Quote Originally Posted by stumpy View Post
    If anyone's interested I'll tell them. My work has no bearing on either my opinions or the topic in hand, and I was merely expressing an opinion on a contribution from a new member who appears determined to troll the site with wearily predictable posts.I'm well aware of the differences between Caithness and Edinburgh, thank you.
    I think your comments are just a distraction from the issue at hand. I'm hardly a troll, this thread was an invitation to share views, so I shared mine. The topics I am discussing are of concern to a lot of people not just in our area, but globally. I am a concerned citizen. Rather than focus on the subject, you have now insulted me in both of your comments directed at me. I may be new to this forum, but I'm not new to the area. Is this how you treat everyone you disagree with? Just insult them and call them trolls? What is your end game? To make me shut up about what I really think? Silencing people with legitimate concerns does indeed sound like something someone in the Scottish gov't would do.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by Goodfellers View Post
    Seems a bit of a stretch from banning a few woodburners in new homes, (not banning existing ones), to claiming Scotland is turning in to Oceania
    You are right, it does seem like a stretch -- until you look around the world as see how it has worked out in other regions. It is very clear once you understand that in the future, the goal is to connect everything to AI. This is how it will be possible to track your consumption of everything. So, logically, any energy that you can consume that CANNOT BE TRACKED will be banned. Basically, if you can't connect it to AI, it simply won't exist anymore. Phased out. And while existing woodburners are not yet banned, they will eventually age and/or need repairs. Either the parts won't be available OR they won't pass inspections when trying to sell your home OR a new law will roll out soon that includes a ban on replacing existing woodburners. We know this based on what is happening in other regions. Consider for a moment that right now when the power goes out. most of us can survive because we have other sources of heat that do not rely on electricity. I ask in all honestly, what will you do when electricity is your only source of heat in the middle of a cold winter and the power goes out? What if it's also a storm which makes travel impossible, such as icy roads or deep snow? What are you going to do? And in that moment, do you really think it's fair that the government has put you in a position where your life has become endangered because of its horrible policies? I would suggest you might be able to jump in your car and warm up using its heater, but you can't do that in an electric car. In fact, cold weather makes some electric cars lose all power, it just drains the batteries within minutes.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    The Scottish Government are reviewing the law following calls for a rethink:

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It seems like they are listening to concers. "Ministers pause ban on wood burning stoves The Scottish government has temporarily dropped restrictions on the installation of wood burning stoves in newbuild homes or conversions. The Scottish Conservatives, who campaigned against the regulations, described the move as a "humiliating U-turn". Regulations known as the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS) came into effect at the start of April. They said new homes and buildings were not allowed to use direct-emission heating systems including gas or oil boilers. But the rules were put under review in May after concern a ban on wood burners would negatively impact on people living in rural areas. ... ". Source:

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