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Thread: Another one gone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Another one gone

    So the fuher’s wife has had to talks the long walk also.
    The Nats are in free fall and independence lies in a muddy puddle.
    it seems the beloved SNP is just a cesspit of lies, sleaze and scandal

  2. #2


    How the mighty fall.

    I'm interested to know what Mr Murrell planned to do with the 'hidden' 33,000 so called members. Was he planning to make sure Hamza got the job?

    I've said over the years that they are all as bad as each other (politicians), I think this proves it.

    Having watched the Inverness hustings, I hope KF gets the job. At least she knows where Caithness is.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    its an utter mess.
    Surely grounds for a snap election.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    its an utter mess.
    Surely grounds for a snap election.
    I do remember a lot of nationalists and many in the wider 'Yes' movement saying how undemocratic it was when Boris and Liz then Rishi were elected by a handful of Tory party members without the electorate having a say. Oddly, I've not heard the same calls from the same people when NS was sacked...sorry, resigned, and a new FM for Scotland was needed.

  5. #5


    I think what these entirely expected posts show is the extent to which yoonionists completely fail to understand Scotland; it's people and the wider Yes movement. Not one Yesser I know is going to change their mind as a consequence of the leadership contest and the various the goings on over recent days. But I'll give you your moment of schanedfreude. Simple pleasures for.......
    Yoonionists never seem capable of distinguishing between the SNP and YES. Whilst the SNP have seen a dip in support the latest indy poll I saw just a few days ago had YES in the lead.
    So yoonionists, enjoy your little moment of joy while you can. It won't last long and the more you skip and dance the more determined us separatists become never to give up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    I think what these entirely expected posts show is the extent to which yoonionists completely fail to understand Scotland; it's people and the wider Yes movement. Not one Yesser I know is going to change their mind as a consequence of the leadership contest and the various the goings on over recent days. But I'll give you your moment of schanedfreude. Simple pleasures for.......
    Yoonionists never seem capable of distinguishing between the SNP and YES. Whilst the SNP have seen a dip in support the latest indy poll I saw just a few days ago had YES in the lead.
    So yoonionists, enjoy your little moment of joy while you can. It won't last long and the more you skip and dance the more determined us separatists become never to give up.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I am fairly sure that you were an avid defender of all things SNP, and a staunch defender of Nicola.
    What is your opinion of all the shady dealing accusations that are now coming out, missing money, phantom members, vote manipulation?
    This is all ahead of the findings of the ongoing police investigation.

    Is this all the fault of the big bad Westminster powerhouse.

    Were you consulted in the latest indy poll for your opinion, I know I wasn't?
    Last edited by mi16; 20-Mar-23 at 13:10.

  7. #7


    Best take polls with a pinch of salt

    This new one shows support at a low of 37%..................Corky, please note, I put links to my 'statistics'. If you're not sure how to back up your claims, just ask and I'll explain how to do it.

  8. #8


    Ps I really didn't think you were so childish Corky. You're clearly an example of snp education, unable to spell, poor thing, when Labour start running Scotland, can I suggest you take some evening classes and get your standard of English up.

  9. #9


    What an obnoxious bunch you yoonionists are:- never have a single argument against Indy so just resort to deeply personal insults. Really does show up the calibre of person you are, doesn't it? Perhaps a time for a little quiet reflection on the image you present to the wider public. I mean, invoking the actions of a convicted rapist to bolster support for the Yoonion; claiming yoonionists don't resort to violence only a few days before one is jailed for writing about assassinating the FM; constantly trying to limit free speech by a) demanding I get thrown off the .Org; b) by threatening me with the police because I mentioned the word "England" and c) threatening to complain to OFCOM because I choose to spell a word in a way you dislike. Oh, and the endless personal insults which you seem to think are fine so long as they are heading in my direction. Just a bunch of obnoxious hypocrites. Vile frankly.

    And just for the record (again) I am not in the SNP and I am not on here to defend them.

    It's also worth noting that if you think Labour is the answer then you must have been asked a bl**dy silly question. If I wanted the Tories in power I would vote for the blue ones not the red ones who have had decades in power and done nothing with it that benefits Scotland.

    And one final thing Goodfellers. I don't think you should be commenting upon the standard of English and levels of education of other correspondents on here. You just end up looking ridiculous. That is particularly so when the post, in which you deride my "standard of English", is so chock-full full of your own grammatical errors - at least six that I can see.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by mi16 View Post
    Correct me if I am wrong

    OK. You are wrong.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Corky Smeek View Post
    What an obnoxious bunch you yoonionists are:- never have a single argument against Indy so just resort to deeply personal insults. Really does show up the calibre of person you are, doesn't it? Perhaps a time for a little quiet reflection on the image you present to the wider public. I mean, invoking the actions of a convicted rapist to bolster support for the Yoonion; claiming yoonionists don't resort to violence only a few days before one is jailed for writing about assassinating the FM; constantly trying to limit free speech by a) demanding I get thrown off the .Org; b) by threatening me with the police because I mentioned the word "England" and c) threatening to complain to OFCOM because I choose to spell a word in a way you dislike. Oh, and the endless personal insults which you seem to think are fine so long as they are heading in my direction. Just a bunch of obnoxious hypocrites. Vile frankly.

    And just for the record (again) I am not in the SNP and I am not on here to defend them.

    It's also worth noting that if you think Labour is the answer then you must have been asked a bl**dy silly question. If I wanted the Tories in power I would vote for the blue ones not the red ones who have had decades in power and done nothing with it that benefits Scotland.

    And one final thing Goodfellers. I don't think you should be commenting upon the standard of English and levels of education of other correspondents on here. You just end up looking ridiculous. That is particularly so when the post, in which you deride my "standard of English", is so chock-full full of your own grammatical errors - at least six that I can see.
    Haha, someone got out of bed the wrong side! I love reading your posts, they cheer me up no end! I'm betting you didn't read the article showing indy support at its lowest level, I deliberately mis quoted the figure, knowing how pedantic you are, but you didn't spot that mistake.

    I must ask, you're not a blue Tory, a red Tory or a tartan Tory, that only leaves the greens, please tell me you're not one of them, although that would explain a lot. For example, your frustration and despondancy knowing the next FM is likely to kick you out of government. I suppose watching the prospect of independence in your lifetime circling the drain must make you somewhat sad too.

    I look forward to your next offering....Oh I almost forgot, I love your idea of spelling words anyway you see fit Cnut (pronounced C-O-R-K-Y)

  12. #12


    Just wondering Goodfellers. Are you acting like this for a bet? I do hope whatever return you get is worth the loss of your credibility for you are just making a damn fool of yourself at the moment.

    I'd be more than happy to engage you in mature conversation but I'm not sure you could lift your ideas far enough out of the gutter for it to be worthwhile.

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