Very much NOT THE END.

You called me a liar. You called me a liar when I was telling the truth. You called me a liar and are now using weasel words to attempt to squirm your way out of the hole you dug for yourself. The survey in question is on the IpsosMori website. You just haven't found it. The question about how many folk thought the Union wouldn't last was just one part of a wider survey.

And if you think you can claim the moral high ground about citing sources at least I have never claimed you were lying when you failed to produce a link to a source.

The highest court in the land. Is that the one based in London where the judges are appointed by the King based upon recommendations by the Prime Minister - see link:- Not an awfully impartial arbiter is it? Oppressor is exactly the word to use in these circumstances but your red, white and blue spectacles won't let you see the truth.

So let's not call it a day. For a start you haven't apologised. And for another start just because you have begun to realise that what I am saying is true does not mean you can hide from your part in betraying Scotland and the people who live here.